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Abzug, Bella


African Americans

Aftonbladet (newspaper)

Agee, Philip



Alexander, Kendra


Ali, Muhammad

Alice in Wonderland (Carroll)

Allende, Salvador


alt-right. See also far right

American Capitalism (Galbraith)

American Deserters Committee (ADC). See also specific members

Callicoat informs on

CIA records on

dissolution of

FBI records on

fear of infiltrators

fear of repatriation

films and

founding and early years of

Gaddy joins

Gray report on

Hayes and

LaRouche and alumni of

McGourty joins

media and

radio propaganda and

split of 1968

split of 1972

Statement of Principles

strange nature of

Swedish anti-war movement and

Swedish authorities and

Swedish intelligence and

Vale’s role in

U.S. desertion trials and

World Festival of Youth and

Amnesty International

Anderson, Craig (Will Hart). See also Intrepid Four

Anderson, Irene

Anderson, Shandra

Andersson, Benny

Andropov, Yuri

Angelou, Maya

Angleton, James Jesus

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Angry Brigade

Animal Farm (Orwell)

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

anti-nuclear activists

anti-war movement

Apocalypse Now (film)

Applewhite, Edgar

Arbetet (newspaper)

Argento, Robert

Armfield, John. See Vale, Michael

Army Times

Arnett, Edwin C. “Pappy,” xii

Arp, Merl

Ashley, John

Associated Press

Babcock, John

Baez, Joan

Bailey, Rick. See also Intrepid Four

Bakker, Jim

Baldwin, James

Barbarella (film)

Barilla, John. See also Intrepid Four

Battlestar Galactica (TV series)

Bay of Pigs invasion


Beacon Press


Beethoven, Ludwig van


Bellow, Saul

Benedict, Dirk

Bentham, Jeremy

Bergman, Ingmar

Berl, Christine




Berlin Embassy (Russell)

Beuys, Joseph

“Beyond Psychoanalysis” (LaRouche)

Biden, Joe

Bildt, Carl

Birds, The (Vesaas)

Birth of a Nation, The (film)

Björklund, Jan

“Black American Deserters in Sweden” (Boggs)

Black Guelph

Black Panthers

Black Power

Black Section (CIA)

Blair, Bruce

Blake, George

Boggs, Vernon

Boston University

Bourne, Peter

Bourne Identity, The (Ludlum)

Boys Town (film)

Bradlee, Ben


Brandt, Willy

Bransome, Mike

Bride of the Gorilla (film)

British Empire, conspiracy theories about

British intelligence

Brodie, Bill

Brookings Institution

Brooks, Mel

Brothers Mozart, The (play)

Bucklin, Richard


Burdman, Mark

Burlingham, Bo (Arlo Jacobs)


Bush, George W.


Cahiers du Cinéma


Calder, Alexander

Callicoat, Edward N.

Callicoat, Philip


Cameron, David

Campaigner (NCLC magazine)

Câmpeanu, Pavel

Cam Ranh Bay

Camus, Albert


Canna Church Rocks

Cannes Film Festival

Cape Fear (film)

Carlsson, Ingvar

Carragher, Desmond

Carrano, George

Carter, Jimmy

Caruso, Vana

Castro, Fidel


Catholic University of America


Ceaușescu, Nicolae

Cellar (Russell)

Center for Justice and Accountability

Central Committee of the Communist Party (USSR)

Central Documentary Film Studios

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See also Chaos, Operation

ADC and deserters fear of

anti-war groups and deserters tracked by

Castro and


Chemical Abstracts and

congressional hearings on

documents destroyed by

Duke study and

EAP seen as front for


LaRouche documents released by

LaRouchian paranoia about

Ober’s career in

South Vietnam and

Swedish Information Bureau and

Turner’s reform of

William Russell and

Channel TV-2 (Sweden)

Chaos, Operation (CIA operation)


data harvesting and

deserters tracked by

Next Step and

Ober and


press revelations about

Rockefeller report on

Rositzke and

shut down

Swedish Information Bureau and

UFOs and

vault of

Chaos and Confusion, Operation (LaRouchian fantasy)

