In the beginning there was nothing –
other than might
and movement!
In the beginning instead of God
there were fiery wings,
and a spirit over everything...
And fire raised its palms:
blithe tempests! –
or so the fog thinks.
Red choirs grew silent.
And cliffs rose.
The ocean began to roar...
the first day
The gray evening has already nodded off.
Eve has fallen asleep – quietly.
The flock is reposing – night.
Adam emerged from his tent.
He comes and stands before – a cave.
He starts up a fire – and forges.
Stars did shine.
Eve woke up – quietly.
“Is the iron ringing?” – night.
She came: “go to sleep!” – he doesn’t hear.
Adam stands – lost in thought.
And beside him – a plow.
the second day
They let the poor be sacrificed
to the land and capital.
Like tsars they sit on a throne themselves.
“We’re here below, the gods – above.
Go to the factories and quarries,
you, damn beggars!”
The poor shouted out: near and far!
Not telegrams of congratulations,
but a bullet in the brow for the profiteers!
Let’s slice them with our sharpest blades!
For all the lands –
a Marcellaise!
the day before the last