Chapter 16: Setting Up a Web Site

Understanding the iWeb Workspace


iWeb enables you to create full-featured Web sites that you can publish online. You start with templates for common Web page types — such as Welcome pages, photo galleries, and blog pages — and fill in your own text and media to make the site your own. You construct pages using visual tools and without having to write HTML code. Before starting an iWeb project, familiarize yourself with the program workspace.


Sites and Pages

The iWeb sidebar displays a list of the sites you have created. Beneath each site name is a list of the pages in the site. Selecting a site displays publishing settings for the site in the main window. Selecting a page displays the page in the main window and allows you to add to and edit its content.

Adding New Pages

You can click Add Page to add new pages to your Web site, including Welcome and About Me pages, pages that feature photos and movies, and pages for blogs and podcasts. You can use a blank page template to start a page from scratch.


You can publish your finished Web site to an Internet service provider via FTP or to your MobileMe account, if you have one.


iWeb offers dozens of themes to decorate your pages with predefined colors and graphics. There are themes for specific events such as vacations and road trips, colorful kids themes, and a variety of artistic themes. Each time you add a new page, you select a theme.

Editing Buttons

You can click different buttons to add text, shapes, and masks to your pages, rotate content, or adjust color. An Inspector window allows you to make precise adjustments to the dimensions of your page, customize fonts, configure RSS feeds, and more.


You select content to add to your pages in the media pane. You can browse through photos from iPhoto, movies from iMovie, and music from iTunes and GarageBand. You can also add widgets, which are page containers for Google Maps, YouTube movies, iSight movies, and more.

Main Window

The main iWeb window displays your Web pages. You can click inside the window to select and edit text, images, and other page features. You can resize and reposition content containers and change backgrounds to get just the page design you want.

Create a New Site


You can create a new site in iWeb and then add different types of themed pages to it. Your pages can include text, images, multimedia, and more. iWeb allows you to easily maintain multiple Web sites at the same time. You can publish your finished Web sites to your MobileMe account or to your Internet service provider via FTP.

Create a New Site

001 Start the iWeb program.

The first time you run iWeb, the program prompts you to choose a template to start your site.


You can also click File and then New Site to create a new site.

002 Click a theme to choose the style of your template.

Note: For more about themes, see “Change the Theme.”

003 Click a template to determine the type of page to add.

004 Click Choose.

iWeb creates a new site with the chosen template as its first page.


The site is listed in the sidebar.

The page is listed under the site.

The page is populated with generic text, images, and other media.

You can click and drag content from the media pane to add it to the page.

Note: See Chapter 17 for details about adding and editing media.


005 Double-click the site name.

The site name becomes editable.


006 Type a new name for the site.

007 Press ent.eps.

iWeb renames the site.

You can rename page names similarly.


Create a New Page


You can add a new page to your iWeb site to publish new content. iWeb offers a variety of page templates for publishing text, photo galleries, blogs, and more. You can select graphics and colors for your page by choosing a theme.

Create a New Page


001 Click to select the site to which you want to add a page.

002 Click Add Page.

The template dialog appears.


003 Click a theme to determine the style of your template.

The pages of a site can have the same or different themes.

Note: For more information about themes, see “Change the Theme.”

004 Click a template to determine the type of page to add.

You can select a Blank template to start designing your page from scratch.

005 Click Choose.

iWeb adds the page to your site.


The page is listed under the site name in the sidebar.

The page content appears here.

Note: See Chapter 17 for details about adding and editing page content.

006 Click Inspector.

The Inspector window appears.


007 Click the Page Inspector icon (508398-ma334.tif).

iWeb lists the page settings.

008 Type a name for the page.

This name appears in site navigation links.

Note: See “Control Navigation on a Page” for more about navigation.

009 Click 508398-ma001.tif to close the Inspector.


Change the Theme


You can change the theme of the page to make it suit its subject matter. iWeb offers two minimalist themes, titled White and Black, as well as dozens of other themes that include attractive color schemes and decorative graphics. Pages within a site can have the same or different themes.

Change the Theme


001 Select the page whose theme you want to change.

002 Click Theme.

A pane of themes appears.


003 Click a theme.

iWeb updates the page with the new theme.

Content on the page may rearrange, depending on the chosen theme.

Control Navigation on a Page


You can hide or display navigation links on a page. Navigation links connect a page with other pages in the same site. You can also set whether a page is included in the navigation links.

Control Navigation on a Page


001 Select the page whose navigation you want to change.

Navigation links typically appear near the top of the page.

002 Click Inspector.

The Inspector window appears.


003 Click the Page Inspector icon (508398-ma334.tif).

iWeb lists the page settings.

New pages have navigation turned on and are included in the site navigation.

Click here to not display the page in the navigation links (508398-ma006.tif changes to 508398-ma005.tif).

Click here to hide navigation on a page (508398-ma006.tif changes to 508398-ma005.tif).

004 Click 508398-ma001.tif to close the Inspector.

Change Page Dimensions


You can change the dimensions of your iWeb page and adjust the padding that surrounds it. You can also change the height of the header and footer, if the page has them. Changing dimensions can be useful if you want to accommodate viewers with different monitor resolutions.

Change Page Dimensions


001 Select the page whose dimensions you want to change.

002 Click Inspector.

The Inspector window appears.


003 Click the Page Inspector icon (508398-ma334.tif).

004 Click Layout.

Note: Some layout settings may not apply to certain themes.

005 Edit the value or click the arrows to change the padding above and below the page content.

iWeb adjusts the padding.


006 Edit the values or click the arrows to change the width and height of the page content box.

iWeb adjusts the width and height.


007 Edit the value or click the arrows to change the height of the header.

iWeb adjusts the header.

008 Edit the value or click the arrows to change the height of the footer.

iWeb adjusts the footer.

009 Click 508398-ma001.tif to close the Inspector.


Change the Background


You can change the background of a page to give it a vibrant or subdued appearance. You can set the background as a color, a gradient, an image, or nothing at all. Most iWeb page themes feature two backgrounds: the page background on which the content appears and what iWeb calls the browser background, which shows under the page background.

Change the Background


001 Select the page whose background you want to change.

002 Click Inspector.

The Inspector window appears.


003 Click the Page Inspector icon (508398-ma334.tif).

004 Click Layout.

005 Click here to select a page background type.

For image fills, click to select background options.

You can tile or stretch a small image to fill a larger background.

The page background changes.

For page backgrounds, you can also select Gradient Fill or None for the fill type.


006 Click here to select a browser background type.

007 For color fills, click here to select a color.

The Colors dialog appears.

008 Click a color.

The browser background changes.

009 Click 508398-ma001.tif to close the Colors dialog.

010 Click 508398-ma001.tif to close the Inspector.