Chapter 21: Editing a DVD Project

Add a Movie


You can include a movie in your iDVD project and view the movie when you play your DVD. When you add a movie, iDVD creates a clickable button in your project menu. You can choose movies from iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, or folders on your computer.

Add a Movie

Click and drag


001 Click Media.

002 Click Movies.

003 Click a list item to display the available movies from an iMovie event.

004 Click and drag a movie to the project menu.


iDVD adds a button to the menu labeled with the movie file name.

Note: To edit the button, see “Customize a Button.”

005 Double-click the button to play the movie.

Use the add icon

001 Click the add icon (508398-ma008.tif).

002 Click Add Movie in the menu that appears.


iDVD adds an empty button to the menu.

003 Click and drag a movie from the media pane to the empty button.

iDVD associates the movie with the button.

Note: To edit the button, see “Customize a Button.”


Add a Slideshow


You can include still photos in your iDVD project as a slideshow. You can view the slideshow when you play your DVD. iDVD creates a clickable button for the slideshow in your project menu.

Add a Slideshow


001 Click the add icon (508398-ma008.tif).

002 Click Add Slideshow in the menu that appears.

iDVD adds a button to the menu labeled My Slideshow.

Note: To edit the button, see “Customize a Button.”

003 Double-click the button.

iDVD opens the slideshow editor.


004 Click Media.

005 Click Photos.

006 Click a list item to display the available photos in an iPhoto category.

007 Click and drag to add photos to the slideshow.

You can cmd.eps-click to select multiple photos.


You can click and drag in the editor to rearrange the order of the slides.

008 Select the slide duration.

009 Select a transition to play between slides.

You can click Settings to change additional settings.

010 Click the Preview button (508398-ma020.tif).

iDVD displays the slideshow and a controller.


You can click 508398-ma353.tif and 508398-ma352.tif to move through the slides.

You can click 508398-ma354.tif to pause the slideshow.

You can click Exit to return to the slideshow editor.

011 Click 508398-ma355.tif to stop the slideshow and return to the menu.


Add Music to a Slideshow


You can add a song from iTunes or GarageBand as background music for your slideshow. This can help add a mood to your slideshow and make it more interesting. You can automatically time the slideshow duration so that it is the same as that of the song.

Add Music to a Slideshow


001 Double-click a slideshow button.

Note: To create a slideshow, see “Add a Slideshow.”

iDVD opens the slideshow editor.


002 Click Media.

003 Click Audio.

004 Click a list item to display the available songs from GarageBand or iTunes.

005 Click and drag a song to the slideshow pane.

Note: You can also click and drag an iTunes playlist, which is a collection of songs.

iDVD adds the song as background music.

006 Click the slider to adjust the music volume.

You can select Fit To Audio to make the slideshow duration fit that of the song.

007 Click the Preview button (508398-ma020.tif).

iDVD displays the slideshow and controller and plays the music.


You can click and drag the slider to adjust the audio as it plays.

008 Click 508398-ma355.tif to stop the slideshow and return to the menu.


Add Media to a Drop Zone


You can add videos and still images to drop zones, which are sections in iDVD menus that can show previews of the content on a disc. The number and layout of drop zones in menus are determined by the theme you choose for the project.

Add Media to a Drop Zone

Click and Drag to Add

001 Display a menu in an iDVD project.


Drop zones are labeled in the menu.

002 Click Media.

003 Click Photos or Movies.

You can add movies, still images, and slideshows to a drop zone. You cannot add audio.

004 Click a list item to display the available content in the media pane.

005 Click and drag a media file to a drop zone.


iDVD adds the media to the drop zone.

To replace the media, click and drag another file to the drop zone.

To remove media from a drop zone, cont.eps-click a drop zone and click Clear Drop Zone Contents.

Use the Drop Zone editor


001 Click Edit Drop Zones to open the drop zone editor.

iDVD displays icons for the drop zones in the menu.

002 Click and drag a file from the media pane to a drop zone icon.


iDVD adds the media to the drop zone.

To replace content, click and drag another file to a drop zone icon.

To remove media from a drop zone, click and drag the media from the drop zone icon to outside the drop zone editor.

003 Click Edit Drop Zones to exit the drop zone editor.


Autofill Drop Zones


iDVD can automatically fill the drop zones in your project with movie and photo content from your project. You can make changes to the autofilled content using the drop zone editor.

Autofill Drop Zones

001 Display a menu in an iDVD project. The project should already have media associated with it.

Note: To add media, see “Add a Movie” or “Add a Slideshow.”


