
Praise for Richard Bandler’s Guide to Trance-formation

“This wonderful book is for anyone interested in making their life significantly better. It is a gold mine of insights and techniques from one of the greatest geniuses of personal change. As you use the techniques in Richard Bandler’s Guide to Trance-formation, you will exponentially increase your ability to make dramatic, life-enhancing differences. It is by far one of the most entertaining and professionally stimulating books I have read. It will change your life!”

Paul McKenna, Ph.D.,
coauthor of I Can Make You Thin
and host of TLC’s I Can Make You Thin

“For years, anyone wanting to learn directly from Richard Bandler had two choices: pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to attend a live training or settle for material in books that, while excellent, were ten to thirty years behind the cutting edge. With this new book, Richard Bandler’s Guide to Trance-formation, the cutting edge has finally arrived—and it’s sharper than ever!”

Michael Neill,
author of You Can Have What You Want

Richard Bandler’s Guide to Trance-formation will be of interest to you only if you want more happiness, unlimited success, complete freedom, and deep inner peace. If not, I’d leave it alone.”

Robert Holden, Ph.D.,
author of Happiness NOW and Success Intelligence

“Richard Bandler gets better and better. This book summarizes his previous work in NLP and adds a wealth of new material. The examples and exercises are clear, informative, and helpful. However much one may know about NLP already, this book is well worth reading and using as a resource. There is no substitute for learning from the master himself.”

Dr. Robert Lefever,
Director of The PROMIS Recovery Centre,
London, England, and NLP Trainer