Friday, Late Afternoon
Rachael looked up from the living room chair where she was reading a book. She saw Joseph carrying a duffle bag. “Don’t be too long at the gym. We have dinner reservations.”
“Of course.” He stopped to give her a long kiss. “I’m looking forward to our movie date.”
Joseph climbed into his SUV, let out a deep breath, and started the vehicle. He drove to the gym, carrying his duffle bag into the building. He used his card to gain admission past the turnstile and made a point of greeting the attendant behind the counter as he went past. He entered the changing room and sat on a bench, checking his watch. He opened a locker and placed his cellphone inside. He took a deep breath, preparing himself.

* * *
An hour later, Joseph opened his locker, breathing hard. He stepped out of the locker room and went to the front counter, asking to speak to one of the registered trainers available at the gym.
A few minutes later, a buff young man approached him. Joseph asked what his rates were and what were the expectations of following his advice. He exchanged business cards with him and left the gym.

* * *
Michael Sutton held his cell phone in his hand, staring at the screen. He leaned back in his armchair in his condo’s living room. He took a deep breath, slowly releasing it. He touched the phone, activating the list of frequently called numbers. Next to Ryan Morgan’s name was his mobile and office number. He chose the office number. He listened to three rings and a familiar voice answered, pleased the receptionist didn’t answer. That means she has gone for the day.
“Hey, Michael, what’s up?”
“Nothing much, but I’ll be going by your office later and was wondering if I could stop by before you left.”
“Sure, but I have a date tonight. Can’t we discuss tomorrow morning at our golf game?”
“It’s better we meet privately. A business situation. It’ll only take a few minutes. Let’s keep golf to casual.”
“Okay, see you later. What time?”
“How about five?”
“Gripes. That’s a bit late for a Friday, but I have some reports to do, anyway.”
“Thanks, Ryan.”
“Sure, see you then.”
Michael put his phone on a table. He went to his kitchen and poured himself a glass of rum. He went over his plan in his head, deciding it was very doable. The only missing ingredient is courage. He looked at his drink. Liquid courage.
An hour later, Michael put down his cell phone on a table. He slipped on a windbreaker and patted the pocket where he kept the newly purchased knife. He checked another pocket where he had a few other items he needed to complete his mission. He exited his condo, going to the end of the hallway where the stairs were located. He went down the quiet cement stairwell, counting the floors as he went. He exited on the main floor and turned toward the fire escape door. Black letters warned an alarm would sound if opened.
From his pocket, he took a small magnet and attached a two-sided tape to it. Above the door was a white plastic box that met with a smaller one attached to the door. He reached above the door and attached the magnet to the white box. Next, he took out a roll of duct tape. He pressed on the door handlebar, slowly opening the door. The alarm stayed silent. He used a length of duct tape to cover the latch along the side of the door. He stepped outside, getting a look from two men sitting on the asphalt road as they leaned against a nearby brick wall. He ignored them and left the back lane, reaching the sidewalk that led to bars and shops. He spotted two taxis waiting at the curb and entered the first one.
He gave the driver the address, sitting behind the driver and kept his face turned to the side window. When the cab reached the destination, he passed over a twenty-dollar bill and exited.
After he stepped inside the building, he used the stairs to reach Morgan’s office. He focused on keeping a steady pace to the office. He put on a pair of leather gloves as he walked. His hand shook as he reached for the door. Michael’s memories vividly recalled the day a sobbing Brooke told him she was pregnant and decided to marry the father of her unborn baby. His anger rose, his hand stopped shaking, and he opened the door. The lights in the main office were off, but he saw Ryan’s private office door was open with the lights on. It did not surprise him the receptionist wasn’t there; Ryan had told him before Melisa usually left early on Fridays.
“Ryan, it’s me.” He stepped past the office door, not seeing him at his desk. He took another step and saw Ryan lying on the floor, face down. Bood soaked the back of his shirt. Blood formed a pool around his head from a cut at his throat. Michael stared at the body for several seconds. Near the body was a safe, the door open. The inside of the safe was empty.
Michael walked backward, turned around, and hurried out of the office. He closed the door behind him and ran down the hallway to the stairs. He went down the stairs two at a time, reached the main floor, and used the rear exit of the building to enter the rear parking lot. Michael stood, trying to slow down his breathing and focus on what to do next.
Michael decided to follow through on his original plan. He walked down the back lane, tossing the unused knife in a dumpster two buildings down. At the next building, he threw away his gloves in another dumpster. From there he made his way to the street. After a few minutes, he hailed a cab, directing the driver back to his condo building. He paid cash for the fare and went to the back of the of his apartment building. He pulled open the rear door, removed the duct tape and the magnet, ensure the door was closed, and used the stairs to return to his apartment.
Inside his apartment, he threw away the remains on the tape and the magnet, putting them in a white kitchen bag. He carried the bag to the garbage chute in the hallway and returned to his apartment. Done. I don’t know who killed Ryan, but whoever did it did me and the world a huge favour.

