So If You’re Sand, Not Rock

C. Zampa


To My Little Sweetie, My Petit Garcon…


So if you’re sand, not rock,

Then you have the strength to polish our friendship like a stone,

The beauty to sparkle in the morning sun of my day,

The softness to succumb to the strong waves of my heart

     And bend with my feelings,

The power to hold the mighty ocean of my heart within its limits,

The warmth to comfort my feet when I tread,

The miles and miles of vast stretches that never leave me

     Without a place to rest,

The clay with which to build the sandcastles of my dreams,

The substance in our hourglass of friendship

     Which never runs out,

The resistance to withstand the swooping tide of night,

     And still be there when the surge washes back out to sea.


But if you’re sand, not rock,

I must cup you in my hands like precious gems,

Hold my fingers tight together,

Or you will slip through that sieve of my heart.


But, since you’re sand, not rock,

Even if you slip through the parting of my fingers,

Where is there for you to go but back where I

First found you, to the endless beach of our friendship?

Because you ARE sand, not rock.