
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

Adam, J. Collyer

Aesop’s Fables

AFIS (automated fingerprint identification system)


Ahern, Nancy

Alder, Ken

Alexander, Grand Duke

Alexander VII, Pope

American Academy of Forensic Sciences

American Board of Forensic Odontology

Amnesty International

Anastasia, Grand Duchess

The Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System in General . . . (Gall)

Anderson, Anna. See also Franziska Schanzkowska

Andrieux, Louis

The Annals of Imperial Rome (Tacitus)





Arctic Researches and Life Among the Esquimaux (Hall)

Arden, Alice

Arden, Thomas


detection of

as popular


and crazed glass

and flashover

reasons for

The Art of Cookery (Glasse)

Asbury, David

Ashton-Wolfe, Harry

Ashworth, Dawn

Association of Firearm and Toolmark Examiners (AFTE)

Aston, Daniel



and dry drowning

Ayton, Frank

Baden, Michael M.

Bailey, F. Lee


and bullet lead analysis

and evidence. See also Bullets; Forensic ballistics

Barcher, Candy

Barker, Captain James

Bass, Dr. William M.

Bates, George

Battle, Jeffrey

Bayle, Allan

The Beautiful Cigar Girl or the Mysteries of Broadway (Ingraham)

Beck, Adolf

Beck, Dr. Theodoric Romeyn

Beffel, John

Behring, Emil Adolf


Bell, Dr. Joseph

methods of

Bella (schooner)

Bell Telephone Laboratories

Bench, Barry

Bender, Michael

Bennett, James Gordon

Benussi, Vittorio

Berger, Theodor

Bergeret, Dr. Louis François Etienne

Berlin, Friedrich

Berlin, Lucie

Bermuda Triangle

Berrett, Chief Inspector James


Bertillon, Alphonse

and anthropometrics

and Dreyfus Affair

and galvano-plastic method

handwriting analysis, use of

and metric photography

and photography

Bertillon, Louis-Adolphe

Bessels, Emil

Bewick, Thomas

bin Laden, Osama

Bitemark evidence

as unreliable

Blake, Kenneth

Blancus, Antonius

Blassie, Michael J.


and antitoxins

and blood-splatter analysis

and bloodstains

and blood tests

and blood transfusions

and blood types

and blood typing

and catalase

and guaiac

position of

and Rh factor

and secondary factors

Bodle, John

Bodle, George

Body Farm

Bodziak, William

Boerhaave, Dr. Hermann

Bogle, Andrew

Bonaparte, Napoleon: and arsenic

Bond, George

Bond, John

Bond, Dr. Thomas

Bones (television program)

Boorn, Barney

Boorn, Jesse

Boorn, Stephen

Borden, Lizzie

Botulism toxin

Bow Street Runners

Branding: identification, as form of

and mutilation

Brash, Dr. James Couper

Broca, Paul

Broderick, Jim

“Brown Bess”

Brown, Roy

Browne, Frederick Guy

Brunschwig, Dr. Hieronymus

Brussel, James A.

Buckland, Richard

Buckley v. Rice



Bullet composition comparison

Bullets: caliber of

class characteristics

and Colt

and lead

and smoothing tool

and Webley-Fosberry. See also Ballistics; Forensic ballistics

Bundy, Ted

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF)

Bureau of Forensic Ballistics

Le bureau des renseignements (The Office of Intelligence)

Burke, Fred

Burkhardt, Lynn

Bursley, Lucie and Julia

Byrne, Olive

Caesar, Julius

Café, Tony


Camescasse, Jean

Capone, Al

Carns, Bill

Caroline Code

Casimir-Périer, Jean

Castellani, Esther

Castellani, René

Castor oil

Castro, Thomas

Cecilie, Princess

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Central Park Jogger case

Chadwick, Tabor

Champneys, H. Montague

Champod, Dr. Christopher

Charles V

Chase, Richard Trenton


branding in

Christie, Dame Agatha

Christie, Harold

Chronicles (Holinshed)

Churchill, Edwin

Churchill, Robert



Code of Justinian

Cole, R. Guy Jr.