* * *
Paige steered her car down the familiar streets, commenting to Brooke, “I had a nice lunch with Michael a few days back. You know, he blames himself for not proposing to you before he left that summer.”
“That wasn’t his fault. I don’t know if I’d have said yes. I was still enjoying the free life. Our triangle was pretty good, if on the wild side.”
“Then Ryan came along. That’s okay. We all make choices and take chances. Some things work out better than others.”
“I told off Ryan this morning. Told him I believed he was having an affair, which he denied. He also avoided explaining where he was hiding the extra money he was making. I sort of gave Ryan an ultimatum. I told him I want to try for another. He wasn’t so sure, thinking a baby would interfere with our vacation plans. I told him I didn’t care about that stuff and that we didn’t need anymore money.”
“What did he say?”
“You know. He’s still in love with his money. There are times I could kill him.”
Paige drove silently for a few seconds. “Well, if we were to kill him tonight, we’d have each other as an alibi.”
Brook looked at her.
“Forget I said that. I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay. I’m not the type to kill anyone, regardless of the reason.”
“I know that. You’re a hippie child. Me, on the other hand, have no such qualms when dealing with two-timing jerks. Sorry, just thinking out loud.”
“No need to apologize.” She looked out the window. “We’re close to his office.”
“Hey, do you feel like sharing one of those cinnamon buns?” She pointed at Charmaine’s Coffee Emporium, located across the street from Ryan’s office building.
Paige swung the Jeep to the curb. She glanced at the building across the road, checked for traffic, and left the vehicle. She met Brooke on the sidewalk and together they entered the coffee shop.
“It’s always busy in here.” Brooke said as she stood in front of the glass counter that showed off various bake goods.
“These all look so good, but I’m still going with the cinnamon bun.” She peered at the pastry with nuts and a golden syrup covering it. “And I don’t want to share.”
“That’s something coming from you, who counts every calorie. I’ll have one too.”
The young man behind the counter appeared eager to take their order. “I’ll bring the coffee to your table when it’s ready.” His grin showed his interest in the two women.
Paige looked at his name tag. “Thanks, Andrew.”
Paige paid for the coffee and buns, taking the tray of the two pasties to a table near the back of the restaurant.
“He looked like he was ready to jump over the counter to serve you,” Brooke commented.
Paige laughed. “Yes, he seemed enthusiastic about his job.”
“So, tell me what’s going on in your social life. You were seeing Char. What happened to her?”
“Uh, you know. She wanted someone who took care of her all the time. I want someone who can at least pay for her own drinks occasionally.”
“I get that. What about men? They usually pay for dinner.” She gave a teasing smile.
“Oh, no. The odd fling is okay, but men and I don’t usually get along.”
“Except for Michael. Both of you are unattached, and I know you and him can share a bed.”
Paige laughed. “Right, hook up with a guy who’s still in love with you? Problems galore there.”
“True. I just wish for you and Michael to be happy.” She paused as Andrew delivered the coffee. He lingered, asking how the food was.
Paige answered. “It’s good, but we’re in a rush. We have to meet our husbands soon.”
Brooke looked at his retreating back. “Well, that scared him off.” She grinned. “I guess with you wearing that short skirt and high heels, he had his hopes up.”
“He’s not bad looking, but acting cool is not his strong suit. Hey, I’ll be back in a few minutes. I need to use the washroom.”
Brooke took a bite of her cinnamon bun, tearing off a piece of the sticky pastry. She did a casual scan of the coffee shop. The customers were enjoying the coffee and food, and she continued to eat her pastry. Paige still didn’t return from the washroom, and she wondered what the delay might be.
Paige returned to the table, walking quickly.
“That took a while.” Brooke looked at Paige. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” She quickly sat. “Sorry, there was a line up at the washroom.”
Brooke watched her quickly take a drink of her coffee and work on her cinnamon bun. She slowed down her movements and gave her a smile. “These are good.”
They finished their coffee and pastries and exited the café. Paige opened Jeep’s passenger door for Brooke. She walked around the vehicle, taking a long look at the building across the street.
Paige accelerated the Jeep out into traffic.
“That was fast.”
“Yeah, sorry. Just lost my concentration for a moment.” She frowned. “When I was in the washroom, I got a text from Char. She said a couple of nasty things.”
“Sorry. I thought you were upset when you returned from the washroom. We can talk about it while we’re having dinner at Joey’s.”
“No, let’s forget about her.” She forced a smile. “We can talk about what the future holds for us.”
“What do you mean?”
Paige bit her lower lip. “I just want you to know, no matter what happens between you and Ryan, that I’ll always be there for you.”
“Okay. You know I love you too. What brought this on?”
“My spidey sense is tingling. I’m worried about how Ryan is treating you.”
“I don’t believe Ryan would ever get violent with me. He may cheat on me, but I’m safe from him hurting me physically.”
“I’d beat him up if he did. But, let’s say if he left you, disappeared, you call me first, alright?”
“Alright.” Brooke reached over and squeezed Paige’s hand.