Chemical Abstracts

Chetniks! The Fighting Guerillas (film)

Children of God

Children of Satan III (LaRouche)


China Daily

Chinese Embassy (Cairo)

Chomsky, Noam

Christian Democratic Party (Sweden)

Christie, Agatha

Chris White Affair

Church Committee

CIA-KGB psy-war fantasy

CIA’s Secret Operations, The (Rositzke)

Citizenship and Immigration Services

civil rights movement

Civil War

Clansman, The (Dixon)

Classical KGB Disinformation Campaign, A (Jones and Engdahl)

Cleaver, Eldridge

Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam

Clinton, Hillary


Coates, Randy

Cohen, Leonard

Colby, William

Cold War

Columbia University

Communist Party (India)

Communist Party (Sweden)

Communist Party (USA)

Conan Doyle, Arthur

“Concerning CIA Agent Vale’s Recent Activities” (McGourty)

Condon, Gerry

Congress for Cultural Freedom

Con Thien ambush

Contra (magazine)

Conversations with Americans (Lane)

Cooper, David

Counterintelligence Staff (CIA)

Country Joe and the Fish

Cox, Larry

Critique (journal)

Crowley, Aleister



Cuban Embassy (Tokyo)

Cuban Embassy (Warsaw)

Curiel, Henri


Dagens Nyheter (newspaper)

Dahl, Birgitta

Daily Worker

Danville Bee

Danville Register

Dartmouth College

Dass, Jerry

Dean, John W.

de Beauvoir, Simone

DeCarlo, Tessa

Defense Department

de Gaulle, Charles

Democratic Party

Deneuve, Catherine

“Denial, The” (film script)


Deserter as Political Deviant, The (Richard)

deserters. See also American Deserters Committee; Next Step; and specific individuals

aftermath of exile of

asylum in Sweden and

asylum in Sweden ended

Callicoat informs on

Carter clemency and

CIA tracking of

combat experience of

crimes by

film appearances

forcible repatriation of

Gaddy’s route to join

Gray report on

Hayes aids

Lane interviews

LaRouche and

Next Step and

pamphlets and guides

penalties for

poverty of

radicalism and

Sigal aids

suicides and

suspicions among

Swedes cool toward

Swedish intelligence on

Vale and ego-stripping of

William Russell woos

women and

working- vs. middle-class

World Festival of Youth and

Deserter USA (film)

Destruction, Operation

Deutscher, Isaac

Disraeli, Benjamin

“Dissolution Statement of the American Deserters Committee” (Gaddy et al.)

Dixon, Thomas, Jr.

Dohrn, Bernardine

Dope Inc. (LaRouche)

Dotson, James

Dowling, John

Doyon, Robert

“Draft Resister” (Steppenwolf song)

draft resisters

Carter pardon of


Dubček, Alexander

“Duet for Cannibals” (Sontag)

Duggan, Jeremiah

Duke University

Duras, Marguerite

Durkheim, Émile

EAP. See European Workers Party

Eastern Europe

East India Company

Eco, Umberto

Edgar Allan Poe, Operation

ego-stripping. See also brainwashing

Eisenstein, Sergei

Ekberg, Gunnar

Elizabeth II, queen of England

Ellis, Wayne

Ely, Ron

Emergency National Committee of Inquiry

Enerström, Alf

Engdahl, John Louis

Engdahl, Walfrid

Engdahl, William “Bill”

Erlander, Tage

European Labor Committees (ELC)

European Workers Party (EAP, Sweden; also known as European Labor Party)

Oslo conference of 1983

Palme assassination and

Swedish suspicions of

Executive Intelligence Review

Executive Order 11967


Fabec, Karen


Fair Play for Cuba Committee

Fanon, Frantz

far right

Fathers and Sons (Turgenev)

Faulkner, William

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

ADC files

Gray files

McGourty arrest and

NCLC raid and

Ober files

Feminist Initiative Party (Sweden)

Fernandez, Dick

Feuerbach, Ludwig

Feynman, Richard

“Final Problem, The” (Conan Doyle)

Fitzgerald, Frances “Scottie”

