“Snow Crash hit like a lightning bolt and put Stephenson in the top echelon of cyberpunk, a brand of science fiction noir that's heav technology and futuristic grit. … The dominant technological thread in The Diamond Age has to do with nanotechnology . . . a potent literary brew.”
—Seattle Post-Intelligencer
“Stephenson's animated imagination . . . circulates through the narrative. . . . Combined with the cutting-edge technology, . . . witticisms make reading The Diamond Age a lot of fun.”
—The Washington Post
“Stephenson creates a rich and complex world. . . . There's a wealth of invention and a large cast of intriguing characters.”
—The Denver Post
“The Diamond Age> displays Stephenson's skill in stitching together entire worlds from whole cloth, telling a rattling good adventure yarn with jabs from a sharp satiric needle.”
—San Francisco Chronicle
“With breathtaking vision and insight, Stephenson establishes himself as not only a major voice in contemporary sf but also a prophet of technology's future.”
“Staggeringly inventive and meticulously detailed.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Yet another tour de force. Multi-layered, intricately plotted, and filled with memorable characters.”
—The Des Moines Register
“Stephenson has not stepped, he has vaulted onto the literary stage with this novel.”
—Los Angeles Reader
“The most influential book since William Gibson's 1984 cyberpunk novel Neuromancer.”
—Seattle Weekly
“The all-too-near future masterfully conceived.”
—San Francisco Bay Guardian
“Fast-forward free-style mall mythology for the 21st century.”
—William Gibson
“Brilliantly realized . . . Stephenson turns out to be an engaging guide to an onrushing tomorrow.”
—The New York Times Book Review
“Hip, real, distressingly funny . . . Neal Stephenson is a crafty plotter and a wry writer . . . Snow Crash is> great fun, both loopy and dense, a Tootsie Roll of a book—chewy center and all.”
—The Des Moines Register
“A fantastic, slam-bang-overdrive, supersurrealistic, comic-spooky whirl through a tomorrow that is already happening. Neal Stephenson is intelligent, perceptive, hip, and will become a major force in American writing.”
—Timothy Leary