Please note that page numbers are not accurate for the e-book edition.

abdominal pain, differential diagnosis of, 40–42

ACE inhibitors, 62

acute myeloid leukemia (AML), 24–25

acute promyelocytic leukemia (APML), 27

acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 73, 201–2

Adcock, Jack (child with Down’s syndrome), 111–16, 124, 128, 132–33, 143, 181, 197

adrenal insufficiency, diagnosis of, 65–67

adverse events: appropriate responses to, 228–29; Bagian on, 241; definition of, in Harvard Medical Practice Study, 5; internal reviews of, 172; reporting of, 235, 244; as result of handoffs, 120–23. See also medical error

Affordable Care Act (2010), 161–62

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 239–40

(AI) artificial intelligence, 57–59, 128, 237–39

AIDS, harm reduction strategies and, 221

airway protection, in burn treatment, 167

alarms, from medical monitoring devices, prevalence of, 90–92

alerts, EMRs and alert fatigue, 87–92, 101

altruism, in professions, 145

alveoli (air sacs), 73

American Association for Justice (Association of Trial Lawyers of America), 161–62

American Burn Society, transfer criteria for burn victims, 170

American Medical Association, formation of, 136

Amir, Dr. (heme-onc fellow), 30, 51, 71–72, 73, 201–2

AML (acute myeloid leukemia), 24–25

amyloidosis, 62

anemia, diagnosis of, 35–36, 37–38

anesthesia, 176–77, 195, 231

Annals of Internal Medicine, Schimmel article in, 4

APML (acute promyelocytic leukemia), 27

ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), 73

artificial intelligence (AI), 57–59, 128, 237–39

Association of Trial Lawyers of America (American Association for Justice), 161–62

asthma, 62

atelectasis, 75

attending physicians: impact of work rules changes on, 124; July effect and, 126; in digoxin overdose case, 154; responsibilities of, 54, 116; senior doctors as, 111; simulations and, 194; in Zion case, 115. See also McAuliffe, Vincent; Mueller, Dr.

autologous bone marrow transplants, 25

autopsies, decline in numbers of, 40

aviation industry, 8–9, 64–65, 220

Bactrim (antibiotic), 85–87

Bagian, Jim, 240, 241

Bawa-Garba, Hadiza (pediatrics ward registrar), 111–16, 124, 132–33, 143, 181

Bell Commission, 116

Bellevue Hospital: attending physicians, scheduling of, 124; Ebola preparations at, 94; MERS response test, 96–97; work schedule changes at, 119–21. See also Ofri, Danielle

Benadryl (diphenhydramine), 236

bias. See racial bias

BiPAP (breathing mask), 75–76

blame, 134, 241

blood clots in lungs, 62, 207

blood draws, proper procedures for, 198

blood vessels, impact of burns on, 167, 175–76

BMTUs (bone marrow transplant units), 30, 51, 147–49, 202–4, 209

bone marrow biopsies, 22–24

bone marrow transplants, 25, 149

bone marrow transplant units (BMTUs), 30, 51, 147–49, 202–4, 209

Boston Globe, on alarm fatigue deaths, 91

brain: brain-friendly EMR, 185–86; brain-friendly technology, 195; brain-friendly training, 188, 192; information processing by, 187–88; limited bandwidth of, 44, 185–86, 187, 238. See also training on medical error

Bramhall, Simon (transplant surgeon), 132–33, 181

British Medical Journal (BMJ): article on preventable medical error, 1–2, 242–43; cover of patient safety issue, 155–56

bronchitis, 62

B-17 “Flying Fortress” bombers, 8–9

buprenorphine, 221

burns and burn patients, 164–83; ARDS and, 111; assessments of, 167; Communication and Resolution Programs and, 180–83; fluids for, 175–76; Glenn, accident of, 164–66; Glenn, family’s efforts to obtain

treatment information for, 171–73; Glenn, family’s learning of medical errors during treatment of, 175–78; Glenn, family’s notification of errors in treatment of, 169–70; Glenn, outcome of family’s search for

information, 178–83; Glenn, treatment and death, 167–69

camels, MERS virus and, 96

cancer and cancer patients: race and, 130. See also Jay (patient with leukemia)

