December 12, 1972, Tuesday

New rumor, this one is from the CC. If we pass our weekly test, our retest and our re retest we may get to go home for Christmas. If we fail we get sent back an extra week on worm island.

This puts a lot of pressure on the CC. I’m sure he doesn’t want to spend Christmas with us no more that we want to spend Christmas with him, here. Either way if this is true it is historical.

Our new form of punishment is jumping jacks using our rifles. Fuck up and its 100 jumping jacks. If he is extra pissed he throws in 50 push-ups. Fuck ups are becoming more not less. We are never seeing Christmas. Later.

Just broke up another fight. Tempers are short. The lack of nicotine and the pressures are building up. Lines are being drawn between the guys that get it, and the guys that hold us back. I’m in the middle with my friends. We realize that it’s up to us to help these slow guys. If they don’t pass we don’t pass. Getting into fights with them makes it worse. Get caught fighting and the wrath comes down on us all. I jump in before it comes to fists. I just want to get out of here. Besides, if I can’t kick somebody’s ass, then no one gets too. Later.