People seem to think
that Jack Charlton
and myself were
influenced by one
another. Untrue.
I was an arrogant
bastard long before I
got involved with him.
If they’d used video evidence in
my day, I’d still be doing time.
When I joined Rangers I immediately
established myself as third choice
left half. The two guys ahead of me
were an amputee and a Catholic.
I daren’t play in a five-a-side at
Anfield because if I collapsed no
one would give me the kiss of life.
We ended up playing football,
and that doesn’t suit us.
The last time we played Seville
we were beaten 2–nil. And
we were lucky to get nil.
One of the most difficult tasks I had
on match days was shaking hands
with the opposing manager if I’d lost.
When we played football at school
I was usually put in goal – basically
because I filled most of it.
I promised I would take Rotherham
out of the First Division. I did
– into the Second Division.
When I was admitted to the heart
unit, somebody sent me a Get
Well telegram that said, ‘We
didn’t even know you had one’.
One accusation you can’t throw at
me is that I’ve always done my best.