Coleridge, Sir John

Collins, Detective Inspector Charles

Collins, Cynthia

Colvin, Russell

Colvin, Sally

Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)

Compositional Analysis of Bullet Lead (CABL)

Conan Doyle, Arthur

Confessions: and police tactics

Conspiracy theories

Cook, John

Cornwell, Patricia

Coroners. See also Medical examiners

Corrigan, Bill

Courvoisier, François

Cowans, Stephan

Cracker (television program)

Crawford, William

Crick, Francis

Crime: as defined

and science

solving of

Crime fighters: fictional

Criminal identification

eyewitness testimony

flaws in

and lineups

and photography. See also Branding

Criminal Interrogation and Confessions (Inbau and Reid)

Criminal Investigation (Gross)


as term


Criminal Minds (television program)

Criminals: traits of

as types


Crossing Jordan (television program)

Cryer, Robert

CSI (television program)

Cuignet, Captain Louis

Culshaw, Edward

Cummings, Homer S.


Dactyloscopia Comparada (Vucetich)

Dactyloscopy (fingerprint analysis). See also Fingerprints


Dallagher, Mark

Daoud, Ouhnane

Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals: and scientific evidence

Da Vinci, Leonardo

David, Walter

Da Vinci’s Inquest (television program)

Dead Man Talking (television program)

Death: decay after, study of

time, determining of

Dee Goong An (The Criminal Cases of Judge Dee)

Demjanjuk, John

Devergie, Marie Guillaume Alphonse

Devil’s Island

Dickens, Charles

Diesbach, Johann Jacob


and nucleic acid

patterns in

DNA analysis

DNA profiling

and “birthday paradox”

DNA databases, and privacy

DNA testing

accuracy, concerns over

and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

and capillary electrophoresis

changes in

and contamination

and mitochondrial DNA

polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique

short tandem repeats (STRs)

weaknesses in

DNA typing

of animals

as reliable

and Y-STR testing

Dorsey, George A.

Downs, William H.

Drenkan, Fred

Dreyfus Affair

Dreyfus, Captain Albert

Drouet, Suzanne K.


DuBois, L. Gregory

Dwight, Thomas

Dyson, Arthur

Ear prints

Edward VIII

Edwin Smith Papyrus


Elementa medicinae et chirurgiae forensic (Plenck)

Elements of Medical Jurisprudence (Beck)

Elliotson, Dr. John


England. See also Great Britain; United Kingdom

Entombment of Christ (painting)

Erickson, Inez

Erickson, Norm

Ernst of Hesse, Grand Duke

Erzinclioglu, Dr. Zakaria

Esterhazy, Major Ferdinand



Expert testimony

Explosives: automated detection of

De Externo Tactus Organo (Concerning the External Organs of Feeling) (Malpighi)

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (Mackay)

Extreme Forensics (television program)

Eyewitness testimony

eyewitnesses, cherry picking of

and memory

as unreliable

Face-pattern recognition

Farrow, Ann

Farrow, Thomas

Faulds, Henry

FBI Files (television program)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

and bullet lead

Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)

and Compositional Analysis of Bullet Lead (CABL)

and DNA database

and Drugfire

Identification Division of

and Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System

and NDIS

Ferri, Enrico

Fingerprint patterns: and accidentals

and arches

and loops

and whorls. See also Fingerprints

Finger Prints (Galton)


categories of

classifying of

computerization of

and crime solving

and elimination prints

as evidence

fabrication of

forgery of

and fraud

identification, as means of

interpretation of, in

method of

patterns of

as permanent

and printer’s ink

prints, developing of

and record cards

superglue fuming technique

types of

uniqueness of

use of. See also Fingerprint patterns; Fingerprint types; Handprints

Fingerprints Can Be Forged (Wehde and Beffel)

Fingerprint types: and latent prints

and plastic prints

and visible prints

Fiorenza, John

Firearms examiners

Firearms Investigation, Identification, and Evidence (Hatcher)

Fisch, Isador

Flak, P. A.

Flat prints

Fogelman, Lloyd


and wear pattern analysis

Footprints: Collection, Analysis, and Interpretation (Robbins)

Forensic Analysis: Weighing Bullet Lead Evidence (National Academies)

Forensic anthropology

Forensic ballistics. See also Ballistics

Forensic dentistry

Forensic Files (television program)