Car Talk (radio show), 68–69

catheter-related infections, 9–10

causality, problem of determining, 169

CBCs (complete blood counts), 38–40

C. diff (Clostridium difficile bacteria), 232, 235–36

central lines, 9–10, 11

cerebral palsy, 160

certified nurse assistants (CNAs), 216–17

change, as social problem, 13

Charles, Sara, 143–44

checklists: in aviation, 9, 217, 220; for diagnosis, 63–65, 67, 70; early uses of, 10–11, 12; Leape on, 13; limitations of, 11, 13, 15, 198, 231; Nightingale, comparison with, 19; tuning out of, 184

chemotherapy, induction chemotherapy, 26, 27–28

chest X-rays, meaning of negative, 56–57

chief complaints, 84

childbed fever (puerperal fever), 16

childbirth, malpractice cases regarding, 160

Chowdury, Dr. (heme-onc fellow), 30, 54, 148

clinical histories, fevers and, 206. See also history of present illness (HPI)

clinical judicial syndrome, 144

clinical styles, 200

clinics, error reduction and architecture of, 232

Clostridium difficile bacteria (C. diff), 232, 235–36

CNAs (certified nurse assistants), 216–17

Code of Hammurabi, 136

codes (cardiac or pulmonary arrest), 79–82, 83

cognition, 43, 185–86, 188. See also brain; training on medical error

collaboration, 19–20

communication: checklists and, 11; doctornurse, importance of, 95; doctor-patient, importance of, 70, 101; as source of errors, 190, 191

Communication and Resolution Programs (CRPs), 163, 180–83

complete blood counts (CBCs), 38–40

computerized diagnostic systems, 58–60. See also artificial intelligence (AI)

computerized sign-out systems, 121

congestive heart failure, 62

Constance (nurse manager), 76–77, 80–81, 148, 216

contamination in positive blood cultures, 199

content checklists, 63

copper, antimicrobial properties, 232

Core IM (podcast), 66

corporatization of medicine, rise of, 118

cough, as symptoms, differential diagnosis and, 62–63

cowboy medicine, 201

Crimean War, military hospitals during, 18–19

Croskerry, Pat, 63, 64

CRPs (Communication and Resolution Programs), 163, 180–83

CT imaging, increased availability of, 118

culture: cultural shifts, patient safety and, 234–37; culture change, difficulty of, 184–85; of hospitals, 178; importance of, 11, 17; just culture, 181; on medical error, changes to, 179; of medical training, changes to, 123

cyclic neutropenia, 22

Danish Society for Patient Safety, 157

data: data collection issues on patient safety, 241–44; influence on diagnosis, 208

death certificates, data collection from, 243–44

death(s): from alarm fatigue, 91; identifying cause of, 242–43; time of, 82, 83

decubitus ulcers (pressure ulcers), 159

Deep Medicine (Topol), 237

defensive medicine, 142–43, 145

Denmark: handling of medical error, 152–54, 182; Patient Safety Act, 157–58, 239;

patient safety report and follow-up actions, 156–59

depositions, cost of, 138

diabetes: diabetic ketoacidosis, 190; diabetic retinopathy, 237; race and, 130 diagnosis: checklists for, 63–65, 67, 70; diagnostic systems, 58–60; diagnostic tests, 43, 46–47, 48; diagnostic timeout, 64; differential

diagnosis, 33–35, 40–42, 44, 45–46, 62–63; feedback on, 68–69; as moving target, 40, 41. See also artificial intelligence (AI); diagnostic thinking; names of specific tests

diagnosis, errors in, 33–48; contexts for, 45–48;

diagnostic versus procedural errors, 40; differential diagnoses and, 33–35; EMRs as basis for research on, 47; minimization of, 222–23; Ofri’s missed diagnoses, 35–37, 40, 240–41; in outpatient, primary care setting, 42–45; reporting of, 70; universal antidote to, 62; work schedules and, 118–19 diagnostic thinking, 56–70; cultural shift necessary for improving, 67–69; introduction to, 56–60; IOM report on diagnostic error, 69–70; Ofri’s experiences with, 65–67; question of possible improvements to, 60–65

DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation), 216

differential diagnosis, 33–35, 40–42, 44, 45–46, 62–63

The Digital Doctor (Wachter), 85

digoxin, 154–55

diphenhydramine (Benadryl), 236

“Diseases of Medical Progress” (Moser), 3

disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), 216

diversity, impact on healthcare, 131

doctors: clinical styles of, 200; diagnostic accuracy, 34–35; doctor-patient interactions, 43, 101; identity of, 123, 218; responses to malpractice system, 143–45. See also attending physicians; Everett, Dr.; Mueller, Dr.; Ofri, Danielle; Peterson, Dr.

