The five hours I spent in a session with Allen Carr at his clinic in London over twenty-five years ago changed my life. I entered that session as an addict who had to know when I could have my next fix or I would panic; who was convinced that I would have to give up one of life’s pleasures and would feel miserable and deprived; who was frightened that I wouldn’t be able to deal with stress; and who found it almost impossible to imagine a life without my drug. I left with no need or desire to continue taking the drug. I suffered no withdrawal pangs. Like others I knew who had seen Allen, I found it easy to stop. It took no willpower. There was no feeling of deprivation, instead I felt huge relief and utter elation that I was free. It was truly extraordinary.

The drug I was addicted to was nicotine, but I realized at once that Allen Carr had devised a method that could help any addict quit easily and immediately and I wrote to him asking if I could join him in his mission. It was my great good fortune that I was accepted. Allen then trained me as a therapist and we set up the second clinic together in Birmingham. Shortly afterwards I was lucky enough to be appointed Managing Director of a company formed to spread the method all over the world and my vision of a global organization began to become a reality.

Today, more than 400,000 people have visited our clinics in over 50 countries around the world. The clinics still provide a full and genuine money-back guarantee on demand, should you not stop for at least three months. Most people require just one session. Fewer than 10 per cent of all those who have attended the clinics have claimed their money back.

In addition, Allen Carr’s Easyway books have sold more than 15 million copies, been translated into 42 languages and read by an estimated 40 million people in 57 different countries.

This phenomenal success has been achieved not through advertising or marketing but through the personal recommendations of the millions of happy ex-addicts who’ve quit with the method.

Allen Carr’s Easyway has spread all over the world for one reason alone: BECAUSE IT WORKS.

Stop Drinking Now applies Allen’s now world-famous method to the most commonly consumed addictive drug of all: alcohol. The method does not preach nor does it state the obvious. Drinkers know it’s bad for their health and costing them a fortune. The worst thing though is the slavery, the feeling of being controlled. Perhaps you’ve tried to quit before by using willpower, by going to Alcoholics Anonymous or by trying hypnosis, acupuncture, laser therapy or some other gimmick. The chances are that you felt deprived and miserable and ended up failing. Perhaps you fear that you will never be able to enjoy meals or social occasions without a drink and that you will be unable to cope with stress. Perhaps you also dread the trauma you suffered on previous failed attempts and fear you can never get free from the craving.

Easyway is different. This book is the key that will set you free from this prison. It will completely change your mindset by stripping away all the illusions and fears that have kept you trapped. Easyway does not involve willpower or deprivation as it removes the desire to drink and you will be able to look forward to enjoying social occasions more and handling stress better right from the moment you become a non-drinker.

Allen Carr’s Easyway transformed my life. It can do the same for you.

Robin Hayley M.A. (Oxon), M.B.A., M.A.A.C.T.I.

Chairman, Allen Carr’s Easyway (International) Ltd