The beauty of poetry and the strictness of its rules is not allowed if memories become a business. Beauty as a sign of freedom which is aware of its precipices. The greatest danger threatens one whom crises, calamity and destruction strike in the worst way through his own fault, and he is without the art of this beauty. He will end unlamented, and so it should be. Victim and vengeance. Death without a purificatory lament promotes the business of remembrance, with those enticed able to be blackmailed into their own self-exploitation — a complex system. Baseness as the antithesis of the classical idealism of the European tradition will, in the remembrance of businesses, consciously or unconsciously, belligerently or through silencing, prevent the last-to-be-conquered principle of the ideal from achieving victory. The imperative of ugliness as the highest principle leads to a suppression of the beauty of art and the advancement of that sick phenomenon of the crippling of everything sacred in the triumph of dirt, which disintegrates art, like the surrender of a legacy become burdensome to the executors without stipulation by the master, who is dead due to some fault or other, which is another matter.