All these observations getting by without any mention of old cultural concepts like myth, without it being made ridiculous or it being belittled ironically, produces the impotence of the culture of this century. It is as if it had lost its house. To that is added a worldwide desacralizing and the lamented denaturalization, which also leads to the revolt against the failure of old rituals and words, where a culture restricted to technological use of European interests raids the old Nature-grown norms of the third world today, as in Hitler’s Germany in the middle of the century, defeated in Europe itself,119 and, over there, by evolution. The Archimedean reason, which lives from the unity of economics, technology, intellectual history and art, has narrowed itself to a biased burdening of the head, whose capacity above all is in studying and practicing the utility of all inventions. Whenever a fisherman would set out, it was not only to obtain food, but also always with a glance above, as the natural tribes still know it today. When a table was set up, it was with a connection to the tree from which it came, often searched for in the woods and felled by the carpenter himself. When an assembly-line worker, still active in this century, however increasingly mechanical, set to work, it was still with his own hand and with his arm and body. The robot of our arcade video games is moved by a button, just pressed down with a finger, cleanly, motionlessly. One sees, as it were, the different faces, bodies and souls in them. Invented by man for his relaxation, enrichment, the downcast glance of the push-button man no longer finds the earth on which he stands, the bloated belly, the squinting eyes, his artificially upholstered native soil hiding his social order, origin; how should he know the reason why — when he goes on holiday in the woods — his body is an affront to the trees when he goes through them in swimming trunks or underwear, as through our cities, or why the trees draw back in a gradual death — in a mythical sense more than through poisons not researched up to now — in a death of democratic hubris, in the conclusion of the shameless enrichment of all.