Sautéed Scallops with a Ring of White Rice

1½ to 2 pounds bay scallops

1 scant teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

½ tablespoon freshly cut chervil or parsley

½ stick butter (2 ounces) at room temperature

3 cups cooked white rice (page 24)

1. Prepare the scallops by spreading them out on a sheet of wax paper. Wipe off with a damp cloth any chips of shell or sand that may be clinging to them.

2. Scallops are very tender and should be prepared quickly, so place the ingredients needed for this recipe close at hand.

3. Before cooking the scallops, which will take only about 4 or 5 minutes, prepare the rice ring. Butter a 5-cup ring mold and pack it with 3 cups of hot steamed rice. Place a round serving dish over the top and, holding it and the mold securely, quickly invert them. Remove the mold.

4. To prepare the scallops, first heat a heavy-bottomed 12” skillet over medium heat. When it is hot, add a half stick of butter, raise the heat, and bring the butter to the foaming stage. When the butter begins to brown, add the scallops. Increase the heat and, holding the pan a little above the burner, shake it back and forth over the heat for 3 or 4 minutes. Sprinkle over the cayenne pepper and salt.

5. Fill the center of the rice ring with the scallops and garnish with the chervil or parsley. Serve hot.