Dror, Itiel, 184–85, 187–92, 195

drugs. See medications

Duncan, Thomas Eric (Ebola patient), 93–95

DXplain (diagnostic software), 58

dyspnea, 58–59

earthen dams, 164–65

Ebola, 93–95

edema (swelling), in Jay, 53, 71, 76, 78

Ekene (medical student), 129–34

electronic medical records (EMRs), 83–101; alert fatigue and, 87–92; as basis for research on diagnostic errors, 47; brain-friendliness of, 185–86; conclusions on, 100–101; cut-and-paste in, 93, 101, 121, 181; drawbacks of, 98–100; impact of unannounced changes to, 13–15; impact on medical care, 84, 85–88, 92–93, 233–34; in-baskets, 97–98; infection control and, 235–36; introduction to, 83–85; MERS response test, 96–97; rise of, 118; systems-related errors in, 92–93, 95; Texas Ebola cases and, 93–95; time management and, 63, 66; trends in, 39

Ely, John, 63, 64

emergency rooms (ERs), doctors’ rotation coverage of, 166–67

emotions: learning and, 189–90; malpractice cases and, 138; power of, over intellect, 36

emphysema, 62

empyemas, 193

EMRs. See electronic medical records (EMRs)

enalapril (blood pressure medication), 112, 114

endocarditis, 206

endoscopies, 41–42

environmental irritants, 62

Epstein-Barr virus, 63

errors. See medical error

Everett, Dr. (oncologist), 25–26, 29–31, 49–51, 148, 214–15

explicit bias, implicit bias versus, 130–31

extent, of burns, 167

family finances, impact of healthcare decisions on, 25–26

family members, doctors’ and nurses’ relationships with, 210–12

fever, 199, 205–7. See also infections

filgrastim (bone marrow stimulant), 22, 24

finances. See family finances

First Night on Call exercise, 193–94

Florida: birth-related neurological injuries, compensation funds for, 160; obstetricians’ insurance in, 160

fluids, for burn patients, 175–76

“Flying Fortress” (B-17) bombers, 8–9

foreign bodies, removal of, with fever, 199

foreign countries, handling of medical error by, 152–63; Danish system, question of adoption in US, 159–62; Denmark, 152–54; Denmark, Patient Safety Act, 157–58; Denmark, patient safety report and follow-up actions, 156–59; Digoxin overdose case, 154–55; US system, possibilities of improvements to, 162–63

Gallagher, Tom, 171, 179, 180–81, 182

Garcia, Pablo (UCSF Children’s Hospital patient), 85–87, 155

gastric reflux, 62

Gawande, Atul, 10

genetic sequencing, advances in, 118

getting help, as method for improving diagnostic

accuracy, 44, 45

Glenn (patient with burns), 164–73; accident of, 164–66; family’s search for information, outcome of, 178–83; family’s search for treatment information on, 171–73; treatment and death, 168–69; treatment errors, complexity and, 197; treatment errors, family’s learning of, 175–78; treatment errors, family’s notification about, 169–70; treatment errors, family’s response to learning of, 178–80. See also Melissa (Glenn’s daughter); Nancy (Glenn’s wife)

