The Novels
1, The Cock and Anchor
2, The Fortunes of Colonel Torlogh O’brien
3, The House by the Church-Yard
4, Wylder’s Hand
5, Uncle Silas
6, Guy Deverell
7, All in the Dark
8, The Tenants of Malory
9, A Lost Name
10, Haunted Lives
11, The Wyvern Mystery
12, Checkmate
13, The Rose and the Key
14, Willing to Die
The Shorter Fiction
15, The Purcell Papers
16, Ghost Stories and Tales of Mystery
17, Ghostly Tales
18, Chronicles of Golden Friars
19, In a Glass Darkly
20, Spalatro
21, A Stable for Nightmares
22, Uncollected Tales
The Poems
23, The Complete Poetry
The Criticism
24, The Criticism
The Memoir
25, Memoir of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu