THIS BOOK WAS ORIGINALLY intended as a story about American veterans of the Viet Nam War which would also include segments on Viet Namese and Cambodian soldiers and their families. The Cambodian section took on a life of its own about three years into the writing. I would like to thank all those many people who assisted me in reaching an understanding of the American experience. The original story has not been abandoned—only temporarily put on hold.

In addition I would like to thank Sisomouth Bilavarn, F. C. Brown, Jim Catlin, David Chandler, Ronald E. Cowart, Sam Deibbler, Frank Del Vecchio, Ahmed Delvean, the Venerable Maha Gosshananda, Harry Hayes, Thanvy Kouk, Mike Kukler, Ben Cai Lam, Bill Laurie, Ned Leavitt, Marcus Leddy, Bob Ledlelaytner, Ron Mullins, Ven Nguyen, Doug Peacock, Bob Platte, Elena Rusnak, Ed Ruminski, Al Santoli, Mary Scully, Teddy Shpak, Mel Simensky, Shelby Stanton, and Tom Taylor.

I would also like to thank F. X. and Rebecca Anne Flinn for their inspiration.

And a very special acknowledgment to Jeremiah who was there every day, through every word of every rewrite, until the very last.