Abban Ó Sedna (OB-bawn oh SEN-yah)—commander of southern Faolanaigh forces

Ailbhe (AL-va)—Conor’s céad mate

Ailís (AY-leesh)—Aine’s mother, former queen of Faolán, now deceased

Aine Nic Tamhais (ON-yuh nik TAV-ish)—King Calhoun’s half sister

Alsandair Mac Tamhais (AL-san-dahr mok TAV-ish)—Aine’s father, Aronan clan chief, now deceased

Amanta (ah-MAN-ta)—the island upon which Aron and Gwydden are located

Aran (AHR-an)—mapper for the Faolanaigh forces

Ard Dhaimhin (ard DAV-in)—High City, former seat of the High King

Arkiel (ar-KEEL)—Companion who instigated the rebellion against Comdiu

Aron/Aronan (ah-RUN)—the country of Aine’s birth on the isle of Amanta/its language & people

Balian (BAH-lee-an)—the faith of those who follow Balus; a follower of Balus

Balurnan (bal-UR-nan)—Lord Labhrás’s estate

Balus (BAH-lus)—Son of Comdiu, savior of mankind

Beagan (BOG-awn)—Fíréin tracker

Beancaiseal (ban-CASH-el)—capital of Siomar

bean-sidhe (BAN-shee)—a spirit whose appearance is thought to foreshadow death

Bearrach (BEAR-uhk)—healer at Lisdara; Aine’s instructor

Bodb (bawv)—king of Sliebhan

Cáisc (kahshk)—feast in celebration of Balus’s resurrection

Calhoun Mac Cuillinn (cal-HOON mok CUL-in)—king of Faolán

Canon—the Balian Holy Scriptures

Carraigmór (CAIR-ig-mor)—fortress of the High King and the Fíréin brotherhood

céad (ked)—a company of men; literally, one hundred

Ceannaire (KAN-na-ahr)—leader of the Fíréin brotherhood

Ciaran (KEER-an)—Fíréin sentry

Cill Rhí (kill ree)—Balian monastery

Cira/Ciraean (SEER-ah) (seer-AY-ahn)—largest empire in history, now reduced to a small portion of the continent

clochan (CLO-han)—dry-stone, beehive-shaped hut

Comdiu (COM-dyoo)—God

Companions—the spirit warriors of Comdiu; angels

Conclave—the ruling body of the Fíréin brotherhood

Conor Mac Nir (CON-ner mok NEER)—son of King Galbraith

Cúan (KOO-ahn)—mapper for the Faolanaigh forces

Daigh (dy)—senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

Daimhin (DAV-in)—first and only High King of Seare

Diarmuid (DEER-muhd)—druid; adviser to King Galbraith

Dolan (DOH-len)—Conor’s manservant

Donnan (DON-uhn)—Niamh’s bodyguard

Dún Eavan (doon EE-van)—crannog fortress; original seat of the king of Faolán

Eames (eems)—village near Faolanaigh camp

Eimer (EYE-mer)—housekeeper at Dún Eavan

Eoghan (OH-in)—Fíréin apprentice; Conor’s best friend

Faolán/Faolanaigh (FEY-lahn) (FEY-lahn-eye)—northeastern kingdom in Seare, ruled by Clan Cuillinn / its language and people

Fergus Mac Nir (FAYR-gus mok NEER)—tanist to King Galbraith; Conor’s uncle

Fionncill (fee-AHN-kill)—village outside of Lisdara

Fíréin (FEER-een) brotherhood—ancient brotherhood dedicated to the reinstatement of the High King

Forrais (FOR-rus)—Aronan town of Aine’s birth, Highland seat of Clan Tamhais

Gainor Mac Cuillinn (GAY-nor mok CUL-in)—tanist to King Calhoun; Calhoun’s brother

