Messenger. Evangelist. One who goes before the angels bearing to the people of earth the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and, at the appointed time, the Everlasting Gospel. The Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood are anointed by the hierarchy as their apostles ("one sent on a mission"). They deliver through the dictations (prophecies) of the Ascended Masters the testimony and lost teachings of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit to the seed of Christ, the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and to every nation. A Messenger is one who is trained by an Ascended Master to receive by various methods the words, concepts, teachings and messages of the Great White Brotherhood; one who delivers the law, the prophecies, and the dispensations of God for a people and an age.
Microcosm. (Greek, 'small world.') (1) The world of the individual, his four lower bodies, his aura, and the forcefield of his karma. (2) The planet. See also Macrocosm.
Mother. "Divine Mother," "Universal Mother" and "Cosmic Virgin" are alternate terms for the feminine polarity of the Godhead, the manifestation of God as Mother. Matter is the feminine polarity of Spirit, and the term is used interchangeably with Mater (Latin, 'mother'). In this context, the entire material cosmos becomes the womb of creation into which Spirit projects the energies of life. Matter, then, is the womb of the Cosmic Virgin, who, as the other half of the Divine Whole, also exists in Spirit as the spiritual polarity of God.
Nirvana. The goal of life according to Hindu and Buddhist philosophy: the state of liberation from the wheel of rebirth through the extinction of desire.
OM (AUM). The Word; the sound symbol for ultimate Reality.
Omega. See Alpha and Omega.
Path. The strait gate and narrow way that leadeth unto life (Matt. 7:14). The path of initiation whereby the disciple who pursues the Christ consciousness overcomes step by step the limitations of selfhood in time and space and attains reunion with Reality through the ritual of the ascension.
Pearls of Wisdom. Weekly letters of instruction dictated by the Ascended Masters to their Messengers Mark L. Prophetand Elizabeth Clare Prophet for students of the sacred mysteries throughout the world. Pearls of Wisdom have been published by The Summit Lighthouse continuously since 1958. They contain both fundamental and advanced teachings on Cosmic Law with a practical application of spiritual truths to personal and planetary problems.
Physical body. The most dense of the four lower bodies of man, corresponding to the earth element and the fourth quadrant of Matter. The physical body is the vehicle for the soul's sojourn on earth and the focus for the crystallization in form of the energies of the etheric, mental and emotional bodies.
Rays. Beams of light or other radiant energy. The light emanations of the Godhead that, when invoked in the name of God or in the name of the Christ, burst forth as a flame in the world of the individual. Rays may be projected by the God consciousness of ascended or unascended beings through the cbakras and the third eye as a concentration of energy taking on numerous God-qualities, such as love, truth, wisdom, healing and so on. Through the misuse of God's energy, practitioners of black magic project rays having negative qualities, such as death rays, sleep rays, hypnotic rays, disease rays, psychotronic rays, the evil eye and so on. See also Seven rays.
Real Self. The Christ Self; the / AM Presence; immortal Spirit that is the animating principle of all manifestation. See also Chart of Your Divine Self.
Reembodiment. The rebirth of a soul in a new human body. The soul continues to return to the physical plane in a new body temple until she balances her karma, attains self-mastery, overcomes
the cycles of time and space, and finally reunites with the / AM Presence through the ritual of the ascension.
Retreat. A focus of the Great White Brotherhood, usually on the etheric plane where the Ascended Masters preside. Retreats anchor one or more flames of the Godhead as well as the momentum of the Masters' service and attainment for the balance of light in the four lower bodies of a planet and its evolutions. Retreats serve many functions for the councils of the hierarchy ministering to the lifewaves of earth. Some retreats are open to unascended mankind, whose souls may journey to these focuses in their etheric body between their incarnations on earth and in their finer bodies during sleep or samadhi.
Root race. See Manu.
Sacred fire. The Kundalini fire that lies as the coiled serpent in the base-of-the-spine chakra and rises through spiritual purity and self-mastery to the crown chakra, quickening the spiritual centers on the way. God, light, life, energy, the J AM THAT I AM. "Our God is a consuming fire" (Heb. 12:29). The sacred fire is the precipitation of the Holy Ghost for the baptism of souls, for purification, for alchemy and transmutation, and for the realization of the ascension, the sacred ritual whereby the soul returns to the One.
Samadhi. Deep spiritual meditation; absorption in God; the many stages of union with God.