Forensic identification: and DNA

Forensic Identification Services

Forensic investigation

Forensic medicine

Forensic pathologists

Forensics: beginnings of

Forensic science: as spectator sport

Forensic techniques: as painstaking

Forensic Technology

Fowler’s Solution

Fowler, Thomas


branding in

Franklin, Sir John

Franklin, Rosalind

Freeman, R. Austin

Frobisher, Martin

Futrelle, Jacques

Gaboriau, Émile

Gall, Franz Joseph

Galton, Sir Francis

Galton-Henry system

Garson, Dr. John

Gerber, Sam

German, Paul


Gernsback, Hugo

Gettler, Dr. Alexander

Gilliard, Pierre

Gladwell, Malcolm

Glaister, Dr. John

Glasse, Hannah

Gobert, Alfred

Goddard, Calvin

Goddard, Henry

Goldman, Ronald

Gourbin, Emile

Gravelle, Philip

Great Britain

branding in

mistaken identity in. See also England; United Kingdom

Green, Nelson

Green, Terry

Grew, Nehemiah

Grieve, David

Griffin, Ambrose

Gross, Hans

Guilfoyle, Michael

Gusenberg, Frank

Gutteridge, Police Constable George

Habron, William

Hahnemann, Samuel

Hair examination

Hall, Charles Francis

Hall, Murray

Hamilton, Dr. Albert

Hammond, Dr. Richard

Hammurabi: Code of

Handprints: use of. See also Fingerprints

Handwriting analysis

and Dreyfus Affair

and Lindbergh kidnapping

Harding, Warren G.

Harris, Thomas

Hart, Sarah

Hatcher, J. S.

Hauptmann, Bruno Richard

Hay, Gordon

Hayes, Susan

Hemings, Sally

Henry VIII

Henry, Edward

Henry, Edward Richard

Henry, Major Hubert

Henry system

classification in

Hereditary sieve

Herschel, William James

Hettrick, Peggy

Hieron II

Hiller, Clarence B.

History of the Finger-Print System (Laufer)

A History of the Franks (St. Gregory of Tours)

History as Mystery (Parenti)

Hitler, Adolf: psychological profile of

Hoag, Thomas

Hodgson, Detective Inspector Tom

Holden, Nancy

Holliday, James O.

Holmes, Dr. Oliver Wendell

Holmes, Sherlock


Hoover, J. Edgar

Houk, John Spencer

Hsi yüan chi lu (The Washing Away of Wrongs) (Sung Tz’u)

Hughes, Howard

Humes, Dr. James

Hurst, Gerald

Hussein, Saddam

Hydrogen cyanide (HCN). See also Prussian Blue

Illinois: death-penalty system, moratorium on


Inbau, Fred


Innocence Project

Innocent III

Insects: and crime solving


Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System

Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS)

International Academy of Criminalistics

International Association for Chiefs of Police



Irene, Princess


lus cruentationis

Jack the Ripper

psychological profile of

Jackson, Harry

James, P. D.

James, Dr. Warren

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffreys, Alec

Jennings, Henry

Jennings, Thomas

Jéquier, Gustav

Jewett, Helen

Jones, Judge Robert

Jones, Thomas

Joseon dynasty

Josephine, Empress

Junk science: pseudo-science v. valid science

Kai Kung-yen

Keeler, Leonard

Keep, Dr. Nathan

Kelly, Alice

Kelly, Fitzroy

Kelly, Mary

Kemp, Willard

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, William Henry “Pat”

Kersta, Laurence

Kirk, Paul Leland

Kluge, William

Klunter, Wilhelm

Konai, Rajyadhar

Kopera, Joseph

Kruger, Theodore

Ku Klux Klan

Kulbicki, James A.

Kyd, Thomas

Lacassagne, Alexandre

Lafarge, Marie-Fortunée

Landsteiner, Dr. Karl

Langer, Dr. Walter C.

Larson, John A.

Latelle, Marie

Latent prints

Laufer, Bernard

Laurie, Peter

Law of the Twelve Tables

Leakey, Mary

Lee, Esther

Lee, Han Tak

Lee, Ji Yun

Lentini, John

Leopold, King

Levy, Lisa

Lewis, Melvin

L’Homme Criminel (The Criminal Man) (Lombroso)

Liebetruth, Johanna

Lie detectors

and breathing rates

and stress

The Lie Detectors (Alder)

The Lie Detector Test (Marston)

Life on the Mississippi (Twain)

Lindberg, Charles

and ransom note


Little Dorrit (Dickens)

Littlefield, Ephraim

Liu, Maria

Locard, Dr. Edmond

and Locard’s Exchange Principle


Loftus, Elizabeth

Lombroso, Cesare

London Police

Loomis, Chauncey C.


Louis Ferdinand, Prince

Luetgert, Adolph Louis

Luetgert, Louisa

Lü Puwei

Lyons, John

Mackay, Charles

Macquer, Pierre

MacWhirter, Ian

Madrid (Spain): bombing in

Maissonier, Ottilie

Malpighi, Marcello

Mann, Lynda

The Man Who Was Me (Markov)

Marey, Etienne-Jules

de Marigny, Count Marie Alfred Fouquereaux

de Marigny, Nancy

Markov, Georgi

Marlowe, Christopher

Marsh, James

and Marsh test

Marston, Elizabeth Holloway

Marston, William Moulton

Masters, Timothy

Matsumura, Fuseo

Mayfield, Brandon

McClaughty, R. W.

