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It’s a little after eight. From the call I got from Gabe a few minutes ago, the girls have been up for over an hour and he’s more than ready to get them out of the house. Mom is willing to follow—she’s in love with the girls. The nanny is good for six more hours before she needs a break.
I’m looking down at Olivia. After I fixed her something to eat and we did need to make up all the beds while we didn’t talk about what happened on the plane, she pleaded for a small nap almost a half hour ago. Considering how loud the guys are downstairs I’m glad she’s sleeping through it.
A bulletproof SUV was delivered from Sam about an hour ago, along with the information the arraignment wasn’t expected until nine thirty, maybe ten. Which is also the time the hospital was supposed to release Stella. I contact the hospital to let them know the time doesn’t work for me, it needs to be as soon as possible to get Stella in a safe place before Larry can make a move. The doctor was willing to release her, maybe five minutes ago. She should be here in about a half hour.
I climb into the SUV to pick up the girls, Mom and the nanny. Since the guards were there Gabe left to go secure his place, then will head over to my place later today. There’s still a bunch of crap at their house we need to get. The youngest had been crying for a pink unicorn since she got to Mom’s. I think it’s best for me to just grab it now. I don’t like the idea of taking the kids to their house only to drag them away again. Even though she won’t like it, I make the decision to let Olivia sleep. I’m sure her sister will wake her up when she gets here.
I let the guys know Olivia is asleep upstairs, to make sure and leave a panic button along with instructions on the kitchen island. One of them, I think his name is Charles, tells me he’s assigned to the property so he’ll be here when I get back, and if Olivia wakes up he’ll walk her through everything.
I roll my neck in an effort to relieve tension, but it doesn’t help. My mind hasn’t stopped running over what Olivia said on the plane. It didn’t matter I already knew it—hearing it spoken out loud, it became real. Olivia Casey hadn’t just wiggled under my skin, she’d worked her way into my heart, into my soul. If she left or I left, she would take a part of me I’ll never get back; it didn’t matter if it was ten days or ten years or sixty years from now. Christ, the way she demanded a baby from me, telling me she was no longer going to fuck me with her being protected... Something primal roared to life at the idea of fucking my baby into her, our baby, a part of me and her becoming one the way we did when we made love for everyone to see.
The sign catches my eye. Come on, Rourke, I tell myself, you don’t have time for this. It won’t take long. I had spotted it when I was buying her earrings, only I made myself back away. No more backing down or away.
I pull into the driveway of Stella’s house. It’s only now I realize I don’t have a key. Damn it. I decide to chance it and get out of the SUV to try the door. I’m in luck—it’s unlocked. Shit. The place is a wreck, there’s blood all over the damn place. A broken lamp, there’s a fucking bullet hole, three in the wall. I shiver at the idea of four little girls, let alone Stella going through all this. With a heavy sigh I bring up the text list of things that needed to be retrieved. The pink unicorn is easy to spot. I’m in a kid’s room where I’m looking for special pajamas when my phone goes off.
It’s Sam King. “He’s out.”
“No fucking way.” I check the time: nine ten.
“Yes, he’s on his way back to his house with his mom.”
“Fuck. I’m at his house. Do you know his ETA?”
The cool as ice Sam swears, “I have no idea. Get the fuck out now, go out the fucking back if you have to. I’m texting my man now.”
Too late—the front door slams, and I can hear Larry and his mom swearing at each other. “Too late, there’s no point of egress from this room. A bunk bed is in front of the window.” The fighting is getting louder. Shit, he’s hitting her and screaming at her calling her a bitch and a cunt. Christ, from down the hall I can hear bones crunch. “The light is on in this room. Fuck, he heard me. I’m going out with my hands up.”
“Who’s here?” Larry is in the doorway. Maybe five seven with a stomach and pale blond hair. His eyes go big when he sees me. “Rourke Vega, you Rourke Vega? What the fuck—the bitch Olivia is working for you. You got my wife, my kids, motherfucker? Where are they? Where the fuck are they?” Then it’s there: he pulls a gun from the small of his back and waves it in my face.