Galbraith Mac Nir (GOL-breth mok NEER)—king of Tigh; Conor’s father

Gillian (JILL-yuhn)—elderly Fíréin brother

Glenmallaig (glen-MAL-ag)—seat of the king of Tigh; Conor’s birthplace

Gwydden (GWIH-duhn)—a country across the Amantine Sea

Hesperides (hes-PAIR-uh-dees)—country within the Ciraean empire

Innis (IN-ish)—Fíréin sentry

Iuchbar (OOK-bar)—Balian brother and tutor at Lisdara

Kebaran (keh-BAHR-ahn)—the ethnic group into which Balus was born

Keondric Mac Eirhinin (KEN-drick mok-AYR-nin)—lord of Rathmor; battle captain

Labhrás Ó Maonagh (LAV-raws oh-MOY-nah)—lord of Balurnan; Conor’s foster father

Leannan (LON-nan)—steward of Lisdara

Levant/Levantine (lev-AHNT)(lev-ahn-TEEN)—the country and language of the Kebarans

Liam Mac Cuillinn (LEE-um mok CUL-in)—Ceannaire, leader of the Fíréin brotherhood

Lisdara (lis-DAR-ah)—seat of the king of Faolán

Loch Ceo (lok kyo)—lake within Ard Dhaimhin

Loch Eirich (lok AYE-rick)—lake in which Dún Eavan is located

Loch Laraigh (lok LAR-uh)—lake in northern Faolán; site of a Balian monastery

Lorcan (LUR-cawn)—leader of Aine’s guard

Lughaire (LOO-ree)—Fíréin sword master

Macha (MAH-huh)—Aine’s aunt, chief of Clan Tamhais, lady of Forrais

Máiréad (MAH-red)—Conor’s mother, queen of Tigh, now deceased

Marcan (MAR-kawn)—steward at Glenmallaig

Meallachán (MOL-luck-on)—bard

Melandra/Melandran (mell-AHN-drah) (mell-AHN-drahn)—country within the Ciraean Empire/its language & people

Myles (MEE-als)—Faolanaigh warrior

Nemeton—sacred place of the Seareann druids

Niamh Nic Cuillinn (NEE-uv nik CUL-in)—King Calhoun’s sister

Norin (NOR-in)—the common name of the Northern Isles; origin of the Sofarende

Odran (OH-rawn)—Fíréin tracker

Oonagh (OO-nah)—Aine’s and Niamh’s maidservant

Rathmór (RATH-mohr)—seat of Clan Eirhinin, a minor royal line of Faolán

Reamonn (RAH-mun)—elder Fíréin brother, overseer of fieldwork

Riocárd (rih-CARD)—lord of Tirnall, Galbraith’s champion, captain of the guard

Riordan Mac Nir (REER-uh-dawn mok NEER)—Conor’s uncle, senior member of the Fíréin brotherhood

Rós Dorcha (ross DEER-ka)—old forest bordering Siomar

Róscomain (ros-COM-muhn)—old forest bordering Tigh and Sliebhan

Ruarc (ROO-ark)—Aine’s bodyguard

Seaghan (shayn)—commander of southern Siomaigh forces

Seanrós (SHAWN-ross)—old forest bordering Faolán

Seare/Seareann (SHAR-uh)(SHAR-uhn)—island housing the four kingdoms/its language & people

Semias (SHAY-mus)—king of Siomar

sidhe (shee)—the evil spirits of the underworld; demons

Siomar/Siomaigh (SHO-mar) (SHO-my)—southeastern kingdom in Seare/its language & people

Slaine (SLAHN-yuh)—leader of Conor’s céad

Sliebhan/Sliebhanaigh (SLEEV-ahn) (SLEEV-ahn-eye)—southwestern kingdom in Seare/its language & people

Sofarende (soeh-FUR-end-uh)—seafarers from the Northern Isles (Norin)

Sualtam (SOO-alt-um)—Faolanaigh warrior

tanist—chosen successor of a Seareann king, elected by the kingdom’s council of lords

Tarlach (TAR-lock)—steward at Dún Eavan

Teallach (TOL-lock)—Fíréin spear instructor

Tigh/Timhaigh (ty) (TIH-vy)—northwestern kingdom in Seare, ruled by Clan Nir/its language & people

Tor (tor)—Conor’s céad mate

Treasach (TRAS-ahk)—Balian brother and tutor at Lisdara

Uilliam (WIL-yam)—Faolanaigh warrior