‘Can he talk?’ said Markham, leaning over to examine the wounded Corsican, who was lying amongst whole and broken jars of olive oil.

Bellamy nodded, but the look in his eye was confirmation that treatment for this man was essential. Markham could see that for himself: the skin was waxy, covered in a thin film of sweat, the lines between nose and cheek deeper than they should be, the eyes, when they were open, full of pain. He leant forward and began to talk in the wounded man’s ear, softly, asking questions which were answered by nods and shakes, so that those watching, who included a good half of his Lobsters, muskets loaded and pointing in both directions, were left with only half a tale.

The man admitted he was a Buonapartist, or at least nodded when that easily discernible word was posed. The name Ajaccio formed by Markham’s lips was also comprehensible. The shakes of the head corresponded to inquiries regarding numbers and names of his commanders. Then Markham leant closer, his voice even softer, which had his men straining forward for a half note to which they could attach some certainty.

‘Fouquert,’ said Yelland, hissing the name to the men nearest him. ‘He’s asked him about Fouquert.’

‘Bastard nodded, too,’ croaked Gibbons.

‘He’s got to be here,’ moaned Dymock, in a hushed tone. ‘Bad penny ain’t in it.’

‘No ship,’ whispered Halsey, who so forgot his own standards as to join in, taking his eyes away from the window he was posted on. ‘The frog word is bâteau, and he shook his head.’

‘Why ain’t the Viking here,’ moaned Leech. ‘He can read old Shaft-em’s mind.’

‘He’s out there digging trenches, you useless bollock,’ snapped Halsey, who felt he’d missed some vital clue because the marine was speaking at the same time as Markham. Then self-discipline resurfaced and he barked at them all, ‘Attend to your bloody duty. Like old women, you are.’

‘Kettle calling,’ responded Yelland, so that Halsey couldn’t hear. To the men he was Daddy Halsey when obliging, Old Fanny Halsey, a Seven Dials trollop, when cross.

‘We will need to get a white flag out,’ said Markham, standing up and stretching to ease muscles that prolonged bending had strained. ‘This man needs a sawbones, or he’s going to die.’

‘Good fucking riddance, I say,’ called Sharland, who’d been allotted the lonely task of keeping watch on the far side of the farmhouse, and so had heard nothing.

Bellamy responded with a confidence which, especially where Sharland was concerned, had hitherto been lacking. To Markham it was further evidence of his changed stature, which had yet to be explained.

‘There speaks a shining example of the benefits of universal education.’

‘You cheeky black …’

‘Sharland!’ snapped Markham. ‘Get ready to go out, under a truce flag. You will ask for an opportunity to return the wounded prisoner. You will also request that the French, or whoever is running this affair, take in our casualties, since we do not have the means to care for them.’

‘What, like Ebbie?’

‘Ebden, and the two women who took wounds.’

‘They’re dead.’

‘We don’t know for certain. Corporal Halsey, go and ask the general to join us.’

The straw bales and the overturned cart provided some cover, which Rannoch was busy adding to by digging shallow trenches. But it was still an uncomfortable journey for a man his age, who found being bent double a strain. Once he was in the farmhouse Markham had a quiet word, then led him to the wounded prisoner. Much to the annoyance of those within earshot, Paoli began to talk softly to the Corsican in his own, incomprehensible tongue.

Markham understood, when he heard the name, that the general had introduced himself. More interesting was the reaction. The invalid’s eyes opened in wonder, finding himself talking to a paragon of whom he could only have heard. Pasquale Paoli spoke gently but insistently, to Markham’s mind like a priest giving last rights. There was a hypnotic quality to the voice, low and seductive. The man he was addressing was an enemy, but whatever Paoli said produced first tears, then a flood of stuttering information.

Finally the old man wiped his perspiring brow, and leant forward to kiss him on the forehead, that followed by a nod to Markham. Another whispered conversation followed, still maddening for those who couldn’t understand. But they could see that Paoli had elicited more information than Markham, and that none of it had done anything to cheer either man up.