McGuire, John J.

McKenzie, Alice

McKie, Constable Shirley

Medecine légale, theorique et pratique (Devergie)

Medical examiners. See also Coroners

Medico-Legal Aspects of the Ruxton Case (Glaister and Brash)

Mein Kampf (My Struggle) (Hitler)

Melchen, Captain Edward

Meloy, J. Reid

Mendel, Gregor

Mercier, General Auguste

Meredith, Dan

Merrill, Silas

Meteorographica (Galton)

Metesky, George

psychological profile of

Metric photography

Metzger, Johann Daniel

Metzler, Stephen Earl

Miescher, Friedrich


Miller, Anna

Miller Jr., Deputy Warden Spencer

Miranda v. Arizona

Miroth, Evelyn

Miroth, Jason

Mistaken identity

Mitchell, Judge Sir Stephen

Modern Criminal Investigation (Söderman and O’Connell)

Modus operandi

Moffeit, Miles

Moran, George “Bugs”

Morgan, C. Andrew

Morgenthau, Robert


Mosby, Thomas

Moses, Kenneth R.

Muir, Richard

Münsterberg, Dr. Hugo

Mysteries of the Missing (Smith)

Mystery literature: forensic detectives in

The Mystery of Marie Rogêt (Poe)

National Academies

National Institute of Forensic Science

National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN)

National Police Agency of Japan

National Research Council

National Research Institute

National Security Agency

NCIS (television program)



Neufeld, Peter J.

Neuslein, Gina Marie

Neutron-activation analysis

New Mexico Territory

New Scotland Yard. See also Scotland Yard

Newton, George W.

New York City: coroners in, corruption of

Nicholas II

Nichols, Mike

Nixon, Richard

Norkus, Paul

Oakes, Sir Harry

O’Brien, Margaret

O’Grady, Thomas

“The Old Lag” (short story)

O’Neil, Captain Maurice

On the Indications of Homicide (Blancus)

On the Witness Stand (Münsterberg)

Orfila, Dr. Matthieu Joseph Bonaventura

Orton, Arthur

Osborn, Albert

Osborn, Albert D.

O’Shea, James

OSS (Office of Strategic Services)

Oxley, Agnes

Pacewicz, Thomas

Palmer, Alfred

Palmer, Ann

Palmer, Walter

Palmer, Dr. William

Parenti, Michael

Parker, Joseph

Parkman, Dr. George

Parks, Barbara

Parks, Robert

Pauling, Linus

Peace, Charles

Perera, Anthony Samson

Perera, Nilanthi

Perera, Winifred

Phelps, Charles B.

Philip, Prince

Photography: as identification


Picquard, Col. Georges

Piotrowski, Dr. Eduard

Pitchfork, Colin

Plastic prints

Plenck, Joseph Jacob

Poe, Edgar Allan


detection of

among gentry

as “inheritance powder”

and women. See also Poisons; Toxicology

Poisons, as defined

as murder weapon

types of. See also Poisoning; Toxocology

Polaris (ship)

Policeman’s Lot (Söderman)

Police procedures: card-indexing system

foot and shoe impressions

Pollak, Judge Louis H.

Pollock, Jackson

Polygraph machine

and confessions


Portland Seven

Portrait parlé

Poser, Dr. Max

Post Mortem (television program)

Pouch-Lafarge, Charles

Prime Suspect (television program)

Prince of Swindlers, John Sadleir M.P. (O’Shea)

Profiler (television program)

Prussian Blue. See also Hydrogen cyanide (HCN)

Psychological profile

Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE)

The Psychopathic Mind: Origins, Dynamics, and Treatment (Meloy)

Puckett, John

Pudd’nhead Wilson (Twain)

Purkinje, Johannes Evangelist

Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques


Raday, Count Gideon

Ramirez, Ricardo “Richard” Leyva Muñoz (“Night Stalker”)

Redl, Colonel Alfred

Reeve, Arthur B.