Global Trigger Tool, 236–37

Graber, Mark: on diagnostic accuracy, possible improvements to, 44; on diagnostic errors, 70; on diagnostic thinking, 61–62; on differential diagnosis, 44; on getting help, 45; on malpractice cases, EMR-related errors in, 92–93; on overconfidence, 67–68, 69, 212; process checklists, creation of, 63–64

granulomatosis with polyangiitis, 62

Hall, Judith, 134

hallucinations, sedatives and, 72

Hammurabi, King, 136

handoffs, increased, as cause of adverse events, 120–23

hand sanitizers, 232

hand washing, importance of, 10–12, 16–19, 188–89, 223, 228, 232

harm. See patient harms

Harvard Medical Practice Study, 5, 7

“The Hazards of Hospitalization” (Schimmel), 4

healthcare, as human endeavor, 219–20

health courts, 161–62

health insurance, impact on healthcare decisions, 25–26

heart disease, race and, 130

hematocrits, 37–38

heparin, 231–32

hepatitis C, 118, 221

hierarchy(ies): as cause of patient deaths, 12;

patient care and, 178

Hippocrates, 244

history of present illness (HPI), 84

HIV treatments, advances in, 118

hospitalist model, 215

hospitalized patients, as subjects of medical error studies, 7

hospitals: administrators’ concern with financial liability, 110, 138; architecture of, error reduction and, 232; cultures of, 178, 216; difficulty of obtaining information from, 170; responses to Medicare’s fining of, 145; risk management offices, 228; rural hospitals, 166–67. See also Bellevue Hospital

The House of God (Shem), 133

HPI (history of present illness), 84

Hula-Hoop (Wii Fit game), 21

human-factors engineering, patient safety and, 231–32

human factors research, description of, 6

hydration, 167–68, 209

hypotension, training session on, 191

hypovolemic shock, 176

hypoxia, 73

iatrogenic illness, 4

ICUs: central line infections and, 10; in Glenn’s case, 166–68, 172, 176–78, 183; Jay’s failure to be transferred to, 73, 74, 75, 77–80, 139, 147, 149, 197, 200–204, 210, 212; sepsis treatment in, 210; work schedules in, 118–19

immunotherapy, advances in, 118

implementation, importance of, 13–15, 17, 18

implicit (unconscious) bias, 130–31

incentive spirometers, 53

individualism, in US, 184

induction chemotherapy, 26, 27–28

indwelling catheters, 29, 52, 199–200

infections: in central lines, 10; in chemotherapy patients, 31; human-factors engineering for control of, 232; Jay’s, treatment of, 49–55; prevention of, 168, 223; risks of, 30; white count and, 22

influenza, 62

inpatient settings, focus on, in medical error research, 42

in’s and out’s (I’s and O’s), 53

Institute for Healthcare Improvement, Global Trigger Tool, 236–37

Institute of Medicine (IOM, later National Academy of Medicine): report on diagnostic error, 69; report on medical error deaths, 2; report on resident work hours, 117; To Err Is Human, 6–7, 8, 156, 242, 244;

insurance, for hospitals, possibilities of government subsidies for, 162–63

intellect, power of emotions over, 36

intelligence, cognitive shortcuts as basis of, 188

intensivists, 208

intubation, 77, 208, 210, 212–13

IOM. See Institute of Medicine I-PASS (handoff mnemonic), 122

ISABEL (diagnostic software), 58

Jalloh, Hassan (diabetes patient), 99–100

Jay (patient with leukemia): death of, impact on family, 102–10; diagnosis and initial treatments of, 21–32; final illness and death of, 71–82; impact of poor communication on, 101; infection in, treatment of, 49–55. See also Tara Jay (patient with leukemia), analysis of errors in treatment of, 197–218; the big picture, lack of, 208–10; clinical abilities, overconfidence in, 212–13; clinical situation, lack of ownership of, 213–16; ICU, transfer to, 200–204; indwelling catheter, 199–200; introduction to, 197–98; poor clinical evaluation of, 205–8; significant others, not listening to, 210–12; summary of, 216–18; Vacutainer, 198–99

JCAHO (Joint Commission, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations), 228–29

Johns Hopkins Hospital, central line infections, 10

Johnsongrass (weed), 165

Joint Commission (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, JCAHO), 228–29

