

“You, my child, were born in captivity to your mother and stolen by McClintock and Tabor. You are sister to the Queen.”

Selene’s words echoed through my mind as I lay on the ground in an absolute black cave. How much time had passed? Hours? Days? Snow clung to the ground when Tabor stole me away, yet the cave was warm. It did not matter. I was going nowhere. I clenched my eyes shut. I could not see either way, but I was more in control of my surroundings with them closed. More in control of my prison.

My prison.

Selene is involved with Tabor.

Tabor has me in a cave.

My fingers carved lines in the dirt as I ticked off the facts as I knew them.

Skye is my sister.

My mother was Queen Mercier.

My father, the King?

I am a royal.

A bitter laugh shook my shoulders and turned to pain.

I am a pawn.