Reibel, Joseph

Reichs, Kathy

Renault, Lêon

Ressler, Robert

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)

Reyes, Matias

Richard the Lion Hearted

Richie, Kenny


Rifles: Kentucky rifles v. muskets

and rifling

Robbins, Louise M.: and Cinderella analysis

Rogers, Mary

Rogerson, Mary

Rojas, Francesca

Roman Empire

and forensic medicine


Rose, Valentine

Roseborough, Rose Kate

Ross, Charlie

Ross, Marion

Rosser, Kevin

Russell, Edward

Russell, Lord William

Russia: branding in

Ruxton, Dr. Buck

Ryan, George

Ryan, Jack

Sacco, Nicola

Sadleir, John

Saudi Arabia


Schanzkowska, Franziska. See also Anna Anderson

Schatz, Christopher

Scheck, Barry C.

Scheele, Karl Wilhelm

Schindler, Raymond

Schönbein, Christian Friedrich

Schwartzkoppen, Lt. Col. Maximilien von

Science: crime, solving of

as term

Scotland Yard (Laurie)

Scotland Yard

anthropometric system at

Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of

Fingerprint Bureau of. See also New Scotland Yard

Secrets of Forensic Science (television program)

Seibold, Louis

Seltzer, Louis B.

Serial killers: kinds of


Shakespeare, William

Sheppard, Marilyn

Sheppard, Dr. Samuel

Sheppard, Dr. Steven

Shields, Bill

Sheldon, Calvin

Shui hu chuan


Silent Witness (television program)

Simpson, Nicole Brown

Simpson, O. J.

Sing Sing prison

Smith, David M.

Smith, Edward H.

Smith, John

Smith, Sir Sidney

Soba, Masato


Söderman, Harry


Solved (television program)

Sound spectrograph

South America

Souviron, Dr. Richard

Spara, Hieronyma

Spilsbury, Bernard


The Spring and Autumn of Master Lü

Stanton, Ethel


St. Gregory of Tours

Stielow, Charles

Stillmark, Hermann

Stonebarger, Harvey

Strassmann, Fritz

Stratton, Albert

Stratton, Alfred


St. Valentine’s Day massacre

Sung dynasty: and Sung Code

Sung Tz’u

Supreme Court

Sweet, Henry


Swinburne, Algernon Charles


Sylvester, Diana Sue

T’ai Tsung



Tamerlane (aka Timur)

Tamm, Quinn

Tang dynasty


Tarbell, Ida

Tawell, John

Taylor, Sophia

Taylor, Zachary

Tegata (hand stamp)

Teichmann, Ludwig

Tharme, Eliza

Theory of evolution

Thompson, Gilbert

Thompson machine guns (“Tommy” guns)


Tichborne, Lady

Tichborne, Roger Charles Doughty

Ti Jen-chieh

Timurid Empire

Titterton, Lewis

Titterton, Nancy Evans

Toms, John

Toolmark comparison

Toolmark examination: conclusions of

Toolmark examiners. See Firearms examiners

Torture: and confession

Toxicology. See also Poisoning; Poisons

Trace evidence analysis

and hair

Train, Arthur

Traité de Criminalistique (Locard)

Treatise on Man (Quetelet)

A Treatise on Poisons . . . (Orfila)


Troup, Charles Edward

Troup Committee

True crime stories


Twain, Mark

Uhlenhuth, Paul

and precipitin test

United Kingdom: ear-print evidence in. See also England; Great Britain

United States

blood types in

DNA testing in

ear-print analysis in

fingerprinting in

Unnatural Death (Baden)

U.S. Army: Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape programs of

U.S. Patriot Act

Van der Lugt, Cornelius

Van der Werff, Pieter

Van Ess, Isabella

Vanezis, Peter

Van Gulik, Robert

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo

Vidocq, Eugène

Vidocq, François

Vidocq Society

Villearreal, Peggy


Voice analysis: and voiceprints

Voice Stress Evaluator

Vollmer, August

Von Vierordt, Karl

Von Koppen, P. J.

Vucetich, Juan

Vucetich system

Wagner, Carmen

Waite, Charles

Wallin, Theresa

Walls, Dr. Hamish

Walsin-Esterhazy, Commandant Count Ferdinand. See Ferdinand Esterhazy

Walton, Richard H.

Warring States

Washington, George

Watson, James

Wax, Steven

Webster, John White

Wehde, Albert

Weinberg, Steve

Wertheim, Patrick A.

West, Will

West, William

Wiener, Dr. Alexander

Wilson, Pete

Wolcott, Margaret

Wonder Woman

Wood, Dorothy

Wood, L. W.

Woodall, Glen

Wrongful convictions

Wu dynasty

Yi Yu Ji (A Book of Criminal Cases)

Zain, Fred

Zhang Ju

Zhivkov, Todor

Zola, Emile: and “J’accuse” editorial
