• 1 quart cranberries
• 1 cup granulated sugar
• 1¼ cups water
• Almond oil
• Chicory
1. Wash and pick over the berries and discard any bruised ones, pieces of stem, or leaves.
2. Place the cranberries in a saucepan with the sugar and water and bring them to a boil. The skins will start to pop open, and after most of the berries have popped, boil them another 3 to 4 minutes.
3. Remove the cranberries from the burner and let them cool, then press them through a sieve to remove the seeds and skins. Pour the strained berries into a decorative mold that has been brushed with almond oil (or water), and set in the refrigerator to chill. Serve on a bed of chicory.