In writing this book I’ve mentioned just a few of the people who made Com Tech and later Dimension Data the amazing company that it was. There are literally way too many to have named all the sensational people who helped me navigate the ups and downs during my 14 years as founder of Com Tech. I want to acknowledge all of the people who worked with me from those early years until I stepped down in 2001 – I could never have achieved what I did without you. I always say that 99 per cent of the good ideas at Com Tech came from people other than me – so thank you for your contribution to building Australia’s first tech unicorn. I hope that our success helped to inspire other founders.
Please note that where possible I have endeavoured to attribute all the quotations that appear in these pages. I have always been fascinated by business leadership, and over the years I have read and listened to much; if I have failed to mention the source, apologies, but you have inspired me and I hope that my words, influenced by yours, will inspire many others. I would be pleased to receive information about any material that requires further acknowledgment in subsequent printings of this book.