My hands are still up, I haven’t disconnected from Sam. “Chill, man, I don’t have your kids or your wife. Let’s talk.”
With my size intimidating him the gun wavers, and he backs away. I take my opening. With my left forearm I swing to disarm him and with my right fist I hit him in the dead center of his chest, taking the air and fight out of him. The front door flies open, hitting the wall as Sam’s man yells his entry.
“Your guy is zip tying him now. Call 911 for me.”
“APD is already on their way.”
I nod at Sam’s man as he asks me if I’m okay, then hand him the phone. The sound of a gun isn’t something I’ve heard for years, but it’s unmistakable. The echoing sound is deafening in the small hallway as I turn to see Melinda Thierry standing over her son with the gun pointed at his chest. Blood is everywhere, crimson sprayed across her face and hand, already pooling beneath him. My reflexes are nowhere near as good as I thought they were because I’ve barely taken in the scene before she points the gun at her own head and fires. Fuck. I blink and she disappears in a spray of blood and bone, and I close my eyes against the loss of life in front of me.
I’m woken up by my sister. I flinch at the bruises on her pretty face and the cast on her arm. There’s no warning: one moment I blink, the next I burst into tears. We hold each other as we cry. I think we both say I’m sorry a half dozen times until finally we get ourselves under control.
“I was so ashamed. I couldn’t believe how badly I had messed up. I couldn’t believe how quickly it went from bad to completely fucked up. I’m still scared of Larry. He won’t let us go easily. I’m so grateful for what Rourke Vega has done, but I don’t know if he understands—”
“Don’t even try. Rourke understands better than you or I, and I tried already to keep him from getting involved. Might as well try and push a mountain. Once he sets his mind to something it’s done.”
“Oh, that’s a relief. Gabe was telling me not to freak, Rourke is family, and it’s true. He’s nuts over you, only someone who really loved someone would take on this crazy-ass situation.”
“I know it. He knows it. The only question is what is he going to do about it?”
There’s a knock at the door. It’s one of the installers for the door. “I’m Charles, Ms. Casey. I’m supposed to let you know Mr. Vega is fine, he’ll be a few hours longer. It’s now safe for us to go to his mother’s house. When you’re ready, I’ll take you.”
“Wait. It’s now safe, why is Rourke wanting me to know he’s safe? What happened?” The guy’s eyes go wide as he backs away. “Get me Sam King on the line, now.”
He looks relieved, pulls out his phone, presses three buttons and the phone is ringing. It takes a few rings for Sam to answer, sounding pissed. “Charles, I’m fucking busy right now.”
“This is Olivia Casey. Why the fuck are you busy right now with Rourke? I want to know what happened. Right this minute.”
As Sam talks I understand the meaning behind better off not knowing. Rourke is fine, he’s perfectly fine...I did not need to know a gun was held to his head or that Melinda killed Larry and then herself in front of him. Now that I know I can’t unknow, and I need to be with him right this second. Sam doesn’t even argue. Charles talks to him, and two minutes later I’m in a car on the way to Stella’s house to see Rourke. Since he’s fine, really, not a scratch, they are taking his statement then will let him go.
When I get to the house there are seven cop cars, an EMS vehicle and a television van already setting up. No one stops me from getting to Rourke sitting in the back of the EMS vehicle. He’s fine, really. As I throw myself at him he catches me around the middle and holds me so tight I can barely breathe. He’s fine, really. Now so am I.
Olivia in my arms, her brown eyes melting up at me. There’s no place I’d rather be. From far below we can hear the giggles and laughter of her nieces and my mother and even Stella a few times. It’s been over a week since the day from hell. Stella is finally coming to terms with not being sad, but instead relieved that Larry and Melinda are dead. He might have been a sonofabitch, but he left her well taken care of. The insurance alone will allow her to take care of herself and the girls. As it turned out, Melinda listed Stella and Larry as beneficiaries of her own insurance policy.