‘Improvisation,’ said Markham, thinking about that oilskin pouch, sealed with wax of course, but in such a way that it had no device to identify it, all seemingly to no avail because Paoli had decided to leave for Morosaglia. No wonder Lanester had looked like a man at death’s door. ‘From that first day at Fornali, it all seems to have a gimcrack quality.’

‘There’s no absolute way to find out if that supposition is correct, Lieutenant.’

Markham nodded, though in truth he had no interest in Paoli’s pedantic way of looking at things. He called to Sharland, ordering him to get ready, then added with a commanding hand that Bellamy should come close. That led to more whispering, the only sound that made an iota of sense the Negro objecting to whatever task Markham was giving him. But it was clearly an order, and as Sharland readied his truce flag, Bellamy got himself prepared to follow him out of the door.

Sharland glared and gave a sharp gesture with his thumb when he realised what was being proposed, the tone of hatred in his voice matching the sentiment in his look.

‘I ain’t goin’ with this ape.’

Markham was tired, suffering from a lassitude caused by too much action, the need to think and give orders, plus the depression induced by his recent conversations. They had to get out of here, and right now he would happily have elected to leave this man behind. He was about to bark at Sharland, but the marine saw the look in his eye, and buckled immediately.

‘Whatever you say, sir.’

There was a pause while a flag was waved outside one of the windows. That, in turn, had to be translated and passed on to whoever was in charge of the combined French and Corsican force besieging the farmhouse. A cavalry bugle eventually blew to signal acceptance, and Sharland could then open the front door, confirm the arrangement and walk out into clear daylight with Bellamy at his side.

After some ten minutes two men arrived with a stretcher to take away their wounded friend, both avoiding even the slightest eye contact, treating the British Lobsters, and the Liberator, as if they were the Devil incarnate. Markham stood just inside the door, watching Bellamy. When the Negro, after what seemed like an age, turned and waved, he finally spoke.

‘Halsey, gather up all the oil and combustibles you can find. Yelland, be so good as to go over to the barn. On the way tell Sergeant Rannoch to stop digging and come back inside. Then request Commandatore Calheri, along with her troopers, to take up positions between the barn and the farmhouse. Everybody is to get ready to move out as soon as the general and I have finished.’


‘Discreetly, Yelland,’ Markham added, as the youngster ducked to exit through the hole in the side wall. ‘I don’t want the enemy to know.’

Rannoch had listened carefully while Markham gave him his orders, nodding slowly, though there was doubt in his pale blue eyes.

‘The lady will not take kindly to accepting such instructions from me.’

‘Then tell her they are from her uncle,’ Markham replied, making for the door.

He took a last look over to where Pasquale Paoli sat in a corner. In the fading light, which made it hard to pick the old man out, he was looking at the floor, in an attitude that would have seemed strange to anyone who knew him well, but which had been there since he and Markham had finished their quiet conversation. Such a figure as the Liberator could never draw the description ‘broken’, but no-one could doubt the deep sadness that filled him, evidenced by his complete unawareness of anyone around him.

‘General,’ Markham called, and returned the smile he received as the old man stood up.

‘Right, you lot,’ said Rannoch, ‘let us be getting ready.’

That it was dark in the farmhouse was natural, even if it was still a strong twilight outside. Certainly when the man Markham had asked to see stepped forward from the cover of the houses on the very edge of Aleria, he produced a gasp from the sentinels which was a compound of anger and fear. They looked at each other, then at Markham, whose face was rigidly impassive as he stepped forward and reopened the door. The walk to the agreed spot, halfway between the positions, took no more than a minute, Markham thinking on the way that the light did a great deal to favour the hue of the scarlet, gold-trimmed, coat.

‘I was half tempted to demand to talk to Fouquert.’

‘He’s not here.’

‘A lie,’ thought Markham savagely. The wounded Corsican had confirmed the Frenchman to Paoli. But he smiled nevertheless.


