Chapter 4: Organizing Photos

Manage Events


iPhoto can group photos into events based on the time the photos were taken. When you import photos, iPhoto automatically organizes photos into events based on the day the photos were taken. You can customize the name of the event to describe the photos in it.

Manage Events

View Event Photos


001 Click Events.

iPhoto displays each event as a square thumbnail.

You can move your cursor horizontally across a thumbnail to preview the event photos, a feature known as skimming.

002 Double-click an event.

iPhoto displays the photos in the event.


You can click Slideshow to display the photos as a slideshow.

You can click Keepsakes to create a project out of the event photos.

Note: Depending on your monitor resolution, you may see separate buttons for creating books, calendars, and cards. See Chapter 6 for details about creating these projects.

003 Click All Events to return to the event thumbnails.

Name an Event


001 Click Events.

In the Events view, untitled events are titled with their date.

002 Click a title.

The title becomes editable.


003 Type a new title.

004 Press ent.eps.

iPhoto saves the new title.


Create a New Event


You can create a new event to group together photos that occur at the same time. You might group photos from a birthday party into one event and photos taken during a holiday vacation into another event.

You can group photos that were taken at different times as an album. See “Create an Album” for details.

Create a New Event


001 Click Photos.

iPhoto displays the photos in your library with event labels as headings.

002 cmd.eps-click to select photos to add to your new event.

003 Click Events.

004 Click Create Event.

iPhoto displays a warning about photos being able to belong to one event.


005 Click Create.

iPhoto creates a new event for the photos.


You can click the event title to edit it.

006 Click Events.


iPhoto displays your new event as a thumbnail.

Note: For more about viewing events, see “Manage Events.”


Name a Face


iPhoto can automatically recognize faces in your photos based on shape and coloring. After it recognizes the faces, you can add names to them. Over time, iPhoto can start to match names to faces itself by recognizing specific faces.

Name a Face

001 View a photo that includes faces.


002 Click Name.

iPhoto attempts to recognize the faces in the photo.

003 Click a face label.

The label becomes editable.

004 Type a name for the face.

005 Press ent.eps.

iPhoto assigns the name to the face.


006 Repeat steps 3 to 5 to name other faces in the photo.

007 Click Faces.

iPhoto groups your photos based on named faces.


You can double-click a face photo to view the named photos.


Manage Faces


As you name faces in your photos, iPhoto examines other photos in your library and attempts to name them for you. You can view iPhoto’s face suggestions to confirm them. To label faces with names yourself, see “Name a Face.”

Manage Faces


001 Click Faces.

iPhoto displays the faces you have labeled.

002 Double-click a face.


iPhoto displays the photos you have named here.

Photos with name suggestions appear here.

003 Click Confirm Name.


iPhoto displays the unconfirmed faces here.

004 Click a face once to confirm it.

iPhoto marks a confirmed face with a green label.

005 Click a face twice to reject it.

iPhoto marks a rejected face with a red label.

006 Click Done.

iPhoto updates the photos for that face.



Map Photos to a Place


You can associate images in iPhoto with the places where they were taken. By zooming in on the map in iPhoto, you can pinpoint the exact street corner or landmark where you shot the photos.

To make mapping photos easier, you can turn on place lookups in the iPhoto preferences.

Map Photos to a Place

Turn on Place Lookups


001 Click iPhoto.

002 Click Preferences.

003 In the dialog that appears, click Advanced.

004 Click here and select Automatically.

005 Click 508398-ma001.tif to close the dialog.

Map a Photo


006 Position the cursor over a photo thumbnail.

A 508398-ma004.tif icon appears.

007 Click 508398-ma004.tif.

The location information for the photo appears.


008 Type the location of the photo.

iPhoto looks up the location and offers suggestions.

009 Click the location of the photo from the list.

If the location is not listed, you can click New place to perform a search.


010 iPhoto adds a pin to the map at the location.

011 Click Done to return to the photo library.


View Photo Places


You can view a map that shows the places where you have located photos. You can click a place on the map to see the photos that were taken there. You can also browse locations by geographic name.

View Photo Places

Use a Map


001 Click Places.

iPhoto displays a map showing pins where you have located photos.

You can click and drag the slider to zoom the map.

You can click Show Photos to show all the photos from the locations shown on the map.

002 Position the cursor over a pin.

A location label appears.

003 Click the arrow (508398-ma007.tif).

iPhoto displays photos from the location.


004 Click Map to return to the map view.

Browse Locations


001 Click to display your locations in list view.

iPhoto displays your locations hierarchically with all photos shown.

002 Click a location in a list.


iPhoto filters the photos, showing only those from the location.


Create an Album


You can organize photos into subject-specific albums. Creating an album makes it easy to turn those photos into slideshows, photo books, Web galleries, and other projects.

For more about creating projects in iPhoto, see Chapter 6.

Create an Album


001 cmd.eps-click to select photos to add to the album.

002 Click the Create button (508398-ma008.tif).


003 Make sure Album is selected.

You can click to create an empty album (508398-ma006.tif changes to 508398-ma005.tif).

