
The characters on these pages aren’t the only ones who helped get this book in your hands. Please let me thank just a few in real life.

Katie Schroder, Amy Haddock, Ashley Hendley, Kristi Smith, Ruth Anderson, and Kaye Dacus. Thank you for forgiving all the times I disappeared into my writing cave and failed to keep in touch. When I crawled out, you were always there cheering me on. True friends are hard to find, and I’m grateful for each of you.

Michelle Ule, early reader and red-pen wielder. Your feedback on the first draft of this book was invaluable. Thank you!

Todd and Mel Hirte. Thank you for your endless support and many prayers. You’ve waited for this book almost as long as I have, and now I’m so happy to share it with you.

Karmen Leggett, English and literature teacher extraordinaire. You selflessly poured into me during my school years, encouraging my love of literature and pushing me to truly grasp grammar. Thank you for your encouragement.

Vicki Crumpton, Jessica English, Michele Misiak, and the whole Revell team. What an honor it is to partner with you on this publishing adventure.

Rachel Kent, the best agent a gal could ask for. Thank you for never giving up on this project. Your prayers, advice, and support mean the world to me. I’m so glad you’re in my corner.

Julia, Emily, Rachel, Jacob, and Caleb. I’m honored to be your aunt. You are my favorite characters!

Micah and Beth and John and Hannah. Thanks for cheering me on all these years. I’m lucky to be your sister.

Mom. Because of your love, I never feared taking a leap of faith. This book is evidence of that.

Dad. Thanks for being a shining reflection of our heavenly Father. It’s hard to imagine God could love me any more than you do.

And, of course, the Great Storyteller. God, your story blows me away. I’m honored to be a tiny part of it. All to your glory.