In this example, the drop zone editor is open. See “Add Media to a Drop Zone” for details.

002 Click Project.

003 Click Autofill Drop Zones.


iDVD fills the drop zones in the menu with media from the project.

You can edit the selections by clicking and dragging media files to the editor icons.

Edit Media in a Drop Zone


You can change how a movie is played or how a still photo is oriented in a drop zone. This helps you focus on specific actions or subjects in drop zones.

Edit Media in a Drop Zone

Edit a Movie


001 Click a movie in a drop zone.

A line representing the movie appears.

002 Click and drag a slider to specify where the movie starts.

003 Click and drag a slider to specify where the movie ends.

004 Click away from the drop zone to save the movie edit.

Edit a Still PHOTO


001 Click a still photo in a drop zone.

iDVD selects the photo.

002 Press cmd.eps and click and drag inside the photo to reposition it.

003 Click away from the drop zone to save the photo edit.

Customize a Button


You can customize the clickable buttons that allow you to play movies and slideshows or view submenus in your project. You can edit the text, change the font, or add graphics to suit the style of your project.

Customize a Button

Edit the text


001 Click a button in a menu to select it.

002 Click the button again to make it editable.

Note: Do not double-click the button, which opens the content.

003 Type a label for the button.


004 Select a font for the button.

005 Select a font style.

006 Select a font size.

007 Click away from the button to save the changes.

Add a Graphic

001 Click a menu button to select it.


002 Click Buttons.

003 Select a button category.

004 Click a button style.

iDVD customizes the button in the menu.

You can click and drag the button to reposition it.


Add a Submenu


When you create a new project from within iDVD, the program adds a single main menu to that project. You can add submenus to your project to organize your media content in a hierarchical fashion. You access a submenu by clicking a button on the main menu. Submenus can also have their own submenus.

Add a Submenu


001 Display the menu to which you want to add a submenu.

002 Click the add icon (508398-ma008.tif).

003 Click Add Submenu in the menu that appears.

iDVD adds a button for the new submenu.

Note: To edit the text and style of the button, see “Customize a Button.”


004 Double-click the submenu button.

iDVD opens the new submenu.


005 Double-click the title to edit it.

006 Click and drag content from the media pane to add content to the submenu.

Note: For details, see “Add a Movie,” “Add a Slideshow,” and “Add Media to a Drop Zone.”

Note: To change the theme of a submenu, see Chapter 20.

007 Double-click the back button (508398-ma356.tif).

The style of the back button varies depending on the theme of the menu.

iDVD displays the parent menu from which the new submenu is linked.


You can click Show the DVD Map to view your menu organization in map view.

Note: For details, see “Use Map View.”


Change Menu Settings


You can open the Menu Info inspector to configure a menu. You can change the duration of a menu animation, control the volume of background music, and turn on a grid to help align menu buttons.

Change Menu Settings


001 Display the menu whose settings you want to change.

002 cont.eps-click the menu background.

003 Click Show Inspector Window.

Note: You can also click the Inspector button (508398-ma002.tif) in the toolbar.

iDVD opens the Menu Info window.


004 Click and drag the slider to adjust the duration of the menu animation.

Some menus include an intro and an outro as part of the animation.

You can click to disable the intro (508398-ma006.tif changes to 508398-ma005.tif).

You can click to disable the outro (508398-ma006.tif changes to 508398-ma005.tif).


005 Click and drag the slider to adjust the volume of background music, if it exists.

iDVD can use an invisible grid to align the buttons you add to a DVD menu.

006 Click to turn on the grid (508398-ma015.tif changes to 508398-ma016.tif).

007 Click 508398-ma013.tif to close the inspector and save the changes.


Use Map View


You can view your iDVD project as a chart by opening map view. In map view, boxes represent menus, movies, and slideshows. Lines represent the connections between the media items. You can add new content in map view as well as reorganize existing content.

Use Map View

Add Media


001 Click Show the DVD Map to open your project in map view.

iDVD displays the menus, movies, slideshows, and other content hierarchically, as boxes connected by lines.

002 Click and drag an item in the media pane to a menu box.

iDVD adds the item to the map, connecting the item to the menu with a line.

A button for the item is added to the menu.

You can double-click the menu to view it.

To delete content in map view, select the content and then press delete.eps.

Rearrange Media


001 Click and drag a media item in the map to a new menu.

iDVD adds a button for the item to the new menu and deletes the button for the item in the old menu.


The box for the item is connected to the new menu in map view.