‘Besides, he wouldn’t have come if you’d asked him. I think you scare him almost as much as he scares me. There’s no way he’d come out from under cover with you around.’

‘How very wise.’

‘It was damned cheek you sending that nigger to demand I come out, Markham. It nearly caused me to refuse.’

‘Lie two,’ he thought, the word improvisation recurring in his brain.

The face was red, fat and, despite the circumstances, still jolly. Indeed, as he’d approached Markham, he had his arms held out as though he was welcoming a prodigal son. There was no evidence of a wound on the man who’d been lying at death’s door a few days before. Pavin, looking even more gaunt and wrinkled in the dying light, stood near the first house that marked the boundary of the town of Aleria. The events of the last weeks flashed through his mind: what had happened outside the officer’s mess tent at Fornali; the inconsistency of behaviour; and the fact that he’d never actually seen the wound.

‘Made up,’ he said to himself, ‘the whole damn thing made up.’

‘What d’you say, Markham?’

‘That night at Fornali, Major,’ Markham said. ‘I should have spotted that wet sand on your boots.’

Lanester smiled, though from the look in his eyes it was clear that he’d no more realised the significance of that clue to his involvement than Markham. ‘Daresay you would have done if you’d seen them after.’

‘It doesn’t bother you that those men died?’

‘They were soldiers, Lieutenant.’

‘Who, I think, have a right to expect their officers to be on their side.’

‘You have a streak of sentimentality, Markham, that is about to get you killed. I had it once, pledging loyalty to a cause, until I found that commodity only goes one way.’

‘It won’t get me killed today though, Major. You don’t have enough men to mount an attack.’

Lanester sneered at him, telling him not so much a third lie, as a very necessary piece of exaggeration. ‘Oh! we do. It’s never a good idea to underestimate your enemy.’

‘What changed your mind, Lanester, about having me killed?’

‘Who said I changed my mind?’

‘I’ve just been talking to a very wise man,’ Markham replied, changing the subject, eyeing the fading twilight, determined to keep him talking. ‘And he and I think you might have managed to underestimate your friends.’

‘That I don’t follow.’

‘The horse soldiers. Our shepherds got too hungry.’

‘Cavalry, Markham. Had they just done their job we would have had you cold. You can never rely on them. Christ, they’re worse than tarpaulins.’

‘What price renegades?’ The major behaved as if Markham hadn’t said that, or at the very least, as if such a description didn’t apply to him. ‘It’s not the first time they’ve let you down. We were never supposed to meet Duchesne, were we?’

‘With your friend being such an unforgiving bastard, it cost him his life.’

‘Not before he’d played out that farrago at the monastery. I should have known that with Fouquert around, gentle interrogation was out of the question.’

‘He was acting to save his neck. What was that thing Sam Johnson said about hanging concentrating the mind?’

‘The price of some sense of decency.’

‘There you go being sentimental again. Who do you think garrotted those monks you buried if it wasn’t Duchesne?’

‘It would be nice to see you hang for the men at Fornali, hopefully within sight of the place they died.’

‘You’re planning to go back there, are you?’

It was such a stupid question that Markham had answered, ‘Of course,’ long before he realised that it shouldn’t have been asked.

Lanester threw his head back and laughed. ‘You should worry about your own skin, Markham, not mine. If you thought you were up to your chin in ordure when we left San Fiorenzo, wait till you get back. Not that you will, of course.’

He couldn’t ask, but then he couldn’t avoid looking curious either, and the major was too keen to tell him to hold it back for later advantage.

‘Your orders,’ Lanester hooted.

‘What about them?’

‘They don’t exist. Gawd, I’ve had to be subtle with people in my time, but you were easy. You’re so goddamn vain you actually believed what I said about Hanger. And such a dupe that you marched out of San Fiorenzo without asking for confirmation from your own superiors.’

‘I was supposed to go,’ Markham responded, trying not to sound too doubtful.

‘Oh yes. I borrowed you to escort me to the Cardo outposts. But de Lisle was expecting you back within the next day.’

