Chapter 3: Importing and Viewing Photos

Understanding the iPhoto Workspace


iPhoto enables you to organize, enhance, and share your collection of digital photos. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the iPhoto workspace.



Small versions of your photos, called thumbnails, appear here in the photo browser. You can change their size using the slider in the bottom-right corner of the workspace or magnify them by double-clicking. See the tasks in this chapter for more about viewing photos.

Source List

By clicking different buttons in the source list, you can filter and sort your library photos by when or where they were taken, or by the faces that appear in them. See Chapter 4 for more about organizing photos.


You can organize photos into subject-specific albums or display them as slideshows. With slideshows, you can control the transitions between photos as well as slide durations.

Name Faces

The Name feature allows you to label the faces in your photos with names. iPhoto automatically recognizes faces in your images to help you with the labeling.

Editing Tools

You can edit the color, lighting, and other characteristics of a photo using various tools. This can help you fix poorly exposed or washed-out photos. You can also remove unwanted objects or blemishes with a Retouch tool. See Chapter 5 for more.

Search Box

A search box allows you to search by title or description, date, keyword, or rating.

Play Slideshow

A button at the bottom of the workspace lets you quickly show the currently displayed photos as a slideshow with a theme and background music.


Keepsakes are photo-related projects such as photo books and calendars that you can create in iPhoto. You can have your finished keepsakes printed professionally. See Chapter 6 for more about keepsakes.


You can share your photos by posting them to Web galleries, sending them by e-mail, or transferring them to online services such as Facebook and Flickr. See Chapter 6 for more information.

Import Photos from a Camera


You can bring digital images into iPhoto directly from a camera. Most digital cameras connect to a Mac through a USB cable. Mac computers come with multiple USB ports where you can connect cables.

For details about connecting your specific camera, see the documentation that came with the device.

Import Photos from a Camera

001 Connect your camera to your Mac using a USB cable and turn the camera on.

iPhoto launches and displays the photos on your camera.

If iPhoto does not launch automatically, click iPhoto in the Dock to launch it.


The camera name appears here.

002 cmd.eps-click the photos you want to import.


003 Type an event name to categorize the selected photos.

Note: For more about how iPhoto organizes photos by event, see Chapter 4.

004 Type a description of the event.

005 Select Autosplit events after importing to automatically group your photos by date (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).

006 Click Import Selected.

You can click Import All to import all the photos on your camera at once.

iPhoto downloads the photos from your camera and adds them to the iPhoto library.

iPhoto displays a dialog enabling you to delete the imported photos.


007 Click Delete Photos to erase the imported photos from your camera.

iPhoto displays the imported photos in the photo browser.


The event name appears above the photos.


Import Photos from Your Computer


If you already have photos stored on your computer, you can bring them into iPhoto to organize and edit them. This is useful if you have a collection of scanned photos or art on your Mac. You can also use these steps to bring photos into iPhoto from a CD-ROM, DVD, memory card, or flash drive.

Import Photos from Your Computer

Use the Import command


001 Click File.

002 Click Import to Library.

The Import Photos dialog appears.


003 Navigate to the folder on your computer that contains the photos.

Note: You can also navigate to a CD-ROM, DVD, memory card, or flash drive to import photos.

004 cmd.eps-click to select the photos. You can press cmd.eps+a.eps to select all the photos.

005 Click Import.


iPhoto imports the selected photos and displays them in the photo browser.

Note: For information about how to organize imported photos, see Chapter 4.

Click and drag from the Finder


001 Open the folder containing the photos to import in the Mac Finder.

002 cmd.eps-click to select the photos. You can press cmd.eps+a.eps to select all the photos.

003 Click and drag the photos from the Finder to iPhoto.

iPhoto imports the selected photos and displays them in the photo browser.


Import Photos from the Web


You can easily import a Web photo into your iPhoto library from your Safari Web browser. This is useful if you store photos on a photo-hosting site and want to use one of the photos in an iPhoto project.

Import Photos from the Web


001 Click Safari in the Mac Dock.

The Safari Web browser opens.

002 View a Web page with the photo you want to import.


003 cmd.eps-click the image you want to import.

