Chapter 19: Publishing a Web Site

Test Your Web Pages


You activate the hyperlinks in your pages to ensure that they work before publishing your site and making it public. You can also view your pages in iWeb to ensure that they appear as you want them to appear.

Test Your Web Pages


001 View the Web page you want to test.

002 Click Inspector.

The Inspector window appears.

003 Click the Link Inspector icon (508398-ma337.tif).

004 Click Hyperlink.

iWeb lists the hyperlink settings.

005 Click Make hyperlinks active (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).

iWeb activates the hyperlinks on your pages.

Note: To create a hyperlink, see Chapter 17.


006 Click a hyperlink on your Web page (508398-ma350.tif changes to 508398-ma351.tif).


iWeb opens the destination page.

In this example, the destination is another page in the Web site.


Publish a Site Using FTP


If you have a Web host, you can transfer your iWeb pages to a Web server at the host using FTP, which stands for File Transfer Protocol. After your pages are transferred, people can view them on the Web. To make the transfer, you need to obtain the server login information.

Publish a Site Using FTP


001 Click the site you want to publish.

iWeb displays the publishing settings.

002 Select FTP Server.

003 Type a contact e-mail address.

Note: The address is used for any Email Me buttons on your site pages. See Chapter 18 for details.


004 Type the server address at your Web host.

005 Type your user name.

006 Type your password.

If necessary, type the path to the directory where your Web content is stored on the server.

Select from this menu if your server requires FTP with extra security features.

Check with your Web host for the server, user name, password, and other settings to use.


Click Test Connection to test the login settings.

007 Type the root Web address of your site, which is typically the address for your home page.

iWeb needs this to build certain types of links as well as any RSS feeds on your site.

Note: See Chapter 18 for more about RSS.

008 Click Publish Site.

009 If iWeb displays a dialog about content rights, click OK.

010 If iWeb displays a dialog about publishing in the background, click OK.

iWeb uploads the Web site. How long it takes depends on the amount of site content. iWeb displays a confirmation when the upload is complete.


011 Click Visit Site Now to visit your site in a Web browser.

You can also click Visit to visit a published site.


Publish a Site to MobileMe


You can publish a Web site to your MobileMe account to make your content available online. You can then send your friends and family a Web address where they can access the site on MobileMe.

To use this feature, you must have a MobileMe account. See Chapter 2 for details.

Publish a Site to MobileMe

001 Sign in to your MobileMe account.


002 Click the site you want to publish.

iWeb displays the publishing settings.

003 Select MobileMe.

004 Type a contact e-mail address for any Email Me buttons on your site pages. See Chapter 18 for details.

Your MobileMe account user name appears here.


You can click here to protect your site with a user name and password (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).

If you protect your site, type a user name and password. Do not use your own MobileMe user name and password.

The password must be between 6 and 20 characters and is case-sensitive.

005 Click Publish Site.

If a Content Rights dialog appears, click Continue.


iWeb publishes your site to your MobileMe account.

If a dialog appears telling you the site will be published in the background, click OK.

After the site is published, iWeb displays a confirmation dialog.


Click Announce to announce the publication and invite others to view the site.

Click Visit Site Now to view the site at your MobileMe account.

006 Click OK to close the dialog.


Share Site Updates on Facebook


You can announce updates to your Web site on your Facebook account. iWeb makes the announcements every time you make changes to your site and publish them.

Facebook is a popular social networking Web site where users can connect with friends and share information. To share site updates on Facebook, you must already have a Facebook account.

Share Site Updates on Facebook


001 Specify your publishing settings for your FTP server or MobileMe account.

Note: For details about specifying settings, see the other tasks in this chapter.

This example shows the settings for publishing using an FTP server.

002 At the bottom of the publishing settings, click Update my Facebook profile when I update this site (508398-ma005.tif changes to 508398-ma006.tif).

The Facebook window appears in iWeb.


003 Type the e-mail address associated with your Facebook account.

Note: To set up a Facebook account, visit

004 Type your password.

005 Click Login.

iWeb displays a confirmation page.


006 Click Finish.

iWeb updates your Facebook account when you update your site.


You can click here to temporarily disable the updating (508398-ma006.tif changes to 508398-ma005.tif).

You can click Remove Account to remove the connection to your Facebook account. You can reestablish it later if you want.