‘De Lisle!’

‘He’ll want to court martial you even more now. You’re absent from Hebe in a battle zone. I shouldn’t even think about going back, because he would have the right to request that you hang from his own yardarm, with his good friend Hanger holding the rope.’

Lanester was about to go on, to drive home the message to a clearly depressed Markham, who was struggling to convince himself that this was just another improvised tactic. Instead, the major looked over the marine’s shoulder, his eyes opening just a fraction.

‘I don’t know that the truce will hold for him.’

Paoli was coming as arranged, though given how loquacious Lanester was being it hardly seemed necessary.

‘Make it!’

‘Why should I?’ demanded the Major with a shrug.

‘Because,’ Markham lied, enjoying the sensation of improvising himself, ‘Sergeant Rannoch has a musket aimed at the very centre of your forehead. And it’s not dark yet. If he is even threatened by a mis-aimed ball, you die.’

Markham could see Lanester working himself up to a complaint, and cut him off. ‘And I don’t think, Major, you are in a position to question my notions of gentlemanly behaviour during a truce.’

It was the threat of Rannoch that shut off the protest, a man he suspected might take pleasure in shooting him even if he hadn’t betrayed anyone. He span round and made a sharp, insistent gesture, that there should be no shooting.

‘Just before he arrives, who is the traitor?’

‘For me to know, Markham. Neither you nor Paoli will ever find out.’

‘Major Lanester,’ said Paoli.

His voice was strong, and Markham knew without looking that whatever his inner turmoil, the old man was presenting to this friend who’d betrayed him his habitual strong personality. The conversation they’d had in the farmhouse could not help but be depressing. The question Paoli feared to ask was how long Lanester had been in the pay of his enemies. Had he harboured, as a close friend, a man who had betrayed him for nearly the entire length of his exile?

‘General Paoli,’ intoned Lanester, adding a small bow.

‘I said to Lieutenant Markham, not ten minutes ago, that if he’d called you a Virginian at any time in my hearing, I would have been able to sow a seed of doubt in his mind.’

‘Quebec, Markham.’

‘So I gather.’

‘French father, English mother. Not really a secret, just a slight change of emphasis to avoid certain discomforts.’

Paoli interrupted, his tone bitter. ‘Like huge debts?’

‘Odd how the English can forgive even American rebels, but still harbour a loathing for any soul who carries in his blood a trace of Quebec.’

‘Come, Lanester. You betrayed them too.’

‘I did not!’

Markham was only half listening to what was a meaningless debate. Lanester was a traitor claiming to be a patriot, though he couldn’t quite nail the cause to which he adhered. Paoli, so upright, was relentless in his strictures, but clever enough to make the major defensive, so that information came out as hearty justification, not feeble excuses. The Virginian label, he’d adopted in the American war, to ease his activities as an English spy, and hung onto it when forced to flee to England.

‘It was I who brought that slug Benedict Arnold to General Clinton’s notice, me who set up the meeting with André.’

‘Perhaps it was you who betrayed them too.’

‘Damnit, I wish I had! That pack of gabbling lawyers might have paid me a decent stipend, instead of leaving me, like King George did, on the streets of London to starve. Six thousand pounds and a pension was what Arnold got. He lived like a lord while I was made a pauper.’

Markham had come out here to trap Lanester, to lull the man into a false sense of security. But right now, having heard what the major had said, he was trying to assess the damage it had done him. The despatch, supposedly from Hood, was a forgery. What had he put in the one he’d sent back after Cardo? Not that it mattered. There were enough people around prepared to think badly of him. A hint that he’d gone absent would be only too readily believed.

But for all the trouble that would cause him, his mind was operating, simultaneously, on the required level. The consequences would never interfere with his will to survive. From this closer distance, he was trying to fix in his mind the layout of the enemy positions. They were outnumbered by the force that had them trapped, but not by many, especially if they could, by moving fast, negate the cavalry, who were on the far side of the farmhouse.

