About the Author

Gail Gaymer Martin says that when friends tell her about funny, frightening, or poignant events in their lives, they sometimes stop short and ask, “Will you write about this in your next novel?” Gail only smiles. Sometimes she does, but with a twist. Gail feels awed to write stories that honor the Lord and touch people’s hearts. With forty contracted books, Gail is a multi-award-winning author published in fiction and nonfiction. Her novels have received numerous national awards, and she has more than a million books in print.

Gail, a cofounder of American Christian Fiction Writers, lives in Michigan with her husband, Bob. When not behind her computer, she enjoys a busy life—traveling, presenting workshops at conferences, speaking at churches and libraries, and singing as a soloist and member of her church choir, in which she also plays handbells and handchimes. She is also a member of one of the finest Christian chorales in Michigan, the Detroit Lutheran Singers.

Visit her Web site at www.gailmartin.com and visit her blog site at www.gailmartin.blogspot.com. Write to Gail at PO Box 760063, Lathrup Village, MI, 48076 or at authorgailmartin@aol.com. She enjoys hearing from readers.