For now they are all here until Stella can start making decisions. I’m content for her to stay as long as she wants. Because there are four little girls here who love attention, my mother is also here, in the downstairs master suite I made up for her months ago. Hell, even Gabe has come around for a few dinners. It feels good for the house to be full of people, like it’s a real home.
My hand goes to Olivia’s stomach, as it has often over the last week. A few days ago she said she could call her doctor for a refill. I told her no then did as she begged, fucked her again and again until she was full of me. She smiles knowing what I’m thinking, what I’m wishing for. Her hand covers mine, then squeezes. “What do you say we look into taking everyone over with us to France and breaking in that home too?”
She nuzzles my neck. “Hmm...I don’t know. You sure you want to open it up to Angela and Anna’s artistic skills with crayon?”
I shrug. “It’ll come off. It’s starting to get really hot. Watching the fireworks yesterday I thought I was going to melt. I’m also thinking it’s a great place for a wedding, all the room outside and indoors. Only the people who really want to come will show because they have to travel. We can do it in a few weeks. You have to show proof of residency for at least thirty days to get married there. Or would you rather get married here in Austin?”
Her whole face is glowing; she blinks back tears as she shakes her head. “I don’t give a fuck where we get married as long as we do it. As long as it’s out for everyone to see that you are mine and I am yours.”
Pulling the ring out from under my pillow, I love the way she gasps as I slide it on her finger. It’s a perfect fit, just like her. “Great minds, my sweet. Although I am partial to France—it’s where I first felt like we were already married.”
“Then France it is, my love. Anything you want. Everything you want. It’s yours.”
“All I want is you.”
“You’ve had me since the first day when you looked at me with a fire that burned away everything I was before not realizing it burned you too. That when the fire consumed you and me it left behind something new, us—linked forever as two becoming one.”
“So you felt it too? I wondered, believed it was all in my mind only my heart knew better. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For being patient while my brain caught up to my heart. For loving me, for never giving up on me.”
“Oh that, I never really had a choice. My heart wouldn’t let me.”
Ten Years Later
“Olivia, love of my life, what are you doing?” Rourke sighs into the dark of our bedroom.
“I was just checking to see if you were still alive.” I whisper against the skin of his chest, rubbing my face against his scar.
“So you thought the best way to do that was grab my cock in the middle of the night and squeeze? Not, oh I don’t know, lay your ear against my chest and listen for a heartbeat?” His hand goes around my wrist but I don’t let him go. A gentle squeeze is timed with my kiss along his chest.
With a growl he rolls me under him. The bite on my neck has me opening my legs wide for him. “This is so much better though. Don’t you think?”
“Hmm...you weren’t awake until two hours ago with our daughter who is convinced there’s a fairy in the woods and if she stays up late enough, she will see it. I’m a little worried by how easily she believes everything her older brother tells her.”
“Or maybe we should be more concerned about how often Ben likes to spin stories for Grace and Emma. Also, you have to admit the woods here in France aren’t quite like Austin, it always feels a little magical when we walk through them. I’m sure it’s their way of getting used to living here full time now.” We had been spending the summers here since we first got married until we realized that we weren’t happy with the schools in Austin and none of us looked forward to going back. So we decided to stay full time. It’s been six months, the children love their school and Cheryl came for Thanksgiving and decided the cold wasn’t so bad and she would take us up on the invitation to live with us.
“The only magical thing here is you and how happy you are here.”
“I do love it here but only because it feels like here is where we really started and where I have your full undivided attention.” I press a kiss against his lips.
“All you have to do is ask, my beautiful wife. Your wish is my command.”
“Then make love to me, my beautiful husband.”
So he does, it’s soft, slow, and decadently wicked and every touch, every kiss is bursting with love he whispers to me every day.
Ten years after that
“Olivia, love of my life, what are you doing?” His voice comes sleepily out of the dark of our bedroom.
“Just checking to see if you were still alive and hadn’t died on me in the middle of the night.” I whisper against the scar on his chest as I squeeze gently his cock in my hand.
