Although this book focuses heavily on the story of one of my grandmothers, Eva, I’d like to start by acknowledging my grandmother Dorothy. She was left to raise three children alone when my mother’s dad died, and has been my biggest supporter as a writer throughout my entire life. Thank you for your words of encouragement, your daily heroism, and your continued love, Grandma. This book would never have been written if not for you. Mom and Dad, thank you for your unending support, your willingness to listen to my rants at all hours, and for being the best role models I could imagine. Liza, Scott, Sam, and Cornelio, I’m so proud of each of you. You inspire me every single day, and I hope that one day my children will be surrounded by siblings as incredible as each of you. Ma, Apu, Grandpa Sam, Grandpa Irving, and the rest of the family, if I could hug all of you right now I would hold on for hours. And to my guardian angel, Tehillah, thank you for your love, your patience, and your partnership. Now and forever.
To my writing partner, Carlye Adler, thank you for your heart, your wisdom, and your friendship. I value you more than I could ever put into words. To the dream team of Simon Green and Shannon Welch, without you two this book wouldn’t have existed. You both believed that this story needed to be told, and I am so grateful to you for making that happen.
Semester at Sea was the best and most transformational experience of my life, and I would be remiss not to state how thankful I am to have had the chance to board the MV Explorer. Without SAS, this would have been a very different story. I’d also like to thank everyone at Brown University, Bain & Company, GHS, 5 Euclid Avenue, and the 75 Second Avenue crew for bringing so much joy into my life. I love you all and wouldn’t change a single second of our time together.
There are far too many people in the Pencils of Promise family to thank, so to every person who has ever had an email address, attended our events, worked in the field, sat on our board, joined a local leadership council, started a chapter at their school, created a PoP fundraiser, contributed toward our work, or shared our message in any capacity, I am eternally grateful to you. You’ve brought so much light into the lives of so many children, and I will be forever humbled by your commitment and generosity.