This analogy may be a little worn, but the phases of the negotiation process resemble a dating relationship. There’s a period of initial discovery, a typically longer and more stable period of give-and-take, followed by a conclusion and resolution to move forward . . . or not. Like a dating sequence, as you and your counterparty move forward, with or without a deadline you’ll eventually want to finalize the deal.
The deal may come straight out of a period of harmonious discussion, or it might be forced by a deadline. Or it may be the product of mutual agreement after a long period of negotiation. You might be close to a deal with simply a few details to work out, or you might be miles apart and not ready to “tie the knot” just yet. This chapter is about preparing for these late resolution stages of the negotiating process, including finding late win-wins, resolving deadlocks and last-minute objections, making last-minute changes, and preparing the final agreement.