Selfish Moves


She planned to leave.

Skye settled closer against my side, her soft limbs pliant and molding to my body as she sighed contently in her sleep. Jaw clenched, I stroked the smooth dip of skin at the small of her back.

She planned to leave, yet she married me.

Might as well plunge my own dagger through my heart and toss me in the moat.

In that surreal moment last night when a connection was forged between us, everything came into focus through her eyes. The past, the present, and the future. Or, at least, her plan for the future.

The nightmares that plan evoked woke me from my sleep, sweat dotting my brow.

Her unexpected visit to Hivernia had provided her with some of the answers we longed for. The Drakoon was an ancient, discarnate being trapped within Tabor. How the creature came to possess him wasn’t clear. Its plans for Skye weren’t clear. How we would fight it wasn’t clear—not to me—but it was to Skye. While inside her thoughts, I saw what she intended. I saw her surrender. I saw the clarity she had in her decision, and I was terrified.

Frustrated, I slid out from beneath the warmth of her skin and snatched my pants from the floor, hastily pulling them on as I fumbled my way across the room.

Skye was firm in her resolve, it was so clear that my head fell into my hands as I crouched before the fireplace. A lone log remained, half-burned and smoldering, and I peered into the last of the glowing embers as though our answers could be found there. Skye’s scent filled my senses. She lingered on me, on my hands and body. The magical energy between us—which had soared to an all-time high when we joined as one—continued through my veins. A rush like no other.

“The elves will come.” I didn’t flinch at Skye’s soft whisper. “I see your worry, Xander. They will help us.”

My gaze didn’t stray from the ashes. “What makes you so sure?”

There was a long pause.

“The Drakoon isn’t as strong as he once was. Aeromin said that if the creature had the strength it did before, it would have wiped us all out by now. Its only motive was its lust for power. The elves have no choice. Drakoon wants to rule all,” she said. “If it wipes us out, it will move on to them next.”

Tension built in my muscles until my shoulders touched my ears. “Where did its power go?” I added a log to the dying fire.

Again, she was silent for too long. This time I turned. She sat in the middle of the bed—the covers modestly held to her chest—her brow furrowed and mouth twisting while she watched me. I took in her creamy bare shoulders, and lust twisted my gut. I longed to return to her, to forget what I saw in her mind last night. But I couldn’t.

“Did Aeromin tell you how they defeated it in Valeyah?” I asked.

Her gaze shifted to the floor. That brief check spoke volumes.

Standing, I returned to studying the fire. As baby flames licked at the logs I added. “Do you plan on keeping everything from me? Won’t you leave with me some knowledge of how to fight this after you’re gone?”

I crossed my arms and braced myself for her answers when the rustle of blankets and patter of feet on the floor alerted me to her movement.

The warmth of her cheek pressed against my shoulder blade came first, followed by the rest of her blanket covered body leaning against my back. “You saw my thoughts, didn’t you?” Her hand glided around my side and lingered on my marking. “Before we … when we touched … I saw our past through your eyes. I saw your parents. I saw mine.”

I disentangled myself from her warmth. “And I saw your plan to give yourself over to our enemy.”


The tenderness in her voice forced me to face her. “You don’t get to make choices like that, Skye. You don’t get to sacrifice yourself—”

“It isn’t a choice.” She gripped the covers tighter. “How many times do we have to go over this? He wants me.”

“I don’t care.” I grabbed her by the arms and tugged her into my chest. “We will find another way. We will read through every book. We will talk to every person in the refugee camp until we find answers. Call for Griffin, make him answer you.” Emotion clogged my throat and halted my plea.

Helplessness invaded my bloodstream. “No,” I said more to myself than Skye. “I did not find you only to let you go. We have not lost so much, only to lose each other, too.”

Her hands skirted up my back and over my shoulders until they settled on either side of my head. “Last night—” she drew me away from where I’d ducked my face into the crook of her neck.

“Was perfect,” I interrupted.

She shook her head. “It was selfish.”

I refused to believe that. I bent over and scooped her into my arms—covers and all—and carried her back to bed. “It was perfect, Skye. I won’t regret marrying you, no matter what happens.”

Skye released her grip on the blankets and touched my face. “Neither will I,” she promised as her body strained forward. Her mouth found mine as I lowered her onto the bed and followed after her.