April 10, 1073, Tuesday
This arc welding is a different animal. I keep getting the rods stuck to the metal. This is supposed to be quicker and easier. So far for me it’s not true. Later.
Arc welding consist of a metal rod attached to an electric currant. A clamp is clasped to the metal being welded, this creates a continued electrical circuit when the rod touches the metal. The trick is to keep the melding rod close enough to the weld while moving it, but not to close as to let the rod stick to the weld.
I wear the large welding helmet. The window plate is black. Without the blaze of the arc welder my vision looking out is zero. I have to strike the ark to the metal then lower my helmet. When I flip my head to lower my helmet I jerk my hand and the rod gets stuck.
When the rod gets stuck I can turn off the currant. If I leave it stuck, it super heats the whole rod; it turns brilliant red and starts to melt. At this point it becomes pliable and bendy. I have taken to making metal rod sculptors to pass the time. Later.
Barbra brought Fred by this evening. She is dressed to kill, she has a big date. That was five hours ago. Everybody went to bed. I have Fred sleeping on the couch. I’ll wait for his mom. What else can I do, Mr. Journal? Later.