Sanat Kumara. (From the Sanskrit, 'always a youth.') Great Guru of the seed of Christ throughout cosmos; hierarch of Venus; the Ancient of Days spoken of in Daniel 7. Long ago he came to earth in her darkest hour when all light had gone out in her evolutions, for there was not a single individual on the planet who gave adoration to the God Presence. Sanat Kumara and the band of 144,000 souls of light who accompanied him volunteered to keep the flame of life on behalf of earth's people. This they vowed to do until the children of God would respond to the love of God and turn once again to serve their Mighty / AM Presence. Sanat Kumara's retreat, Shamballa, was established on an
Glossary 331
island in the Gobi Sea, now the Gobi Desert. The first to respond to his flame was Gautama Buddha, followed by Lord Maitreya and Jesus. See also Lord of the World.
Seamless garment. Body of light beginning in the heart of the / AM Presence and descending around the crystal cord to envelop the individual in the vital currents of the ascension as he invokes the holy energies of the Father for the return home to God. Also known as" the deathless solar body.
Secret chamber of the heart. The sanctuary of meditation behind the heart chakra, the place to which the souls of lightbearers withdraw. It is the nucleus of life where the individual stands face to face with the inner Guru, the beloved Holy Christ Self, and receives the soul testings that precede the alchemical union with that Holy Christ Self—the marriage of the soul to the Lamb.
Seed Atom. The focus of the Divine Mother (the feminine ray of the Godhead) that anchors the energies of Spirit in Matter at the base-of-the-spine chakra. See also Sacred fire.
Seven rays. The light emanations of the Godhead; the seven rays of the white light that emerge through the prism of the Christ consciousness.
Siddhis. Spiritual powers such as levitation, stopping the heartbeat, clairvoyance, clairaudience, materialization and bilocation. The cultivation of siddhis for their own sake is often cautioned against by spiritual teachers.
Solar Logoi. Cosmic Beings who transmit the light emanations of the Godhead flowing from Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun to the planetary systems. Also called Solar Lords.
Soul. God is a Spirit, and the soul is the living potential of God. The soul's demand for free will and her separation from God resulted in the descent of this potential into the lowly estate of the flesh. Sown in dishonor, the soul is destined to be raised in honor to the fullness of that God-estate which is the one Spirit of all life. The soul can be lost; Spirit can never die.
The soul remains a fallen potential that must be imbued
with the reality of Spirit, purified through prayer and supplication, and returned to the glory from which it descended and to the unity of the Whole. This rejoining of soul to Spirit is the alchemical marriage that determines the destiny of the self and makes it one with immortal Truth. When this ritual is fulfilled, the highest Self is enthroned as the Lord of Life and the potential of God, realized in man, is found to be the All-in-all.
Spirit. The masculine polarity of the Godhead; the coordinate of Matter; God as Father, who of necessity includes within the polarity of himself God as Mother and hence is known as the Father-Mother God. The plane of the J AM Presence, of perfection; the dwelling place of the Ascended Masters in the kingdom of God. (When lowercased, as in "spirits," the term is synonymous with discarnates, or astral entities; "spirit," singular and lowercased, is used interchangeably with soul.)
Spoken Word. The Word of the Lord God released in the original fiats of Creation. The release of the energies of the Word, or the Logos, through the throat chakra by the Sons of God in confirmation of that lost Word. It is written, "By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned" (Matt. 12:37). Today disciples use the power of the Word in decrees, affirmations, prayers and mantras to draw the essence of the sacred fire from the / AM Presence, the Christ Self and Cosmic Beings to channel God's light into matrices of transmutation and transformation for constructive change in the planes of Matter.
The Summit Lighthouse. An outer organization of the Great White Brotherhood founded by Mark L. Prophet in 1958 in Washington, D.C., under the direction of the Ascended Master El Morya, Chief of the Darjeeling Council, for the purpose of publishing and disseminating the teachings of the Ascended Masters.
Threefold flame. The flame of the Christ, the spark of life that burns within the secret chamber of the heart (a secondary chakra behind the heart). The sacred trinity of power, wisdom and love that is the manifestation of the sacred fire. See also Chart of Your Divine Self; color illustration facing page 44.
Transfiguration. An initiation on the path of the ascension that takes place when the initiate has attained a certain balance and expansion of the threefold flame. Jesus' transfiguration is described in Matthew 17:1-8.