He sighs, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For loving me. For caring still even twenty years later that I’m still alive.” His voice is heavy with guilt. Last year for the first time our marriage floundered, we floundered. With our oldest off to the Sorbonne while proud there was a squabble over the tiniest of things that became bigger and bigger. Renting Ben an apartment versus buying one we could all stay in and what was too big and if we were spoiling him. Somehow our once calm and peaceful life was filled with daily arguments neither of were willing to give in on. Cheryl had died the year before leaving a hole in our hearts and we realized a role of peacemaker in our marriage. Only the problem was for Cheryl we glossed over the things that troubled us without ever digging deep to truly resolve it. Things got so bad I went to Austin to get some breathing room.
While I was in Austin, it didn’t take a week for me to wake up to the fact I couldn’t stand to be away from my husband. He met me at the airport, his relief as immense as mine. We stayed up that night and talked until we were hoarse. Then we set our terms and sealed our agreement by making the savage, hungry, passionate love we hadn’t made in years.
“Oh that, I never had a choice my heart wouldn’t let it be any other way. Now show me your appreciation.”
“With an invitation it would be rude to do anything else.”
“Indeed.” I whisper against his lips.
Ten years after that
“Olivia, love of my life, what are you doing?” His voice comes out of the dark of our bedroom.
“Just checking to see if you were still alive.” I whisper against the scar of his chest as I gently squeeze his cock in my hand.
“You think you’re so funny. We have to be up in four hours, have you gotten any sleep?”
“Hmm...a little it’s a big day our daughter is getting married. I have to make sure you’re still alive. It would be a tragedy if you weren’t alive to give the bride away.”
“Maybe it would make her give it more time before she married him. Six months, they’ve known each other six damn months. Then he’s taking her off to Chicago.”
“I knew you less than six months before we got married. She loves him and his corporate office is in Chicago, not France. He has a private jet, we have a private jet. It’s not as though he’s taking her off into the wilds of Africa. Grace is a big girl now, and she knows her heart.” I lick a flat male nipple and smile when his cock jumps in my hand. Viagra has yet to be necessary in our bedroom.
I’m rolled under him and sigh at the weight of him on me, the way he’s every breath I take. Rourke kisses me until I’m dizzy. “Stop making sense.”
“Stop talking and make love to me.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Ten years after that
“Olivia, love of my life, what are you doing?” His voice comes out of the dark in our bedroom.
“Just checking to see if you were still alive.” I whisper against the scar of his chest as I gently squeeze his cock in my hand. “Here I was married to a man who believed his days were numbered in years and in less than six weeks we’ll be celebrating our fortieth wedding anniversary and our son’s wedding. I think it’s sweet how he wants to get married on our anniversary because he wants the same long-lasting marriage we have.”
Rourke chuckles, “I had to sit him down to educate him it had nothing to do with the date and everything to do with patience.”
I poke his ribs. “And love.”
He rolls me under him. “And love. And not imagining your life without them in it. And knowing they make you better, your life better but a whole lot of patience too.”
Poking him again we laugh as he pulls me close. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, my love.” I fall back to sleep with the feel of Rourke all around, in every breath I take the way I’ve fallen asleep for over forty years. And it’s been even better than I ever dreamed it would be.
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His Sweetest Sin
BBW Romance
I can’t believe it. Christopher Baldwin, the baddest boy in baseball, wants me. Amelia Bishop...I was maybe a solid seven before an accident changed my life, leaving me fat, broken, and avoiding mirrors. If he hadn’t said it with a stare hot enough to melt brain cells, I would never have believed him when he told me my curves are what he wants.
An arrogant a$$hole with tattoos, a diamond glinting in his ear, and a dirty mouth promising wicked things, Chris Baldwin is no boy. Chris is all man, and a lethally gorgeous one at that. With dimples flashing as he invites me to sin in a slow Southern drawl, I’m trying to remember I don’t swoon, sin, or—wait, what? I forgot not to stare directly at his dimples, and those bright blue eyes aren’t safe either. Sorry, as I was saying.
As appealing as the idea of sinning with Chris is, there is no doubt in my mind I would fail miserably at it, even under his expert tutelage. Chris has been on a steady diet of strippers, women who have all the right moves. Me, I have no moves at all. Chris is major league; I would get laughed out of little league.
