Questions for Discussion
- Most Americans are immigrants or have descended from immigrants. What are the benefits and challenges of living in a country founded on immigration?
- How does Jasmine view her parents’ contributions to America before she learns the truth about their immigration status? Do her views change or develop? Point to examples from the book to illustrate your answer.
- Jasmine’s family faces suspicion and outright hostility because they are immigrants. Why do you think this occurs? Do witnesses have a responsibility to respond to this kind of behavior? Point to examples from the book to support your answer.
- Jasmine’s parents legally immigrated to the United States but were not able to renew their work visas. Why did they stay in the country? Could they have made any other choices?
- Something in Between is a book about identity. How does Jasmine’s view of herself change and develop over the course of the book? Does she consider herself to be more American or Filipina at times? When? Why? Point to examples in the book to support your answer.
- What does Jasmine ultimately come to believe about herself as a person? What values matter most to her? Do her values change when she starts dating Royce? What values matter most to you? How do you think they may develop over time? Why?
- Royce’s view on immigration changes over the course of the book. How does starting a friendship and falling in love with Jasmine change his attitude and challenge his opinions? What does Jasmine show him about America that he didn’t recognize before?
- At a crucial turning point in the story, Jasmine reveals her immigration status to her friends despite feeling fear that her family could be deported. Why does she lean on her community? What are your communities that you go to for support? How might being an undocumented immigrant limit your support groups? How could those limitations affect a person’s life in different ways?
- Jasmine is proud to be a cheerleader and points out the constant false stereotyping of cheerleaders. Does Jasmine herself have personal prejudices? What prejudices do other characters display? How do the various characters develop and grow throughout the book? How do their experiences in the story shape their personal views?
- Millie and Jasmine form a close bond during the story, but Jasmine and her family have to deal with racism on top of their immigrant status. How does Jasmine’s friendship with Millie give her the courage to face her fears and stand up for herself and her family?
- Kayla and Jasmine are best friends, but dealing with their respective family and dating problems cause them to grow apart for some time. Has this happened to you and a close friend before? What did you learn from the experience?
- Royce’s father, the House Speaker of the United States Congress, rallies against an important bill that would help Jasmine’s family to start on a path to citizenship. How does she deal with dating a boy whose family’s political values are different from her own? Is it possible for both sides to be able to listen to and get along with each other? Find examples from the book to support your points.
- Are Jasmine and Royce responsible for bringing their families together? If not, why? If so, what can they do to continue to bring their families together?
- Jasmine ultimately finds the power to believe in herself. Describe a time when you had to believe in yourself to succeed. What lessons did you learn about yourself?