Speed was the key, though he knew taking them wouldn’t be easy. But once they were through, the French and their Corsican allies would be surrounded by a hostile, instead of a passive, population. Every village they’d been forced to go through had gone wild at the sight of Pasquale Paoli. The wounded Corsican had refused to answer Markham, but faced with the towering presence of the Liberator, he’d been more forthcoming. The population of Aleria would surely react the same way.

What happened after that was incalculable. His mind was full of possibilities – ships, escape routes and killing – until the name Fouquert concentrated his attention.

‘I said he was a Jesuit, didn’t I, Markham? Can’t seem to accept that half a cake is better than none.’

‘What’s the whole cake?’ asked Markham.

‘Don’t go flattering yourself, son. It ain’t you, though it’s odd to think you’d be dead now without he saved you. No, it’s the general here, the Hero of Corsica, taken in a tumbril to meet Citizen Robespierre, before a final soirée with Madame Guillotine. Fouquert won’t give up on that. Not being a soldier, he can only see so far. Hardly surprising. He really doesn’t give a damn about Corsica.’

‘And you do?’ asked Paoli.

‘My mission was simple till that Jesuit came along. Now it’s got more complex. But it don’t matter none, it will end the same way.’ Lanester turned to Markham and fixed him with a hard look. ‘If it wasn’t for your feud with our friend Fouquert, I’d tell you to dump the Liberator and save your skin.’

‘And I tell you to go jump in the harbour.’

‘God,’ Lanester replied, with deep irony, ‘I can’t abide honest men.’

‘Half a cake?’ asked Paoli. ‘What does that mean?’

‘Guess, Pasquale, you were always good at that,’ Lanester said.

Paoli opened his mouth to continue, but Markham cut across him. The light was fading fast, the sky taking on that brittle blue quality that precedes full night.

‘We must discuss terms.’

‘There won’t be any,’ Lanester snapped.

‘I suggest that you let us retire to Corte, without further fighting. I suggest we meet tomorrow at the same time, to discuss our proposal.’

‘A waste of breath.’

‘So much better, Major,’ Paoli sighed, ‘than a waste of life.’

The walk back was no more than fifty paces, made in silence, Bellamy standing by the edge of the farmhouse holding the flagstaff. Haste had to be avoided, especially now, since Markham suspected he had a double reason for getting Paoli to Cardo. Only the old man beside him could convince those who bore him ill that he had been as much a victim as they had of Lanester’s machinations.

The major had let things slip, but they were conundrums not clues. Cakes; half cakes. Plans laid, made more complex, and spoiled. The outrageous fact that Fouquert, in pursuit of a higher prize, had spared Markham’s life, taking Duchesne’s instead, for what was no more than an error made out of ignorance. But he knew, or at least suspected, that Fouquert and Lanester must have different agendas. The major had almost said that.

It made no difference now. As he approached the farmhouse door, he slowed to let Paoli through. As soon as the old man disappeared, he held out his hand, and was obliged by the feel of his pistol. Turning, as if to take a last look, he could just see faintly that the enemy was still disorganised, still behaving as if the truce was in place. Strictly speaking they were right, but with men like those he faced, breaking his word as an officer was a duty, not a crime.

‘Bellamy, the flag.’

As it unfurled, in the last of the light, cracking open on the evening breeze, the white silk seemed luminous. From behind the straw bales and the upturned cart, Calheri’s troopers and his marines emerged. There was no yelling, no great shout to signal the charge. A party left behind went to work with their flints, rasping at oil-soaked straw which only caught light slowly. They’d gained ground by the time the first enemy musket fired, and were halfway to Lanester’s line before anything like an organised defence was mustered, close enough to get in amongst them before the fires they’d set rose enough to silhouette them.

Markham yelled then, and so did Magdalena. Behind him, in a phalanx of his marines, Pasquale Paoli, protected from harm, felt his Corsican blood race, and even he, as he raised his double-barrelled pistol, managed a war cry.