I’m also his lawyer, at least until my brother, Ethan, comes back from vacation. Getting involved with clients is a huge no-no, no matter what primetime television might show. As gorgeous as he is, Chris isn’t worth the possibility of hurting my career or losing the hard-earned respect of my boss and brother.
Only I can’t deny he makes being bad sound so good. Once Ethan is back I’m no longer Chris’s lawyer and it’s open season on all my good intentions. Being with him is still dangerous, as his fame attracts all sorts of trouble. Who knows what complications could tear us apart?
His on Demand
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To make my dream come true I’ll do anything, even put up with an a$$hole like Leandros Kaplan. Four years, five tops and I’ll have enough money saved to stop working and write full time. I know lying to him to get the job is crazy and stupid. It’s as crazy and stupid as the requirement for his new assistant to be married. I’m not married, and I’m not like his past assistants, the ones who dropped sexual innuendo daily and then would hand him their underwear when he asked for reports. I’m a freaking virgin at thirty-one.
I swear I never thought I would fall for him, it doesn’t matter that he’s a gorgeous Greek god billionaire, he’s also a jerk who takes pride in being ruthless and cold-blooded. He’s so out of my league we don’t even play the same game. He’s into dating double zero models. There’s no way he would ever be interested in a plus size like me.
When he finds out I lied I’m not surprised he wants his pound of flesh, I’m surprised he wants it in the form of my flesh, naked for him. The retribution he demands is me, whenever, however, he wants my body. I’ll give it to him, everything he demands. He doesn’t want my heart or tears, only I can’t stop giving him both, and it’s slowly tearing me apart. Can he ever forgive me for lying or will that one lie be the end of us?
His Under Contract
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I never thought I would end up a housekeeper scrubbing floors on my hands and knees for one of the most obnoxious a$$holes I've ever met. It doesn’t matter if the floors are in a million-plus dollar condo, in one of Chicago’s most exclusive addresses. I never had huge aspirations for my future but it certainly wasn't this. While even his sister thinks he’s best taken in small doses, she offers me a job I can’t refuse. I need this job, and it’s not like it’s forever, just until I’m not on the edge of poverty. Let him be the unrepentant manwhore who didn’t do repeats. It’s better for him not to be at home, so close that my stupid body goes nuts when I even think of him. It’s better this way, because he could never want me. I’m a plus size not a size two model he’s used to having. I’m safe, it doesn’t matter how badly I want him, he doesn’t want me. Does he?
In my world, the stakes are high, million dollar high, so no, I’m not nice. I don’t say please or thank you and I never apologize. If you have a problem with that, it’s your problem not mine. I didn’t make partner at one of the biggest law firms in Chicago at only thirty-two with my winning personality. I’m on top because I make money for my clients, whether it’s a high stakes takeover, or a player getting paid every dime he’s worth. My clients come out on top. I have worked hard for the life I have, the million-dollar condo, the Ferrari in the garage, and the hottest woman on my arm and in my bed. So, if my b!tch of a new housekeeper wants to look down on me, like I give a fu*k. My one weakness, my little sister parked me with a housekeeper who is far from perfect. Okay, she has the cooking and the cleaning down. But damn, does she have an attitude and a mouth on her that smiles even when she’s insulting me. It’s a good thing she isn’t my type, or I would make her pay the best way possible. At least, I’m trying to tell my c@ck she’s not my type, only the a$$ole has had his own idea since he saw her. It won’t last long though, it never wants any woman for long. When she offers herself to me, it’s with a contract where I hold all the control, all I have to do is sign.
His Hostile Takeover
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Ellie Shaw has been in love with Greg Turner since she first met him at sixteen. It doesn’t matter that now at twenty-four he still treats her like a kid sister, Ellie still loves him. So, why did her body go haywire when she first met Dmitri Markhoff? Dmitri was taking over the company she had worked so hard to keep going; Ellie wasn’t part of the bargain. She needed the job of personal assistant he was offering, but it was only for three months. Once it was over she could come back to Greg. What she felt for Dmitri was an aberration, she was sure of it. Besides all of that, men as gorgeous as Dmitri Markhoff didn’t look twice at women like her, who wore a dress size in the double digits; they went for models that were a size zero.
