Congratulations! You are now armed with the knowledge you need to find out all sorts of information from all sorts of people. However, this new knowledge needs to be put into practice so it can develop into an effective skill. This isn’t a daunting task; in fact, it’s fun! You will be amazed when you use these skills just how much information people will share with you. I encourage you to practise as often as possible, starting with simple conversations in everyday situations.

For example, you may be purchasing something from a store and you engage the salesperson using these techniques. Your goal is to extract as much information about the salesperson as you can. You may learn how long the person has worked there, the person’s salary, whether s/he is married, even the home address. Why? Because it’s great practice and if you engage the secret-keeper properly, when you leave they will have thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and be left thinking what a nice person you are and hoping to talk with you again!

You can do this at bus stops, in the workplace, on trains, with taxi drivers, at parties, etc. There is no downside to these sorts of activities as both you and the secret-keeper should enjoy the process as you build your skills and confidence.

You are now privy to some of the most cutting edge and effective elicitation techniques and how to apply them to your personal and professional life to unlock secrets; but don’t tell anyone—keep it a secret!