004 Type a name for the album.

005 Click Create.

iPhoto creates the album and displays its contents.

The album name is displayed in the source list.


006 Click Photos.


007 Click and drag a photo to the album.

iPhoto adds the photo to the album.


Create a Smart Album


You can create a smart album by setting one or more criteria based on date, keywords, rating, and other photo characteristics. Photos that meet the criteria are automatically added to the album and iPhoto updates the album as the library changes.

Create a Smart Album


001 Click 508398-ma008.tif.

002 In the dialog that appears, click Smart Album.

003 Type a name for the smart album.


004 Click here to specify the first type of criteria.

005 Set the conditions.

In this example, the term “fish” must be present in any of the text fields associated with the photo.


006 Click 508398-ma009.tif.

A second criterion is added.

007 Set the conditions.

In this example, the date must be in the year 2008.

You can click 508398-ma009.tif to set additional criteria.

008 Click OK.

iPhoto creates the smart album.


The album name is displayed in the source list.

Photos that meet the album criteria are displayed.


Add a Keyword to a Photo


You can add a keyword to a photo to associate the photo with a subject. You might add keywords that describe objects in the photo or the event at which the photo was taken.

See “Find Photos” to learn how to use keywords to find specific photos.

Add a Keyword to a Photo

Use the Keyword DIALOG


001 cmd.eps-click to select the photos to label.

002 Click Window.

003 Click Show Keywords.

The Keywords dialog opens.


004 Click a keyword.

iPhoto adds the keywords to the photo.

You can click the keyword again to remove it from the photos.

Type Keywords

001 Position the cursor over the photo to label.


002 Click add keywords below the photo.

If a photo already has keywords listed below it, click the keywords.

An edit box appears.


003 Type a keyword.

004 Press ent.eps.

iPhoto adds the keyword to the photo.

iPhoto also adds the keyword to the list in the Keywords dialog.

005 Press ent.eps again to close the edit box.

Note: To use keywords to filter photos, see “Find Photos.”


Rate a Photo


You can rate a photo to label the photo with one to five stars. This can help you pinpoint which photos in your library are worth adding to slideshows, Web galleries, and other projects.

See “Find Photos” to learn how to use ratings to find specific photos.

Rate a Photo


001 Click View.

002 Click Rating.

iPhoto displays ratings for photos that have them.


003 Click to select the photo to rate.

004 Click Photos.

005 Click My Rating.

006 Click a rating.


iPhoto assigns the rating to the photo.

007 You can also assign or edit a rating by clicking a star or dot.


iPhoto assigns the rating to the photo.


Flag a Photo


You can flag a photo to mark it for editing or adding to an event or album. iPhoto adds a flag icon to flagged photos.

Flag a Photo


001 Click to select the photo to flag.


002 Click Flag.

iPhoto flags the photo.


An icon is added to the photo thumbnail.

You can click Unflag to remove the flag.

003 Click Flagged.

iPhoto displays your flagged photos.



Find Photos


As the number of photos in your library grows, being able to find photos quickly can become challenging. The search tool in iPhoto allows you to search for photos by text, date, rating, and more.

Find Photos

Search by Text


001 Type one or more terms into the search box.

iPhoto searches for photos as you type.

iPhoto displays the photos whose title or description contains the search terms.

002 Click here to open the search menu.

Search by keyword


003 Click Keyword.

iPhoto displays a keyword panel.


004 Click one or more keywords.

iPhoto displays photos with the keywords.

Note: To add keywords to a photo, see “Add a Keyword to a Photo.”


005 Click 508398-ma012.tif to clear your search.

iPhoto displays all the photos in the library.

You can also click here and select Date to search by a time range.


Hide and Unhide Photos


You can hide a photo so that it does not appear in your photo library. This is helpful if you do not want to use the photo but are unsure about deleting it.

Hide and Unhide Photos

Hide a Photo


001 Click to select a photo to hide.

002 Click Hide.

iPhoto hides the photo.


003 Click the Show text.

iPhoto displays the hidden photos.


Hidden photos are marked with an icon.

Unhide a Photo

004 Click to select the hidden photo.

005 Click Unhide.

iPhoto unhides the photo.



Delete a Photo


You can delete a photo when you are sure you do not need it. Deleting is done in two steps. First the photo is moved to the iPhoto trash, where it can be recovered. Then the trash is emptied, which removes the photo from the library.

If you originally imported a photo from another location on your computer, deleting the photo from iPhoto does not delete the photo from its other location.

Delete a Photo

Move a Photo to the Trash


001 Click to select the photo to delete.

002 Press delete.eps.

iPhoto moves the photo to the trash.


003 Click Trash to view photos in the trash.


To recover a photo, select it, click Photos, and then click Restore to Photo Library.

Empty the Trash

004 Click iPhoto.

005 Click Empty iPhoto Trash.

iPhoto prompts you to confirm the deletion.


006 Click OK to delete the photos in the trash.