Dmitri Markhoff is a ruthless corporate raider and had long given up on soft feelings for women. He enjoyed their bodies and paid for it in diamonds and other trinkets. All he wants is Elise’s lush body, which has the kind of curves that should come with a warning sign; love isn’t something he’s looking for. When he figures out that Elise is untouched, his body goes into overdrive. Even though he’s aware that keeping her is wrong, since all he wants is sex, he’s having the hardest time letting her go.
His Healing Touch
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Okay, maybe just this once and just until she can walk without crying. Besides this is a one-time kind of thing. It’s not every day a nearly one hundred pound Rottweiler takes off on her without warning. As soon as her right ankle stops exploding in pain when she steps on it and her left knee stops feeling like it’s being poked with a sharp object she’s out the door.
She’s gone this long alone and really she’s happier that way, really. She doesn’t need some man to complete her. Now if it’s sex he’s after (with her?) that’s something she’s very willing to have the doctor’s healing touch for.
His on the Rebound
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How could I have let Maxwell Brandt kiss me? I can't stand the arrogant, billionaire who treated woman as if they were disposable, to be used then thrown away. Who the heck am I kidding? I’m just as bad because I kissed him back, with a hunger I've never known before. Despite the fact Max keeps coming back to entice me, I stand firm. I won’t cheat on on Kevin, my fiance. I won’t become that person, no matter how badly my body wants him.
Until the moment Max drops a bomb that destroys everything. Kevin has been cheating. His words destroy the illusion I’ve been hiding behind, because I know he’s telling the truth. Breaking things off with Kevin isn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be, my pride hurts more than my heart.
All I want to do is hide and lick my wounds but Max demands I fulfill the promise of that kiss, in a rush of anger, pain, and hunger, I give in. The feeling of being wanted by a man like Max wiping away the humiliation of Kevin’s betrayal. Maybe a fling, a rebound affair, is exactly what I need. No promises, no expectations, and no broken heart. At least, that’s the way it started.
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His Marriage Demand
For two years, Ria has longed to touch the fire in Drake Hawthorne’s eyes, but she doesn’t dare. The hotel where she works has a strict hands-off-patrons policy and if it’s found out she’s even lingered too long in his room, she’ll lose the job she’s worked so hard for. Maybe if she were more reckless and willing to step out on a ledge she would, but she isn’t and she can’t. Because it isn’t just Ria’s welfare at stake, but her little brother’s, and she’s not able to put his happiness on the line for her own. So, she’ll keep hiding behind the meaningless wedding ring and fake husband that she knows is the only thing that has kept Drake from pushing her for more. She’s seen enough rich and powerful men like Drake Hawthorne to know they didn’t care about the havoc they left behind only for the moment where they got what they wanted. Ria needs more than a moment, she wants and needs forever.
When Drake finds out there isn’t a husband, he demands marriage, and Ria opens her mouth to say yes, until he warns her about the ending. Marriage shouldn’t come with a time limit and Ria refuses to give in. Just when it looks like forever is promised, will a threat from her past cost her the future that’s within reach with Drake?
Rafael’s Woman
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Carrie Whitney’s young twin brothers have messed up one too many times. Rafael Castillo now holds their future in his hands. The ruthless billionaire isn't interested in giving them a second chance. She has no choice but to go to Rafael to beg for her brothers to be given another chance. Nothing goes as planned, and in a whirlwind of tears and accusations, Carrie finds herself in the arms of a man she knows has the power to make or break her world. Never expecting to find someone like him, she is willing to take him any way she can get him. A relationship based only in her bedroom, no promises, no holding hands.
Rafael Castillo wasn’t expecting the tiny woman with the bright blue eyes to turn his world upside down, and he doesn’t like it. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go, and now that he’s lost in her beautiful body, the way out of their nights locked in her room, away from the pressures of expectation, is harder to find.