July effect, 126–27

jumbo jet, as metaphor for medical error deaths, 6, 8, 9, 10, 156, 242

juries, health courts versus, 162

Kachalia, Allen, 162

Kalet, Adina, 193–94

Kansas: law on medical malpractice lawsuits, 174; state politics, 179

Kansas Board of Healing Arts, 173

Kansas Foundation for Medical Care, 173, 177

knowledge, increasing, as method for improving diagnostic accuracy, 44–45

lactate, elevated, 111

lawyers, trial lawyers as obstacle to health courts, 161–62

Leape, Lucian, 5–6, 13, 114, 156, 162

legal redress. See malpractice systems and legal redress legal system, impact of money on, 138

Leriche, René, 241

Lilja, Beth, 154–55, 156

litigious environment for healthcare, EMR-related errors and, 92–93

lung cancer, 62

machine learning, reading X-rays and, 57–58. See also artificial intelligence (AI)

Magliozzi, Tom and Ray, 68

Makary, Martin, 10, 242–43

malpractice systems and legal redress, 136–51; in Denmark, 152–54; deposition process, 137; doctors’ responses to malpractice system, 143–45; inefficiencies of, 145; introduction to, 136–37; lawsuits, from Zion and Adcock deaths, 116; lawsuits, public perceptions of, 110; litigation, adversarial nature of, 145; malpractice law, inconsistencies in, 142; malpractice lawyers, selectivity of, 137; proofs of malpractice, 136–37; question of impact on patient safety, 143–47; research on, 5; settlements, 141–42; Tara’s efforts at improved patient safety, 147–51; Tara’s participation in legal case preparation, 138–41; Tara’s possible lawsuit, trauma of, 137–38, 141

Martinez, Jose (baby with heart defect), 154–55

Massachusetts General Hospital, 91

maternal mortality, race and, 130

McAuliffe, Vincent, 206, 214

mechanical ventilation, for septic patients, 210

medical error: burn victims and, 164–83;

complexities of, 230; diagnosis, errors in, 33–48; diagnostic thinking, 56–70;

electronic medical records and, 83–101;

foreign countries’ handling of, 152–63;

inevitability of, 187–88; introduction to, 1–20; Jay (patient with leukemia, analysis of errors in treatment of, 197–218; Jay, final illness and death of, 71–82; Jay, impact of death on family of, 102–10; Jay, infection in, treatment of, 49–55; Jay, initial story of, 21–32; legal redress for, 136–51; patient harm reduction, 219–29; patient safety improvements, 230–44; racial bias and, 129–35; recognition of and recovery from, 188–89; system failures and, 111–28; training on, 184–96. See also adverse events

medical histories, 43, 70, 222

medical information, EMR-forced changes in healthcare professionals’ processing of, 84–85. See also electronic medical records (EMRs)

Medicare, 145, 234

medications: brain-friendly naming of, 195–96;

comparison of patients’ and doctors’ lists of, 222; drug reactions, ARDS and, 111;

medication safe zones, 233–34. See also names of specific medications

medicine (general): brief history of, 2–3; checklists in, 9–12; defensive medicine, 142–43, 145; medical field, humanity of, 135; medical knowledge, vastness of, 45; medical practice, impact of medical records on, 84; medical tests, trending in, 39; medical textbooks, on differential diagnosis, 34; medical training, changes to culture of, 123. See also attending physicians; doctors; nurses; working conditions

Melissa (Glenn’s daughter): CRP training and, 182; efforts to obtain information from hospital, 171–73; father, relationship with, 164; father’s treatment, need for understanding errors in, 170; father’s treatment, response to learning of errors in, 178–80;

malpractice lawsuit, decision to file, 174–75; medical errors, training on, 173–74

Mello, Michelle, 161–62, 163, 182

MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), 96–97

methadone, 221

methicillin-resistant staph aureus (MRSA), 53, 56, 71, 198, 200

Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), 96–97

military hospitals, during Crimean War, 18–19

minimally invasive surgery, 118

Ministry of Health (Ontario), use of surgical checklists, 11, 13

mold, illnesses caused by, 59

morbidity and mortality conferences (M&Ms), 3, 69, 197

morphine, 75

mortality rates: nurse-to-patient ratios and, 125; of sepsis, 210; weekend effect and, 127