Tube of light. The white light that descends from the heart of the / AM Presence in answer to the call of man as a shield of protection for his four lower bodies and his soul evolution. See also Chart of'Your Divine Self; color illustration facing page 44.
Twelve Hierarchies of the Sun. Twelve mandalas of Cosmic Beings ensouling twelve facets of God's consciousness, who hold the pattern of that frequency for the entire cosmos. They are identified by the names of the signs of the zodiac, as they focus their energies through these constellations. Also called the twelve solar hierarchies. See also Cosmic Clock.
Twin flame. The soul's masculine or feminine counterpart conceived out of the same white fire body, the fiery ovoid of the J AM Presence.
Unascended master. One who has overcome all limitations of Matter yet chooses to remain in time and space to focus the consciousness of God for lesser evolutions. See also Bodhisattva.
Universal Christ. The Mediator between the planes of Spirit and the planes of Matter. Personified as the Christ Self, he is the Mediator between the Spirit of God and the soul of man. The Universal Christ sustains the nexus of (the figure-eight flow of) consciousness through which the energies of the Father (Spirit) pass to his children for the crystallization {Christ-realization) of the God Flame by their soul's strivings in the cosmic womb (matrix) of the Mother (Matter).
Violet flame. Seventh-ray aspect of the Holy Spirit. The sacred fire that transmutes the cause, effect, record and memory of sin, or negative karma. Also called the flame of transmutation, of freedom and of forgiveness. See also Decree; Chart of Your Divine Self; color illustration facing page 44.
Word. The Word is the Logos: it is the power of God and the real-
ization of that power incarnate in and as the Christ. The energies of the Word are released by devotees of the Logos in the ritual of the science of the spoken Word. It is through the Word that the Father-Mother God communicates with mankind. The Christ is the personification of the Word. See also Christ; Decree.
World Teacher. Office in hierarchy held by those Ascended Beings whose attainment qualifies them to represent the universal and personal Christ to unascended mankind. The office of World Teacher, formerly held by Maitreya, was passed to Jesus and his disciple Saint Francis (Kuthumi) on January 1, 1956, when the mantle of Lord of the World was transferred from Sanat Kumara to Gautama Buddha and the office of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha (formerly held by Gautama) was simultaneously filled by Lord Maitreya. Serving under Lord Maitreya, Jesus and Kuthumi are responsible in this cycle for setting forth the teachings leading to individual self-mastery and the Christ consciousness. They sponsor all souls seeking union with God, tutoring them in the fundamental laws governing the cause-effect sequences of their own karma and teaching them how to come to grips with the day-to-day challenges of their individual dharma, the duty to fulfill the Christ potential through the sacred labor.
Note from the Editor
I amjo grateful to have worked on this volume of the Climb the Highest Mountain series, the Everlasting Gospel for the age of Aquarius.
Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet were and are twentieth-century prophets and true masters, interpreting God's mysteries in a way that all of us can understand. My years working with them were among the happiest of my life, and certainly some of the most productive.
It was they who explained to me the path to the ascension and told me that I can make it if I try. Walking in the footsteps of the Masters as explained in this book, you too can make it if you try!
As the Master El Morya says, "The trek upward is worth the inconvenience."
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Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil
Saint Germain's Prophecy for the New Millennium
The Lost Years of Jesus
The Lost Teachings of Jesus
Climb the Highest Mountain: The Path of the Higher Self
Foundations of the Path
The Path of Self-Transformation
Kabbalah: Key to Your Inner Power
Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity
Understanding Yourself
Messages from Heaven
Sacred Psychology of Love
Sacred Psychology of Change
Dreams: Exploring the Secrets of Your Soul
Emotions: Transforming Anger, Fear and Pain
The Human Aura
Saint Germain On Alchemy
The Path to Your Ascension
Quietly Comes the Buddha
Lords of the Seven Rays
Prayer and Meditation
Warrior of Light: The Life of Nicholas Roerich (for ages 9-14)
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Alchemy of the Heart
Your Seven Energy Centers
Soul Mates and Twin Flames
The Art of Practical Spirituality
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Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet are pioneers of modern spirituality and internationally renowned authors. Among their best-selling titles are The Lost Years of Jesus, The Lost Teachings of Jesus, The Human Aura, Saint Germain On Alchemy, Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil and the Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality series, which includes Karma and Reincarnation, Your Seven Energy Centers and Soul Mates and Twin Flames. Their books are now translated into twenty languages and are available in more than thirty countries.