His Hidden Agenda
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I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. He’s always so charming and gorgeous and everyone in the office loves him but not me. He’s my competition and I hate him. I deserve the promotion, I’ve given not just my nights but my weekends and even my marriage to this company and I deserve the promotion. Only it’s Alex my bosses are patting on the back and taking meetings with. I’m positive the only reason Alex is nice and smiling to me is because he’s trying to throw me off my game. Men as gorgeous as him don’t let their eyes linger on fat girls like me. He’s blueblood, I’m south side Chicago below the poverty line, he’s Harvard and I’m night school six years to get a degree, on paper it’s laughable. He can’t really want me, there has to be something he’s hiding, a hidden agenda only he knows.
There is and when I finally find out I’m going to have the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make. The company I’ve put my life into or a chance at the kind of love I never believe existed before.
The Gangster’s Girlfriend
Miranda Beckett has been born and bred in Chicago and with that comes the knowledge that the city built firmly on criminal enterprises by every group that could gain ground is still a city where crime is as much of the economy as the retail shops and hotels that line Michigan Avenue. Just like others in Chicago a blind eye is a content eye until it’s all brought into sharp focus by her younger brother one late night. She hasn’t seen her brother in years and the last time she had she’d told him she never wanted to see him again so she knew it was desperation that led him to her door. Before, he’d flat out stolen from her but now he’s pleading for the money. He pleas for the money that he owes the head of the IRA in Chicago and then he threatens that Declan Kelly knows about her and that she has the money and if she doesn’t give it then Kelly will come for it himself.
Miranda refuses her brother and she knows she’ll be able to refuse Declan Kelly when the time comes. But she’s wrong, so very wrong. It isn’t money Kelly wants, it’s her. Her expertise as an accountant to audit his books and find who is stealing from him, that’s it he tells her but his eyes tell her there’s more.
Without even being quite sure how and why she agreed, a deal is struck and Miranda wonders how long she can fight the need for a man she can’t have. It’s one thing to know what Declan Kelly does and another to allow herself become involved with him. She is sure she can keep Declan at bay, she has no plans to become a gangster’s girlfriend or lose her heart to him.
His Next Chapter
Lukas Everett might be gorgeous but he's damaged. As damaged on the outside as Avery is on the inside. Lukas is Avery’s new reclusive landlord. A car accident that killed his wife left him with physical scars that cause him to hide from the world. Avery hasn’t had it easy in her few physical relationships and isn’t looking to get involved with anyone let alone someone as cold and hard as Lukas. She discovers that Lukas is also hiding behind a pen name as a popular writer that she herself has enjoyed. It isn’t long before Avery demands all the passion she sees in Lukas but will she just be the next chapter in his story or will they find their own happy ending?
His Secretary with Benefits
Laura is a blonde with a bombshell body that has men drooling over her and treating her like a blow up doll, to be used only for their pleasure. Growing up Laura had been taught sex was a dirty thing and it wasn’t to be enjoyed. Her first boyfriend did a good job of making sure she didn’t, same with her ex-fiancé. A job offer comes her way that has Laura’s interest, an assistant is leaving her position and is trying to find a replacement. The only thing is her replacement has to be willing to let her boss have his way with her whenever and however he wants. Laura’s shock is quickly sidelined as the woman describes the complete and utter satisfaction she finds in her boss’s demands. Having never experienced that kind of pleasure before and wanting to know what it’s like Laura agrees to meet Paul.
The very first time she meets him she knows he’s what she wants, what she needs. It will be mutually beneficial for the both of them. Hot, satisfying sex on tap for the both of them. That’s all she wants, all she’s looking for, right? Falling in love isn’t on the agenda, for either of them.
Abby has Gone Wild
It was just supposed to be a one time thing, posting a naked picture of herself on a social website that has hundreds of other women doing the same thing. Only it very quickly hooked Abby on the high of knowing that others desired her body. Until it’s just one man that has her full attention. Jack is gorgeous and he wants her and it’s Abby’s worst luck, she believes, that he’s in the same city of Austin. Abby isn’t ready for more than what she can give from behind the safety of her keyboard. But Jack won’t take no for an answer when her body and her moans are telling him yes. Tracking her down Jack is even more enticing in person than from behind the computer and she can’t ignore that her body wants him just as badly as he wants her. Jack won’t give up on her and Abby has to decide if she’s willing to give up the safety of being alone to let Jack in.
