March 23, 1973, Friday
I woke up with this sinking feeling in my stomach. I don’t know how to weld. I never did and I don’t now. The test is today. Oh well, they can’t transfer me in till Monday when I finish my confinement. At least I can go to Mexico with the padre this weekend, before they ship me somewhere else. I might get lucky and not get transferred until next week. I might get to enjoy the beach house for a short time, I did pay rent for this month. Later.
Holy crap! I passed. I not only passed I had one flaw. My nickels were laid down perfect. The bond was near perfect. It held 160PSIs beyond the passing pressure needed. Wow!
The instructors let us bring our completed project to them at any time in the day. Those that finish and pass are dismissed for the rest of the day. Ninety percent of the class lined up to be tested right away. The rest of us dummies went to our booths to practice. We have to the end of the day to bring it to them finished or not.
I got in to my booth as usual. I put on my thick leather apron. I closed the curtain. I put on my goggles and fired up the torch. I regulated the right amount of acetylene to oxygen. I got a white hot flame at the tip. The metal was securely in the vice and prepared. I dipped the rod in the flux. I melted the three things together.
A light went off in my head when I saw it. It was so tiny, about the size of two pin heads. It was the molten center. I worked it, I made it double in size. The area behind it was cooler than the area in front, it made a horse shoe shape. I slowly moved it forward, I am laying down nickels. At the same time it is fusing the two metals sides together, forming a welded bond.
I was sweating like a pig dog, but I took my time. I was afraid that I might not see the molten center again. It took what seemed like forever but I finished before lunch.
The testing process took a long time. Some of the first guys were finally getting tested, they saw I was in line. I didn’t get tested until after lunch. The guys hung around to see what I was going to do on the base this weekend. They were half concerned half wanting to raze me.
Jerry wished my sentence was longer, he liked having the room to himself. Okie is learning how to surf. Peter said I haven’t missed much. Beautiful sunsets, smoking pot any time in your own living room. Watching those beautiful sunsets, beers, good civilian company. Foxy women in bikinis walking up and down the boardwalk, day and night. Don’t forget freedom. Other than those things I’m not missing much. I think it was worth it, I got rid of Brice.
If it wasn’t for the padre I would be going nuts this weekend. He said he would be here to get me early at 0400 hours. We have to drive down to the Baja’s and get everything squared away. The barracks chief is not too happy. He has to be here to check me out. Padre said that this chief is what gives the navy a bad name. Chief Wascowski. It’s a mindset. Puts in 30 years, be lazy, don’t make waves, don’t contribute, retire with the highest rank available. Live high off the hog in tell death comes knocking. Most importantly bitch and moan whenever you’re asked to do something extra. And hate everybody that’s not your friend. His words not mine.
I just finished chow. Wascowski wants the night master-at-arms to watch me closely. He wants me to do something wrong so he can extend my stay. He wants to punish me for what the padre is making him do. What an ass, I won’t give him a reason, the dick head.
I made it through the day without an incident. They moved my stuff and my bunk two times trying to get me pissed off, I laughed. I told them they were armatures at getting someone’s goad. It’s lights out. Later.