• 4 small veal kidneys
• ½ stick soft butter
• 1 tablespoon finely cut parsley
• ¼ lemon
• Salt and ground black pepper
Buy small or medium-small kidneys and ask your butcher to leave them in the fat.
• 1 stick soft butter
• 2 teaspoons finely cut chervil
• 1 teaspoon finely cut parsley
• ¼ teaspoon lemon juice
• Salt and white pepper
1. Prepare the seasoned butter sauce by blending together the ingredients a few hours in advance.
2. Just before grilling prepare the kidneys. Cut a slit through the fat to the kidney. With your fingers, pull off the fat and membrane. Cut away any fat attached to the center of the kidney.
3. Slice the kidneys through lengthwise almost in half and flatten them out butterfly style. With a small sharp knife, cut away any excess fat.
4. Wash the kidneys well under running cold water and pat dry with a towel.
5. Paint both sides of each kidney with the soft butter and set them aside.
6. Preheat the broiler for 5 minutes.
7. Sprinkle the kidneys with salt and grind the black pepper over them. Place them cut side up on the broiler pan and squeeze the juice of the lemon over the kidneys.
8. Kidneys tend to curl up under heat, so place a heavy wire rack over them. An excellent rack for grilling kidneys is a long-handled hinged grill with medium grids of the type that is generally used for outdoor grilling of fish or steaks.
9. Place the kidneys 3 or 4 inches below medium-high heat. Cook about 4 minutes on each side. Kidneys should be crisp around the edges, yet juicy when you cut into them, so take care not to overcook them.
10. Remove the kidneys to a hot serving dish and garnish with the fresh parsley. Serve hot with the butter sauce.