• 4 Idaho potatoes (1½ pounds)
• ⅔ stick butter
1. About 20 minutes before you plan to serve dinner, peel the potatoes and slice them paper thin with a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife over a bowl or plate.
2. Heat a 12” skillet and add the butter. As soon as the butter reaches the foaming stage and begins to brown, add the potatoes.
3. Cover the pan so that the potatoes heat all the way through. After 4 minutes, remove the cover and turn the potatoes over with a wide spatula, as you would pancakes. The slices that have been on the bottom will have turned a bright golden brown; slide these over to the side of the pan. As more slices brown, keep moving them aside until all the potatoes are crisp and brown. This will take about 10 minutes altogether.
4. If the potatoes are ready a little before you have finished the other preparations, slide them into a pan lined with brown paper or paper toweling and put them in a warm oven.