There is the journey in the book and the journey of the book. In both cases I have had invaluable encouragement and collaboration from many people in bringing this story to the page. Kris White and Megan Frazer Blakemore lent a fantastic critical eye to early drafts. My super agent Lauren MacLeod helped me find The Other Way Around while showing endless patience and unflagging support. I am eternally grateful that this book found its home with the brilliant Andrew Karre; both for his editorial wizardry and dedication to telling the stories of adolescence.

To my fellow teachers and students both past and present—you are all in here. You are all a part of the story.

Thanks to Tara for the constant ear. You are my level. And to Carrie who is on whatever side I’m on. Thanks to all my friends who have shared with me their excitement, curiosity, and interest every step of the way.

To Mom and Dad, you were the first to hear my words. It is with you and because of you, that so many more are possible. With Noah and Ali, you are my Kaufmans. Thank you for loving and reading, sharing and eating.

Finally, thanks to Lance and Eliana for granting me time in “the cave.” Lance, thank you for your unconditional love and support of my crazy monkey brain and the stories it spins. I know you think I did it without you, but you are wrong.