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flanagan, Edward J. (Father)

Flynn, Michael

Fokin, Yuri

Foley, Bernice

Folket i Bild (magazine)

Folkpartiet (Sweden)

Fonda, Jane

Fonda, Peter

Ford, Gerald

Forensic Psychiatry (Morozov)

Foucault’s Pendulum (Eco)

Fourth Armored Division


Franck, Hans Göran

Frankfurt, Germany

Frankhouser, Roy

Franks, Lucinda

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke

Fraser, Clara

Fraser, Frankie “Mad”

Free University of New York

Freikorps of Barbarossa

French National Institute of Heath and Medical Research

French Union of American Deserters and Draft Resisters (FUADDR)

Freud, Sigmund

Front for National Liberation (FNL)

Fruchter, Norm

Fulbright scholarship

Gaddy, Clifford Garland “Chip”

background of

Carter’s clemency and

EAP and

EAP anti-Palme campaign and

NCLC and

NCLC interrogation of

Next Step and

post-LaRouche career of

Stockholm group headed by

Vale and ADC and

Gaddy, Clifford Garland, Sr.

Gaddy, David Winfred

Gaddy, Inez Chapman

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Gambell, Margarjan “Maggie”

Garbo, Greta

Garfield Uniform Company

General A. W. Greely, USS

Genesis of the Stalinist Social Order (Câmpenau)

Geneva Accords (1954)

George, Konstantin

George, Susan

Georgetown University

George Washington University

Georgia, Georgia (film)






Gibson, Richard Thomas

Giertta, Larsolof

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The (Larsson)

GLADIO project

Glasgow University

Glenn, Elona

Global Showdown (NCLC report)

Gohman, Gösta

Golthier, Hermyle, Jr. See LaRouche, Lyndon

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Göring, Hermann

Gothenburg, Sweden

Gray, Gerald

Gray, John


coup of 1967

Greek exiles

Green Berets

Greene, Graham

Gregory, Dick

Griffith, D. W.

Griggs, Kenneth (Kim Jin-Su)

Griggs, Philip

Grove Press

Gunnarsson, Victor

Haas, Merle

Haas, Robert

Hallström, Lasse

Hamerman, Harold

Hamerman, Muriel

Hamerman, Nora

Hamerman, Norman

Hamerman, Rebecca

Hamerman, Warren J.

Hanoi Hannah

Hänt i Veckan (magazine)

Hardwick, John

Hart, Will. See Anderson, Craig

Harvard University

Hayes, Janet

Hayes, Thomas Lee

Heath, William Womack

Hedman, Margareta

Hegel, G. W. F.

Helén, Gunnar

Helms, Richard

Henry IV, Part 2 (Shakespeare)

Herb Society of America

Hermansson, Håkan

Hersh, Seymour

Hershey, Lewis B.

Heschel, Abraham Joshua

Hill, Fiona

Hiroshima Mon Amour (film)

Ho Chi Minh

Hoffman, Dustin

Hog Farm collective

Holmer, Hans

Homeland Security Department

Honorable Men (Colby)

Hoover, J. Edgar

Horn, Jason

House Un-American Activities Committee

Hug, Richard Alvin

Hunter, Patton Lindsley

Hutschnecker, Arnold A.


I Am Curious (Yellow) (film)

Idiots, The (film)

“I-Feel-Like-I’m-Fixin’-to-Die Rag” (song)

I lust och nöd (film)

Inch, Gene


Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

Information Bureau (SÄPO)

Inman, Bobby Ray

Inside the Company (Agee)

Insights and Illusions of Philosophy (Piaget)

Internal Haemmorrhage (magazine)

Internal Revenue Service

International Journal of Mental Health

International Longshoremen’s Association

International Monetary Fund

International Press Service

International Socialists

Intrepid, USS

Intrepid Four

Invisible Government, The (Wise)

Iraq War

Israel, Dan

Israel, Joachim

Israel, Mirjam

Israel Defense Forces

Israeli intelligence

“I Threw It All Away” (Dylan)


Jacobs, Arlo. See Burlingham, Bo


Jerum Affair

Joe Hill (film)

