Photo Section


A view of New Lanark in 1818, with cotton mill buildings to the right and Owen’s school at the front left. (Public domain)


J. C. Penney’s Golden Rule Store in Kemmerer, Wyoming, in the early twentieth century. (Courtesy of DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University)


Port Sunlight, home of Lever Bros.’ soap works and model village. (Courtesy of Unilever from originals in Unilever’s Collection, Unilever Art, Archives and Records Management, Port Sunlight)


Strauss family descendants Walter Haas Jr. (center) and Walter Haas Sr. (right), ever ready to accommodate all their customers, even their biggest. [Man on the left unidentified.] (Courtesy of Levi Strauss & Co. Archives)


Herman Miller’s avuncular chief executive Max De Pree, who practiced leadership “as an art.” (Courtesy of Herman Miller Archives)


The Body Shop’s environmentalist founder Anita Roddick, with friends in the Amazon. (Courtesy of photographer Christine Burrill)