Moser, Robert, 3–4

MRI imaging, increased availability of, 118

MRSA (methicillin-resistant staph aureus), 53, 56, 71, 198, 200

Mueller, Dr. (hematology attending): as director of care for Jay, 215; on elective intubations, 212–13; Jay, first evaluation of, 54; Jay, treatment of, 76–79; possible explanations for actions of, 200–201; possible overconfidence of, 212; Tara and, 74, 80, 138, 148, 211

Mullenix, Peter, 143, 145, 146

multiple myeloma, 36

naloxone kits, 221

Nancy (Glenn’s wife): concern at husband’s non-transference to burn center, 203; CRP training and, 182–83; efforts to obtain information from hospital, 171–73; husband, relationship with, 164–65; with husband in ICU and at burn center, 168–69; husband’s accident, response to, 165–66; husband’s treatment, need for understanding errors in, 170; husband’s treatment, response to learning of errors in, 178–80; malpractice lawsuit, decision to file, 174–75

National Academy of Medicine. See Institute of Medicine National Incident Reporting System (Denmark), 158

National Patient Safety Foundation, 229

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, 160–61

natural language processing technology, 237

near misses, 240–41

neutropenia, 22, 197, 199

New England Journal of Medicine, Moser article in, 3

New York Hospital, patient death at, 115

New York State, Bell Commission, 116

New York Times, Pronovost interview in, 12

Nightingale, Florence, vii, 18–19, 61

no-fault compensation system for medical errors, 152–54, 155, 161–62

Notes on Hospitals (Nightingale), 18

nurses: alert fatigue and, 91; in burn units, 168; case ownership by, 216; clinical styles of, 200; depositions in Tara’s legal case, 139–40; drug errors and, 87; empowerment of, through checklists, 12, 19; importance of input of, 20; Jay’s treatment, participation in, 49–50, 52–53, 54–55, 72–73, 76, 78–81;

need for educating, 150; nurse-to-patient ratios, patient mortality rates and, 125;

nursing stations, noise and confusion at, 233; on patient transfers to ICUs, 201; Tara on supposed professionalism of, 218; working conditions as cause of medical error, 125–26. See also Constance; Tara

observation units, 235

obstetricians, costs of insuring, 160

Ofri, Danielle: baby son of, surgery on, 113–14; bone marrow biopsies, experiences with, 23–24; daughter’s illness as teaching moment, 223–28; diabetes patients, confusion over, 99–100; diagnostic thinking of, 64, 65–67; EMR alerts, experiences with, 88–89; EMRs, experience of unannounced changes to, 13–15; medical error deaths, perceptions of, 1–2; medical hierarchy, experiences of, 12–13; medical information processing, EMR-forced changes in, 84–85; missed diagnoses by, 35–37, 40, 240–41; work schedule changes, experiences with, 120–21, 124. See also Bellevue Hospital

Of the Epidemics (Hippocrates), 244

operating rooms, checklists for, 10

ophthalmology, AI diagnosis in, 237

opioid epidemic, 221

organizations, patient safety organizations, 239–41

outpatient, primary care settings, diagnosis in, 42–45

overconfidence, as problem in diagnostic thinking, 67–68

over-testing, under-diagnosis versus, 46–47

pain management, 167–68, 176–77

pancreatitis, ARDS and, 111

parvovirus B19 infections, 63

passwords, 185

patient advocates, 228

Patient Compensation System (Denmark), 153, 155, 158, 182

patient harms, 219–29; from defensive medicine, 142–43; errors and adverse events, appropriate responses to, 228–29; Ofri’s daughter’s illness and harms reduction, 223–28; strategies for harms reduction, 219–23. See also patient safety

patient safety, 230–44; artificial intelligence and, 237–39; collaboration, role in patient safety improvements, 19–20; conclusions on, 244; cultural shifts and, 234–37; data collection issues on, 241–44; human-factors engineering and, 231–32; introduction to, 229–31; medication safe zones, 233–34; nonreporting of errors, reasons for, 240–41;

patient-safety advocates, 146–47; patient safety movement, start of, 8; patient safety organizations, 239–40; staff working conditions and, 115; systems approach to, 241; Tara’s efforts for improvements in, 147–51; Vienna General Hospital, interventions in, 16–17. See also patient harms Patient Safety Act (Denmark, 2003), 157–58, 239