John Paul II, Pope

Johns Hopkins University

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Jones, Gabriele

Jones, Ray, III

Jones, Ray, IV

Jones, William Cuthbert “Bill,” xi

ADC and

ADC split and

background of

Callicoat informs on

Carter clemency and

CIA and

EAP and

films and

Gaddy and

Gunnarsson and

Hayes and

LaRouche and NCLC and

LaRouche Stockholm office and

marries Margareta Hedman

Next Step and

PETUNIA report on

recent life of

Swedish intelligence records on

Trump and

Vale and

William Russell and

World Festival of Youth and

Justice Department

Kant, Immanuel

Kaplan, Ellen

Kappa Alpha

Karamessines, Thomas

Karlsson, Ulf

Kempe, Sven

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby”


Kerry, John

Kersh, Rogan

Kesey, Ken


Khe Sanh, Battle of

Kid Blue

Killer Shrews, The (film)

Kim Il Sung

Kim Jin-Su. See Griggs, Kenneth

King, Coretta Scott

King, Dennis

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Kinnaman, Steve

Kissinger, Henry

Kissinger, Nancy

Kmetz, Joe

Korean War

Kosygin, Alexei

Kret, Virgil

Kronberg, Ken

Kronberg, Molly

Krzeminski, Ray

Ku Klux Klan

Labour Party (Britain)

Ladies Auxiliary

Laing, R. D.

Laird, Stephen

Lambert, Lars

Lane, Mark


LaRouche, Daniel

LaRouche, Helga Zepp Ljustina

LaRouche, Jessie Weir

LaRouche, Lyndon Hermyle, Jr. (Hermyle Golthier, Jr.; Lyn Marcus)

appeal of

arrest and prison term of

background of

brainwashing and

Catholic Church and

CIA documents on

CIA-KGB psy-war paranoia and

CIA offered help by

conspiracy theories about Elizabeth II

conspiracy theories about Kissinger

counterintelligence staff

cult loyalty to

decline of

EAP and

ego-stripping and

European outposts and

finances and

Gaddy and

Hamerman and

Hersh report on CIA and

Loudoun County and

Lyn Marcus pseudonym and

Manhattan meetings of 2016

Marc Ballroom speech of 1974

marries Helga Zepp Ljustina

Mop-Up and

NCLC and

Nixon and

Palme targeted by

political action committee

presidential campaigns of

Reagan and

residences of

Trump and

Vale and

Whites and

zombie assassins and

LaRouche, Lyndon Hermyle, Sr.

LaRouche Policy Committee

LaRouche Political Action Committee (PAC)

Larrabee, Carol. See White, Carol

Larrabee, George

Larsson, Stieg

Laser Arms Corporation

Lee, Bruce

Leesburg Gardening Club

Left On! (Rositzke)

Lenin, V. I.

Le Pen, Marine

Libertarian Party

Liebig, Michael

Lindner, Michael. See also Intrepid Four

Lipstick Killer

Lloyd, Michele


London School of Economics


Los Angeles Times

Loudoun County, Virginia

Loudoun County News

Louise, Rita


Ludlum, Robert

Lundström, Sonja

Luxemburg, Rosa

“Lyndon LaRouche Theatre” (TV sketch)

Lyngstad, Frida

Mackenzie, Angus


Magasinet (Swedish TV program)

“Mah Nà Mah Nà” (song)

Makoto, Oda

Malaysia Airlines Flight 17

Malcolm X

Malmö, Sweden

Malthus, Thomas

Manchurian Candidate Scare

Man from U.N.C.L.E.,The (TV show)

Man with Two Brains, The (film)


Mao Zedong

Marcus, Lyn. See Larouche, Lyndon

Marcuse, Herbert

Marshall, Walter (Jesus Zeus Lorenzo Mungi)

Martin, Steve

Marx, Karl

Marx, Zeppo

May 1968 uprisings

McCarthy, Joseph

McDonough, Don

McGee, Frank

McGourty, Jim (pseudonym)

McLendon, Gordon

Mehta, Zubin

Memphis Nam Sweden (Whitmore)

