February 3, 1973, Saturday

The officer recruits have gone off on their two day passes. Half of the company is on a one day pass. We are free to go where we want to. There is one stipulation. We have to march where ever we go. It has to be in groups of two or more. Somebody has to march, somebody has to give the marching orders. Adams and I went to lunch mess. I was the marcher going to mess. I was the order giver on the way back. Later.

As the guys start to return from day leave the story’s get around. Jim is a country boy from Kansas. He could have stepped out of a Norman Rockwell Painting, freckles and all. Jim told me he paid for a hooker. I asked him how it was. He said it was like fucking his girlfriend. I told him it doesn’t say much for his girlfriend. Randy said, “Or does it?” The barracks had a long conversation about that one.

I couldn’t sleep I was tossing and turning and then it dawned on me. The entire Texas Company was given a two day leave. On account that they were number one. The SOBs. I woke up and got down from my rack. I snuck over to the Texas Company barracks, in the dark. Just as I thought, the Barracks was empty. Having spent some time on night working party’s I knew where and when the night watches go. It was easy to avoid them.

All the Company’s put the flags in the same place I walked to them and easily tore off the award flags. I tucked them in my shirt and snuck my way back to the barracks. I hid them and went to sleep. Later.