

It’s been longer than I intended since the release of Gypsy, but this book was a difficult journey for me, one that I was determined would end in a product that would not only satisfy, but delight the readers who fell in love with Gypsy. Several people helped me get it to a point where I feel confident putting it into your hands, and I can’t thank them enough. 

First, my developmental and line editor, and friend, Danielle Poiesz. You and I have worked on so many projects together now, but I continue to be amazed and energized by both your insight and your delivery. I hope we work on many more projects to come, because I can’t imagine doing this without you, no matter how much or little teeth gnashing goes into the final product. Thanks to Shannon Page, who stepped in to copy edit this one for me. Mary Ziegenhorn (hi, mom!), Cheryl Heinrich, and Gay Halsey are fantastic proofers with an eagle eye for mistakes that comes in handy.

Nathalia Suellen makes the prettiest covers in the business, and working with her continues to be a delight. Eisley Jacobs handles my graphic and website design, which means fielding lots of annoying questions and requests, all with a smiley face and a laugh. I appreciate you.

My early readers, whose opinions and friendship are priceless—Amalia Dillon and Leigh Ann Kopans—I am, as always, in your debt. Denise Grover Swank is my friend and critique partner, and a hundred things in between that are irreplaceable.

My family is, as always, the best thing about me. Even when they do nothing to further a book, they do everything. Because I am the person capable of writing a story because of them.

Last, but not least, to my boyfriend Paul who puts up with me with more patience and love than I deserve.