Merkel, Angela

Mexican border wall

Meyer, Nicholas





Michael Clayton (film)

Miliband, Ralph

Military-Economic Advisory Panel (CIA)

Miller, Catherine

Millington, Mary

Mitchell, Rudolph

Mitchum, Robert


Moderate Party (Sweden)

Moles in Socialist Disguises (Hermansson)

Montgomery, Paul

Mop-Up, Operation

Morgan, William

Moro, Aldo


Moron Corps

Morozov, Georgi



Mozart, Requiem

Mr. Putin: Operative in the Kremlin (Gaddy and Hill)

Mugabe, Robert

Mungi, Jesus Zeus Lorenzo. See also Marshall, Walter

Munoz, Inez

My Lai massacre

My Life as a Dog (film)

My Silent War

Nameless Heroes (film)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC)

National Executive Committee

New York Conference and brainwashing panic

Palme targeted by

National Herb Garden

National Liberation Front (Viet Cong)

National Library of Sweden

National Security Act (1947)

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Security Council

National Student Association

National War College

NBC Nightly News (TV show)

Negroes with Guns (Williams)

Nelson, Christina

Neuberger, Janice

Neuhaus, Richard

New Delhi

New Left

New Left Conference (Budapest, 1968)

New Solidarity (NCLC newspaper)



New Yorker

New York Review of Books

New York Times

New York University

Next Step

Next Step (newspaper)

Nguyen Tho Chan

Nicholas of Cusa

Nietzsche, Friedrich

1984 (Orwell)

Ninotchka (film)

Nixon, Richard M.

Nixon Presidential Library

Norén, Gunilla

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

North Carolina Department of Transportation

North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation

Northeastern University

North Korea

North Vietnam


Norwood, Joseph

Notes of a Native Son (Baldwin)

Novello, Ivor

Novosti Press Agency

Nuremberg trials

Nureyev, Rudolf

Ny Solidaritet (EAP newspaper)

Obama, Barack

Ober, Anne

Ober, Harold Clark

Ober, Nathaniel

Ober, Richard

Obituary of the World, The (blog)

Occupy London

Office of Net Assessment

Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (FBI)

Ogden, Alan

Ohio State University

Öhrström, Edvin

Old Gold and Black (student newspaper)

“Olof Palme and the Neo-Nazi International” (LaRouche)

Onan, Chuck

Onan, Maggie

Onan, Rosemary

Onan, Thomas

One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse)

“On the Track of My Assassins” (White)

“Order from Chaos” (Brookings project)

Order of DeMolay

Orwell, George

Oswald, Lee Harvey

Oxelösund, Sweden

Palladin, Jean-Louis

Palme, Lisbet

Palme, Mårten

Palme, Olof

assassination of

Panama Papers

Paper Grenade (ADC newspaper)

Paradise Lost (Milton)

Parallax View, The (film)


Parpart, Uwe Henke von

Parra, Joseph

Pastor, Rudolph

Patriots Against the Islamization of North America

Pavese, Fred

Pavlov, Ivan

Peace Game, The (film)

Pennington, Earl

Persona (film)

Persson, Sven

Petré, Gio

Pettersson, Christer


Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel)

Philby, Kim

Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh

Phoneless Friends

Piaget, Jean

Picciano, John

Pike Committee

Pincus, Harry

Plath, Sylvia



Pollack, Ray “Cooky”

Ponti, Carlo

Popper, Karl

Poroshenko, Petro

Power of Reason, The (LaRouche)

Powers, Mike

Preobrazhensky, Yevgeny

Prisons and Zoos (Hamerman)

Privilege (film)

Producers, The (film)

Project 100,000 (Moron Corps)

Putin, Vladimir

Quaid, Randy


Quiet American, The (Greene)

Rabin, Yitzhak

Rafalko, Frank


Randle, Michael


Rawls, Lou

Reagan, Ronald

Recent Trends in Soviet Psycholinguistics (Werstch)

Redgrave, Vanessa

Reeves, USS

Reich, Wilhelm

Republican Party

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)


Resisters Inside the Army (RITA)

Révolution Africaine (magazine)

Revolutionary American People’s Party

Richard, Michel P.

