February 14, 1973, Wednesday
A couple of nights ago we went to the base night club. It was standing room only. The drinks were one dollar each, it took over an hour to get one. I was interested in meeting some women. The ratio was 1 woman to 20 men. Maybe some other time. We left and went down to the bay to get high. Later.
Classes the last two days consisted of watching old instructional navy movies. Some were the classic such as; “Don’t talk about what you do in front of strangers. Loose lips sink ship. We have secrets that the enemy wants.” Old films as in WWII old.
Some films were about damage control. Down in the hull of the ship in the underbelly, they have door hatches on the floor (deck). We should be careful not to fall through an open one. All the movies had bad actors.
We were “Masked” over two dozen times today. I can now mask up in five seconds. Four more weeks of this. It is already annoying.
We did go to the concrete buildings to get instructions on things like opening a door that has a fire behind it (from the opposite side of the hinges). Checking a bulk head (wall) for heat (with the back of your hand). All the stuff we get tested on Friday. Later.