Because in 1945 women stood in while the men were at war, let nobody say that it was a man’s war. Behind every man who shot was a woman who asked for medals. There is no dissenting voice. And the daily routine of 1945 is favorable to them who wish for the daily routine, the practical, as after the collapse of great worlds. That seems restorative and helpful in hardship. On the other hand, man’s goal seems the universal of “metaphysical unrest,” the height of the essential and the authentic, of the “sense of revelation” always having arisen from the desire and happiness of women. Woe to the woman who denies or hinders that. And woe to the man who is forced to show off his medals not for a woman but among men. Here war appears as the highest level of existence and the man as the delegate of women in the form of the mothers and the beloved, for the protection of honor, loyalty and courage and as the creator of the arts of aimless creation, as of the playful without the nesting aims and reproductive instinct of breeding.
Woman can by nature stand in a collapsing world of the romantic barnstorming world of men, and the female principle can sustain her and its man. Reduced to the external will, they can moderately, and in moderate cleverness, act rightly and more rightly. But the brilliance with which one better avoids all the precipices of the falls, cleverly, practically, has gone and therewith the motivation of art, or it will be that of an echo from toleration, sympathy and practical considerations as they emerge from the breadwinning and nest-building instincts of old. Even today with the denial of these naïvetés. As far as succeeding the thought of Cioran.143
But also, by nature, the woman will develop other capacities than those of man, creating and nurturing. If she recognizes her capacities and nature, and allows them to arise commensurately and uncurtailed even, then she too will be aligned with him, as the man is with her, and in this tension will be creative, in her way, only through this, as he through her.