Riesel, Victor

Rivera, Geraldo

Robert Cain (Russell)

Rockefeller, Nelson

Rockefeller Commission

Rocky IV (film)

“Role of the LaRouche Movement in World History, The” (Hamerman)

Rolling Stone

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rose, Greg

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel

Rositzke, Harry

Roswell Incident, The (Berlitz and Moore)

Rothkirch, Edward von

Royal Asiatic Society

Rumsfeld, Donald

Rush to Judgment (Lane)

Russell, Bertrand

Russell, William R.

Russell War Crimes Tribunal


Russian Revolution. See also Soviet Union

Salinger, J. D.

Sandin, Åke

Sansiviero, Ray

SÄPO (Swedish security service)

Sare, Diane

Sartre, Jean-Paul

Saturday Night Live (TV show)

Scarlett, John

Scattini, Luigi

Schiller, Friedrich

Schiller Institute New York City Chorus

Schlesinger, James

Schneeberger, Michael

Schwaetzer, Thomas (Max Watts)

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

Scialdone, Margaret

Scorsese, Martin

Second Front (ADC newspaper)

Second Front Radio (ADC program)

Second Front Review (ADC magazine)

Security Analysis Group (CIA)

Selective Service System

September 11, 2001, attacks

Serbsky Central Scientific Research Institute of General and Forensic Psychiatry

Seven-Per-Cent Solution, The (Meyer)

Shapiro, Mark

Sharpe, M. E.

Sheehan, Neil

Shinsuke, Fukumi

“Shoe Data Processing Comes of Age” (LaRouche)

Shull, Lewis F.

Shunning process

Sigal, Clancy

Sigerson, John

Sigerson, Renee

Simpsons, The (TV show)

Singing Callicoats

681st Glider Field Artillery Battalion

Sjörgren, Olle

Sjöwall, Maj

Small Giants (Burlingham)

Smith, Parker

Soble, Jack

Social Democratic Party (Denmark)

Social Democratic Party (Sweden)

Socialist International

Socialist Workers Party (SWP)

Södermalm district

Sons of the American Revolution

Sontag, Susan

Soros, George

Soviet Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee

Soviet Education

Soviet Embassy (Tokyo)

Soviet Psychology

Soviet Union (USSR). See also Russia


Spannaus, Edward

Spannaus, Nancy

Spång, Klas-Örjan

Special Operations Group (CIA)

Speed, Dennis

Spender, Stephen

Spicer, Sean

Spock, Benjamin

Spray, Archibald (Marshall Zolp)

Stalin, Joseph

Stallone, Sylvester

Standard Oil Company

Stanford Prison Experiment


State Department

Staton, Billy

Steinbeck, John


St. John Bosco High School


Stockholm Research Collective

Stockholm University

Stone, Roger

Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, “Star Wars”) 175

Strollo, Vincent

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

Suall, Irwin

Suburban Life

Sullivan, Ed

Svahnström, Bertil

Swarthmore College


deserters find asylum in

draft resisters find exile in

EAP and

elections of 1968

elections of 1979

elections of 2014


Palme assassination and

political neutrality of

public cools toward American exiles in

Vale moves to

welfare state

withdraws asylum for deserters

Sweden: Heaven and Hell (film)

Swedish Aliens Commission

Swedish anti-war movement

Swedish Committee for Vietnam

Swedish Death Index

“Swedish Deserters” (CIA précis)

Swedish Film Institute

Swedish intelligence

Swedish Ministry of the Interior

Swedish National Archives

Swedish police

Sylvia, Robert

Symbionese Liberation Army

Syvriotis, Nick

Takman, John

Talbott, Strobe

Tarpley, Webster

Tate, Charles

Tavistock Institute

Taxi Driver (film)

Taylor, Thomas

Tegin-Gaddy, Kerstin

Temple University, Third World Solidarity rally

Terrorists, The (Sjöwall and Wahlöö)

Terry Whitmore, for Example (film)

There Are No Naughty Children (Israel and Israel)

They Would Have Died Anyway (Ekberg)