Patient Safety Act (US, 2005), 239

Patient Safety Network, 239–40

Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs), 239

Patient Safety Reporting System (VA), 240

patient turnover, impact on mortality rates, 125

pattern recognition, accuracy in, 57–58

PEA (pulseless electrical activity), 80

penicillin allergies, 157–58

personal experience, simulation programs versus, 190–91, 192

pertussis (whooping cough), 62

Peterson, Dr. (pulmonologist): deposition by, 139; Jay’s case, actions during, 74–76; Jay’s case, lack of ownership of, 215–16; lack of attendance at meeting with Tara, 148; Ofri’s analysis of actions of, 207–8; overconfidence of, 147; possible explanation for actions of, 200–201; Tara’s intentions toward, 138

PET imaging, increased availability of, 118

physical exams: as contributing factor to medical error, 43; fevers and, 206

“The Physician as Pathogen” (Schimmel), 4

pleural effusions, 74, 75

pneumonia, 62, 111, 206

Portero, Emile (diabetes patient), 98–100

post-nasal drip, 62

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 110

pressors (vasopressors, medication to increase blood pressure), 168, 176, 209–10

pressure ulcers (decubitus ulcers), 159

preventable medical errors, 7–8

prevention of medical error, challenges of, 198

primary care settings, diagnosis in, 42–45

procedural errors, 40, 118

process checklists, 63

Pronovost, Peter, 9–10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 61

PSOs (Patient Safety Organizations), 239

psychogenic cough, 62

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 110

puerperal fever (childbed fever), 16

pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis, 62

pulseless electrical activity (PEA), 80

Rabøl, Louise, 156–57, 158–59

racial bias, 129–35

radiology units, privatization of, 202–3

rapid response teams, 79–80

relapsing polychondritis, 62

residents (medical), required work hours for, 117–18

risk management offices, 228

Romero, Ms. (patient with cancer), 35–40, 241

root cause analysis, 197

Roter, Debra, 134

rule of nines (in assessing burn extent), 167

rural hospitals, 166–67

sabotage techniques (in training sessions), 191

Samir, Dr., 148

sarcoidosis, 62

Schimmel, Elihu, 3–4

schmutz, on chest X-rays, 57

scope of care, 201

second opinions, 45

sedatives, hallucinations and, 72

Selwin, Dr. (hematologist), 22, 24, 26

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 15–18, 61

sepsis: ARDS and, 111; awareness of, in BMTUs, 209; elevated lactate and, 111, 114; Jay’s, mistreatment of, 149, 205; mortality rates, 210; septic shock, steroids and, 176; Tara’s desire for training on, in Jay’s hospital, 147; training on, 191; treatment of, 209–10. See also Jay (patient with leukemia)

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 156

severity, of burns, 167

shame, error reporting and, 240–41

Shem, Samuel, 133

shortness of breath, 56

sign-out systems, 121

simulation programs, 190–94

Singh, Hardeep: on diagnostic errors, 40, 70; diagnostic error study, 42–44; on diagnostic thinking, 61, 62, 67; on getting help, 45; mentioned, 46; on Ofri’s possible misdiagnosis, 41; process checklists, creation of, 63–64

sinusitis, 62

skin rashes, AI diagnosis of, 237

social safety net, in Denmark, 153

standards of care, 136–37, 146, 153, 176, 227

The Starry Night (van Gogh), 154

state boards, 229

steroids, hypovolemic shock and, 176

supportive care, 209

surgery, minimally invasive, increased availability of, 118

syncope, Jay’s experiences of, 30–32

syngamosis, 62

system failures, 111–28; Adcock death and, 111–15, 116; conclusions on, 128; handoffs, increases in, 121–23; July effect, 126–27; medical error as, 6; nurses’ working conditions, 125–26; as traps, 181; weekend effect, 127; work schedule changes, 116–25; Zion death and, 115–16

