Chapter 46


Ice Age Orson walked up to the table where Luke sat and extended his hand. Luke stood and gripped it with a smile. Orson was grayer at the temples than Luke remembered, but he hadn’t gone to fat like some of those they’d served with. They were even in height, but Orson was more thickly muscled than Luke. He’d always looked formidable, and time hadn’t changed that.

“Likewise, Ice Age. Have a seat.” Luke motioned to the other side of the booth. He’d gotten them a semiprivate table at a local restaurant called Hof’s Hut.

They both ordered coffee and made small talk for a few minutes.

“Even though she’s beautiful, you didn’t come all the way to Long Beach to see the latest pictures of my daughter,” Luke said finally. “What’s up?”

“Perceptive as always. Actually, I’ve wanted to catch up for a while. Hear you have quite a colorful career going as a PI. You’re a YouTube star.”

Luke smiled. “Go ahead, get your digs in. But the creep is in jail and three girls are safe at home.”

Orson laughed. “No digs here —you got good moves. I also saw a bit about your cold case, the Triple Seven, and I thought it was interesting. You make any headway on it?”

“Yes and no.” Luke told him about his investigation to date.

“Really? Hart’s parents were murdered in that restaurant?”

“Yeah.” Luke felt his heart race a bit at the thought of Abby and worked to stay frosty and professional.

“Her name has come up in my sphere of influence. I know colleagues who’ve worked with her; they say she’s sharp.”

“I agree.” He sipped his coffee. “The thing is, after that interview about the cold case, someone almost killed me trying to warn me away.”


“Happened on the bike path where I jog.” Luke filled his friend in on the attempt on his life. “Last I heard, they still haven’t identified the dead guy.”

“That story hadn’t reached me. Glad you’re okay. But not surprised you came out on top. They don’t know who they’re messing with.”

“I’m hoping you might be able to help with an ID. His prints aren’t in the system.” He slid Detective Wright’s card across the table. On the back he’d written the coroner’s case number for the unidentified attacker. “The guys looked ex-military. If there’s anything you can do, I’d appreciate it.”

Orson took the card. “I’ll see what I can find out.”

“Is the FBI interested in helping with the Triple Seven?” Luke asked, curiosity growing exponentially.

“Well, that’s partly why I wanted to see you. I’ve just been assigned a new gig. It’s a federal grant, so it may only last until the money runs out, but there’s a lot of money right now. You’ve heard of Senator Harriet Shore?”

“I’ve heard the name. She’s from Virginia, correct?”

“She is, and like you, she lost someone years ago and the crime has never been solved. Thirty years ago her older sister and the sister’s boyfriend were shot and killed while they were parked at a lovers’ lane. So cold cases are near and dear to her heart. She appropriated the money for this Cold Case Task Force, CCTF, and pretty much gave us carte blanche as to how to staff it and work it.”

“And you’re going to work the Triple Seven?”

Orson shook his head slowly. “Nope, I’m hoping you will, under the federal banner.”

“Huh?” Luke was certain his face was a question mark.

“I’m hiring for the CCTF, putting together teams. I can hire retired cops or agents; I can hire PIs; I can hire pretty much anyone I want if I can justify the hire. I have an East Coast team already up and running. It’s made up of retreads from a couple of sheriffs’ offices, a cop, and a DA investigator, headed up by an agent. I want you on my West Coast team.”

“I don’t know what to say.” Luke’s mind jumbled with too many thoughts. “Would I have to move to Washington?”

“No, you’d be based here. You would have to travel occasionally, but only in the western states, and probably the longest trip would be a week.”

“Wow” was all he could say. While Luke loved the freedom of working for himself as a PI, there were times when the license didn’t give him complete access. Sometimes police agencies were downright hostile. Here he was being offered federal access.

“Think about it. I’ll e-mail you the full monty on the gig. And the West Coast case we’re considering looking into. I’ll even take a look at anyone you think might also be interested in joining the team. I’ll be around for a few days and will touch base before I fly back. It is a big deal, so give it some thought.”