Chapter 19


From time to time you may find it useful to remind yourself of some of the issues that we’ve discussed. Here I’ve summarized the key points, together with a reminder of the instructions. Follow these and you will remain a happy non-drinker for the rest of your life.

Don’t wait for anything. You’re already a non-drinker from the moment you finish your final drink. You’ve cut off the supply to the Little Monster and unlocked the door of your prison.

Accept that there will always be good days and bad days. Because you will be stronger both physically and mentally within no time at all, you’ll enjoy the good times more and handle the bad times better.

Be aware that a very important change is happening in your life. Like all major changes, including those for the better, it can take a little time for your mind and body to adjust. Don’t worry if you feel different or disorientated for a few days. Just accept it.

•Remember you’ve stopped drinking, you haven’t stopped living. You can now start enjoying life to the full.

There is no need to avoid other drinkers. Go out and enjoy social occasions and show yourself you can handle them right from the start.

Don’t envy drinkers. When you’re with them, remind yourself you’re not being deprived, they are.

Never doubt or question your decision to stop – you know it’s the right one. Never crave another drink. If you do, you will put yourself in an impossible position: you will be miserable if you don’t and even more miserable if you do.

Make sure right from the start that if the thought of “just one drink” enters your mind, you think, “YIPPEE! I’m a non-drinker.” The thought will pass very quickly from your brain and it will quickly learn not to think it again.

Don’t try not to think about drinking. It’s impossible to make your brain not think about something. By trying to you will make yourself frustrated and miserable. It’s easy to think about drinking without feeling miserable: instead of thinking, “I mustn’t drink,” or, “When will the craving go?” think, “Great! I’m a non-drinker. Yippee! I’m free!”


1.Follow all the instructions in order.

2.Keep an open mind.

3.Start with a feeling of elation.

4.Never doubt your decision to quit. You know it’s the right one.

5.Ignore all advice and influences that conflict with Easyway.

6.Don’t wait to quit. Do it now!

7.Never drink alcohol again!