tachycardia, 58–59

Tara (ER nurse, wife of Jay, patient with leukemia): after Jay’s diagnosis, 24–26; as Clinician Nurse Educator, 110, 138; efforts at improving patient safety, 147–51; husband’s breathing, concern with, 54–55, 71–73; husband’s chemotherapy and, 28–32; husband’s death, reactions to, 102–10; husband’s diagnosis and, 21–22, 24; husband’s illness, reaction to, 49–50; husband’s infection and, 51–55; and husband’s non-transference from BMTU to ICU, 202–4; husband’s treatment, disappointment in, 216–17; husband’s treatment and death, impact of experiences with, 216–18; on husband’s venous access, 199; husband’s worsening condition, response to, 73–82; legal case preparation, participation in, 137–41; medical team’s lack of regard for, 135, 211–12; physicians’ reactions to, 77–78; possible lawsuit, trauma of, 137–38, 141; on source of husband’s infection, 198; on staff, dealings with, 210–11; as subject of Ofri’s investigation, 217–18. See also Jay (patient with leukemia)

technology: brain-friendly technology, 195; changes to (1996-2016), 117–18; computerized diagnostic systems, 58–60; computerized sign-out systems, 121; natural language processing technology, 237. See also artificial intelligence (AI); electronic medical records (EMRs)

television, popularity of medical shows, 55

Terror of Error technique, 189, 190

testicular torsion, 21–22

test results, in EMR in-baskets, 97–98

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, Ebola case, 93–95

thinking processes: cognition, 43, 185–86, 188; fragmentation of, EMRs and, 85, 233–34; sharpening, as method for improving diagnostic accuracy, 45–46. See also diagnostic thinking

thoracentesis, 193

time, importance for diagnosis, 65–67

time of death, arbitrary nature of, 83

To Err Is Human (Institute of Medicine), 6–7, 8, 156, 242, 244

Topol, Eric, 237, 238–39

Toradol, 226

tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica, 62

training, for improving diagnosis and treatments, 44–45

training on medical error, 184–96; cognitive consistency, issue of, 185–86; culture change, difficulty of, 184–85; emotions and learning, 189–90; group training, importance of, 190–91; medical errors and, 181; recognition of and recovery from medical error, 188–89, 192; simulation training, 192–94; technology design and, 195; toxic work environments, 186–87; unexpected learning, 191–92

trending, in medical tests, 39

trial lawyers, as obstacle to health courts, 161–62

triggers, in Global Trigger Tool, 236–37

trisomy 11 (AML mutation), 29

tuberculosis, 62

tympanostomy tubes, implantation of, in Ofri’s young son, 113–14

uncertainty: in diagnoses, 61; in medicine, 47

unconscious (implicit) bias, 130–31

under-diagnosis, over-testing versus, 46–47

United States: Danish system of handling medical error, question of adoption in, 159–62; deaths in, causes of, 1; Ebola cases in, 94; first malpractice case, 136; healthcare spending, 159; healthcare system, 25–26, 69–70; individualism in, 184; possible improvements to litigious malpractice system, 162–63; residency programs, workweek standards for interns, 117

upper respiratory infection (URI), 62, 63

usability, 93, 101, 185

vaccines, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, 160–61

Vacutainers, errors with, in Jay’s case, 198–99

van Gogh, Vincent, 154

vasopressors (pressors, medication to increase blood pressure), 168, 176, 209–10

Veterans Administration (VA) medical system, Patient Safety Reporting System, 240

Victoria, Queen, 18

Vienna General Hospital, 15–16

Virginia, compensation funds for birth-related neurological injuries, 160

VisualDx (diagnostic software), 58

visual pattern recognition, 57–58

Wachter, Robert: on alert fatigue, 90–91, 92; on EMR alerts, 88; on machines, 101; on medical technology, 85, 86; overdose case and, 155; on smart alarms, 92; on using tools, 100

warfarin, 89–90

Washington Advocates for Patient Safety, 146

weekend effect, 127

white blood cells, 22

whooping cough (pertussis), 62

working conditions: Adcock case and, 111–15, 116; changing regulations, doctors’ responses to, 123; mandated changes to work hours, 116–19, 122; unintended consequences of changing, 123–24; Zion case and, 115, 116

X-rays, non-objectivity of, 57

Yale-New Haven Hospital, medical error study at, 3–4

Zabar, Sondra, 193–94

Zion, Libby (college freshman), 115–16, 124, 128

Zion, Sidney, 116–17