It was a teacher that changed my life; not because he taught me my times tables but because he helped me rebuild my confidence through my parents’ divorce. I am Ruby, you are Ruby, we are all Ruby. Thank you Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas for breaking us out of the battery farm.
Richard Gerver, author of Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today
Good schools have always focused on ‘results plus’, helping children achieve their potential in examinations and at the same time developing confident and creative individuals who are keen to do their very best. Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas are absolutely right to remind us of the need for more expansive approaches. Educating Ruby is a timely reminder of how increasingly important it is not to focus on just part of what matters at school.
Brian Lightman, General Secretary, ASCL
It is essential that schools educate the whole child. I strongly support the line of argument made by Bill Lucas and Guy Claxton that schools are about so much more than examination results. Educating Ruby is essential reading for everyone who cares about the future of education in our country.
Tony Little, Head Master, Eton College
The UK school system is in urgent need of reform. Educating Ruby teems with practical, evidence-based, inspiring ideas for teaching and learning, that will brighten the lives of over-tested students, stressed-out teachers and concerned parents. And when politicians are finally ready to be pointed in the right direction, it’s just the book for them too.
Sue Palmer, literacy specialist and author of Toxic Childhood
A powerful, heartfelt and expert analysis of what’s going wrong in the education of our children and how to put it right.
Sir Ken Robinson
Examination grades are important, but they are only half the story of education. Parents send their children to schools like my own because they know we build the kinds of character and roundedness that this book puts its finger on. It’s what all schools everywhere should be doing. Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas speak for schoolchildren and their parents everywhere.
Sir Anthony Seldon, Master, Wellington College
The need for a knowledge-rich curriculum is beyond dispute but this provocative book should make all teachers and school leaders think deeply about what is taught and how. A broad range of ideas encompassing deep scholarship, character building and creativity are set out with passion and clarity including practical suggestions for schools and parents. It’s going to wind some people up – but that’s a good thing.
Tom Sherrington, Head Teacher, Highbury Grove School
The schools of tomorrow are here today – but are too few and far between. We won’t get the speed and scale of change without real political will which is currently lacking. Educating Ruby is a brave attempt to mobilise parent power to get that change to happen. I really hope it succeeds!
Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, RSA
Most people believe schools should do their bit to help children become ‘rounded individuals’ as well as developing their intellectual strength. The obsession with measuring our schools through testing their pupils means that too many children are on a relentless treadmill which is self-defeating. Ruby and her friends need an education with all its richness, with teachers who bring learning alive and supported by parents who play their full part. It is not too complicated and Educating Ruby explains why the system needs to change and what everyone can do about it.
Mick Waters, Professor of Education, Wolverhampton University
What would schools look like if they taught children what they really need to know? Could we ever have schools like that? Educating Ruby is thoughtful, provocative and optimistic. As ever, Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas are wise and experienced voices on the cutting edge of education. All teachers and parents should read this book – they’d learn lots, and enjoy it!
Hilary Wilce, author of Backbone: How to Build the Character Your Child Needs to Succeed
Educating Ruby is a must read book for all stakeholders in education. Guy Claxton and Bill Lucas show how we can have happy, positive young people with skills, attitudes and ‘habits of mind’; who are knowledgeable and capable of passing examinations.
Sue Williamson, Chief Executive, SSAT
Whether you agree or disagree with Educating Ruby, you’ll certainly be engaged, stimulated and challenged.
Robert Wilne, founding Head Master, London Academy of Excellence