
Moving Forward

You can use Nine Star Ki to discover the beautiful symmetry of your own inner plan, as well as the hidden design imprinted in the lives of the people around you. The more you develop your knowledge of the elements and numbers, the more insights you’ll gain, the more “Aha!” moments you’ll have that can help you create a life that’s in alignment with your true nature. This is not about finding out what’s “wrong” with you or anyone else. It’s about discovering how to harmonize your unique qualities so that you can live in a healthy and positive way.

One of the best ways to develop your skills with Nine Star Ki is through simple observation. Once you know someone’s numbers, keep them in mind. As you pay attention, you’ll be fascinated by how these characteristics emerge in any interaction you have with them and by what you notice about their strengths, challenges, beliefs, and desires—and the story they’re continuing to tell themselves about who they are and what life is like.

You may find that you’re amazed by how easily you can see these qualities at play in everyone else’s life; yet when it comes to understanding your own three numbers, you might relate strongly to some of the descriptions, but not be able to discern some of your most important patterns. This is because you’re too close. None of us can fully see our own “stuff,” so it can be fun to use this book with friends, to let them read the descriptions of your numbers and point out how they’re apparent in ways you never recognized!

And I really should warn you, this can be addicting! When you meet someone new, you may immediately try to find some excuse to ask their birth date; when someone’s in the public eye, you’ll be jumping online to research when they were born. One easy way to keep up with things is to check my website, where you’ll find free tips and stories and where you can ask questions or share comments:

If I were to do a personal reading for you, I’d look at the design in both your birth date and the features of your face, because the messages communicated in your face can modify the imprint of your birth date, and reveal other important aspects of who you came here to be. Together, these present the most complete picture of your true inner spirit, far more than any other system I’ve ever found. If you’re looking for the next step, I’d recommend learning about Chinese face reading in order to see how other qualities of your personality and life map are revealed in your face. (You can find lots of free information about face reading on my website as well.)

You were born with a unique spirit that is yours and yours alone, yet which is also a part of the greater patterns of the whole of nature. The more fully you can embrace yourself for who you really are, the more you can move into a place of confidence and compassion, where you can fulfill your sacred purpose in the world. I’ll meet you there.
