Certain people
are for me, certain
people are pro me.
When I said they’d scored two
goals what I meant, of course,
was that they only scored one.
The game is finely balanced,
with Celtic well on top.
We’re on the crest of a slump.
Without picking out anyone
in particular, I thought Mark
Wright was tremendous.
For those of you watching
in black and white, Spurs
are in the all-yellow strip.
The opening ceremony was
good, although I missed it.
You can’t guarantee anything
in football. All you can
guarantee is disappointment.
I’d rather play in front of a full
stadium than an empty crowd.
Our strategy is all-out attack
mixed with caution.
They’re still in the game, and
they’re trying to get back into it.
I’m not a believer in luck, but
I do believe you need it.
If Glenn Hoddle said one word
to his team at half-time, it was
concentration and focus.
Everything in our favour
was against us.