A Favor
One is scarred externally by war, the other internally by life. Can love heal two broken people? The security contracting firm Zoe works for needs the former Ranger, Sam, and soon Zoe realizes she needs him too. Except life has taught her not to let people in as it only leads to pain in the end. Will letting Sam lead to more pain or could it be the best things she's ever done, for the both of them?
His Back Bay Princess
Diego Suarez is a Boston homicide cop who comes from a completely different world than Catherine Fisher. He’s the son of Mexican migrant farm workers; she can find the founders of Boston in her blue bloodline. He’d had to endure a stint in the Marines to fund college; she’d gone went to a private university and her graduation present had been a three- story home in Back Bay, where Diego couldn’t even afford property taxes. They are different, too different for it to work out between them. Cat deserves better than what he can give her. It will never work.
It doesn’t matter if the only time he feels alive is when he’s with her. It doesn’t matter that she looks at him with all the love she feels for him in her eyes. One day she’ll wake up and figure out she can do better than him. It’s better to never start something that won’t last, can’t last.
Catherine doesn’t care about money, the having of it or lack of it. All she cares about is Diego. After Diego has been shot and she is asked to look after him, she knows she has just one last chance to find out what is keeping Diego from her. She knows he feels something for her, so why is he pushing her away?
His Sugar Baby
BBW Romance
I made my first million at sixteen, my first billion before I was thirty. I get what I want how I want it, and I have no problem paying for it, that includes women. Hell, I’ve already been doing it with the women I’ve been dating. They enjoy my credit cards during the day and I’m supposed to be able to enjoy them at night but as the weeks go on the excuses pile up but they still spend my money. So I’m done with dating. It’s time for a woman who knows the deal and signs on the dotted line. I’m looking for a sugar baby, it's instant lust when I find Anne and see her curves that should come with a warning sign. Until I find out she hasn't just been a sugar baby before; she's sold herself by the hour in Las Vegas. It's one step too far for me, only I can't stop thinking about her. I find out she had her reasons for what she did, like I have mine. Her past is her past; I want her for what she is now. Besides, this is just sex, a simple exchange for time and money. Except, little by little, it becomes far from simple as I find out money doesn't buy everything.
I thought I was done with being a sugar baby, of selling myself for security and a better life than the one I grew up in. Even though I’m a plus size, not a size two, men were more than willing to buy what I was selling. I tried to go white collar, to be normal. For four years I worked my ass off to get a degree in accounting; only, things don’t always go as planned. The instant attraction to Grant is a cherry on top; he's gorgeous and very generous. Is that why all my rules begin to blur, blend, and break to please him? I'm not ashamed of my past and all I’ve experienced, but it doesn't prepare me for Grant and all the things he wants and needs from me. I don't believe in forever, in happily ever after. What happens when he wants more than I can give?
His For More Than One Night
Kate Frazier wants one night and one night only. It’s the only thing she’s made for, the only thing she’s capable of. She doesn’t want any hand holding or cuddling, she wants to get off and then she wants them to leave. She likes her men, bland boring and non-threatening only the Nordic god staring at her from across the pub is anything but. One by one she’s breaking her rules for only one night because the moment he gets close she can’t help herself.
Only Trey refuses to let it go at one night. He knows her secret the one she’s tried so hard to pretend didn’t happen, didn’t exist even as her nightmares still haunt her. He knows and has her admitting to the rape she suffered from her mother’s boyfriend for two long years and he knows about the frantic, ugly things she did with anyone who would have her in her teens. He sees it all and it doesn’t faze him, he wants the woman she is now and he’s not going to let her go.
Now Kate has to make the decision to go through the painful door of her past to the other side where Trey and the happiness she never thought she could know is waiting.