Third State of Imperialism, The (LaRouche)

Thorsson, Inga

Three Fs of Charm, The (Foley)


Tidsignal (student newspaper)


Time to Live, A (film)

Tito, Josip Broz

Tokyo University

Tomkiewicz, Stanislaus

Torres, Jose

Torsåker farm


Tracy, Spencer

Trap, The (TV drama)

Treml, Vladimir

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory

Trier, Lars von

Trotsky, Leon


Trotsky: The Prophet Armed (Deutscher)

Trump, Donald

Trump, Melania

Tuesday (newspaper supplement)

Turgenev, Ivan

Turk, Larry

Turkish-Syrian border

Turner, Stansfield

Tyresö suburb



Ulvaeus, Björn

Umiliani, Piero

Underground Railway

Underwood, Lamont Claxton

Union of American Exiles in Britain

United Committee of South Slavic Americans

United Nations

Conference on the Human Environment

United Press International (UPI)

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Army Intelligence

U.S. Army psychiatrists

U.S. Army Regulation 318–135 (D)

U.S. Army Security Agency

U.S. Congress

U.S., elections

of 1960

of 1976

of 1977

of 1980

of 1986

of 1992

of 2016

U.S. Embassy (Berlin)

U.S. Embassy (Helsinki)

U.S. Embassy (Moscow)

U.S. Embassy (Sofia)

U.S. Embassy (Stockholm)

U.S. intelligence. See also specific agencies

U.S. Labor Party

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. military, attempt to organize within

U.S. military intelligence

U.S. naval intelligence

U.S. Navy

U.S. News & World Report

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

University of Uppsala

University of Würzburg

Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers

Vale, Eleanor Hug

Vale, Emil

Vale, Michael (John Armfield)

ADC and

ADC dissolution and

ADC split and

background of

Callicoat informs on

Carrano and

ego-stripping and

films and

Gaddy and

Hamerman and

Jones on

LaRouche and NCLC and

LaRouche psy-war vs.

McGourty and

Next Step and

Onan and


recent life of

Sigal on

suspicions about

Swedish intelligence on

William Russell and

Varsity, Operation



Vesaas, Tarjei

Victoria, Brian

Viet Cong. See also National Liberation Front

Vietnam, postwar

Vietnam War. See also North Vietnam

Village Street Society of Friends

Virginia gubernatorial race (1977)

Vitarelle, Gregory

von Auw, Ivan

Wagner, Philip

Wahlöö, Per

Waiting Out a War (Franks)

Wake Forest University

Walch, Jim

Wannall, Ray

War Game, The (film)

Warhol, Andy

War on Drugs

Washington Post

Wasp, USS

Watergate scandal

Watkins, Peter

Watts, Max. See Schwaetzer, Thomas

Wavy Gravy

Way of the Dragon, The (Lee)


Weather Underground

We Cannot Be Silent (TV show)

Weden, Kay

Weitzman, Alice

Wells, H. G.

West German Embassy bombing (Stockholm)

West Village Committee for Independent Political Action

White, Carol Larrabee

White, Chris

Whitmore, Terry Marvel

“Why Christine Berl Could Be Turned into a Zombie” (LaRouche)

“Why the Labor Committee Can’t Be Taken Over by Agents” (Hamerman)

Widerberg, Bo

Widgren, Mats

Wiesbaden, Germany


Wilders, Geert

Wild Strawberries (film)

Williams, Robert F.

Wind Is Rising, The (Russell)

Windy Hill (LaRouche mansion)

Wingren, Görje

Wise, David

Wolff, Karl Dietrich

Woodburn estate (LaRouche mansion)

Workers Vanguard

World Festival of Youth and Students (Sofia, 1968)

World Health Organization conference (Copenhagen, 1975)

World War I

World War II

Worrell, Mark

Wright, Jay


Yotsai, Ou Yang

Young, Charles M.

Young, Ernest P.

Young Socialist Alliance

Young Workers Liberation League

Yugoslav Embassy (Stockholm)


Zimbardo, Philip

Zinn, Howard

Zinoviev, Grigory


Zolp, Marshall