004 From the menu that appears, click Add Image to iPhoto Library.

iPhoto imports the photo and titles it with the file name.


005 Click the title.

The title becomes editable.


006 Type a new title.

007 Press ent.eps.

iPhoto saves the title.


Magnify a Photo


You can view magnified versions of your photos that you have imported by clicking the small versions, also called thumbnails, in the iPhoto photo browser. You can also view photos at full-screen size. You can cycle through the photos using the arrow keys.

Magnify a Photo


001 Double-click a thumbnail in the photo browser.

iPhoto magnifies the photo to a larger size.

You can click the enlarged photo once to return to the thumbnail view.


002 Click Enter full screen (508398-ma301.tif).

iPhoto expands the photo to full-screen size.


003 Move the cursor to the top of the photo.

iPhoto shows thumbnails of the other photos in the group you are viewing.

You can click the thumbnail of a photo to view that photo in full-screen view.

Press arklt.eps or arkrt.eps to view the previous or next photo in your library.


004 Move the cursor to the bottom of the photo.

iPhoto displays editing buttons. For details about editing, see Chapter 5.

005 Press esc.eps to return to the thumbnail view of the library.


View Photo Information


You can view extra information about a photo, including its description, map location, and camera settings. This can help you categorize a photo.

View Photo Information


001 Click to select a photo in the library.

002 Click 508398-ma002.tif (508398-ma002.tif changes to 508398-ma003.tif).

iPhoto displays basic information about the photo, including the dimensions and time taken.

003 Click Photos.

004 Click Show Extended Photo Info.


iPhoto displays the extended information, including any existing location information and camera settings.

005 Position your cursor over an image.

iPhoto displays an information icon (508398-ma004.tif).

006 Click the icon.


iPhoto displays map and other information about the photo.

Note: To add a photo to the map, see Chapter 4.

007 Click Done to close the information box.


Change the Title and Description of a Photo


You can edit the title and description of a photo to add information about its subject and location. When you import a photo, iPhoto assigns the file name as the title and a blank description.

Change the Title and Description of a Photo


001 Under a photo thumbnail, click the title text.

The title becomes editable.


002 Type a new name for the photo.

003 Press ent.eps.

iPhoto saves the title.

004 Position the cursor over the thumbnail.

iPhoto displays an information icon (508398-ma004.tif).

005 Click the icon.

iPhoto displays map and other information about the photo.


006 Click Enter description.

The description becomes editable.

Note: You must keep the cursor within the edit box to edit the text.


007 Type a description.

008 Position the cursor outside the edit box.

iPhoto saves the description.


Change the Date and Time of a Photo


You can edit the date and time associated with a photo in your iPhoto library. This can be helpful if the time on your camera was incorrect when you took the picture. Because iPhoto organizes photos by time in the photo browser, this can also change where the thumbnail displays when you browse photos.

Change the Date and Time of a Photo


001 Click to select a photo thumbnail.

You can cmd.eps-click to select multiple photos to adjust their date and time to a single setting.

002 Click Photos.

003 Click Adjust Date and Time.


004 In the dialog that appears, click a date or time field.

005 Click here to adjust the field.

006 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to adjust the other fields.


iPhoto displays a summary of the adjustment.

If you are changing the settings of an edited photo, you can optionally click to modify the original copy as well (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).

007 Click Adjust.

iPhoto adjusts the date and time.


The date for the associated event changes as well.

Note: For more about events, see Chapter 4.


Change Settings for a Batch of Photos


You can use the batch feature to change the title, date, or description for multiple photos all at once. This is useful for adding common information to photos from the same event or place, or with the same subjects.

Change Settings for a Batch of Photos


001 cmd.eps-click to select the photos.

002 Click Photos.

003 Click Batch Change.


004 Click here and select Title.

005 Click here and select a title type.

You can click to add an incremental number to each photo in the batch (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).


006 Click here and select Date.

007 Click a date or time field.

008 Click here to adjust the field.

You can optionally click Add to adjust the time applied to each photo in the batch (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).


009 Click here and select Description.

010 Type a description.

You can optionally click to keep any existing descriptions (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).

011 Click OK.

iPhoto applies the changes to the batch.